Saturday, September 10, 2016


Well Folks,  it has been over more than 18 Years since 1st June 1998, when Indonesia was hit by the Economic Crisis, that the Writer of this Blog as an Independent Business Lawyer had jumped - up from the "Certainty World" to the "Uncertain World", being self-employed which is really challenging and exiting,  because during his  18 Years Life Journey as a Self-Employed - Independent Business Lawyer  using Brand Name AgsS Law - or sometimes SACO Law the abbreviation of  Suleiman Agung & Co,   you are not sure what will happen to you in the life journey ahead of your professional carrier,  from year to year life journey.
At one time you are busy and buried  with your work load, but at another point of time,  you may be  wandering as to whether there will be another Business Project which requires your professional Legal Services relating to the Legal Aspects surrounding such Business.

 At one time the Writer of this Blog  as an Independent Business Lawyer by the permit, blessing and merciful of ALLAH,  had been appointed as one of the member of a Survey Team to conduct research and for collecting the necessary  construction business information in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to explore Doing Construction Business work in that part of the Middle East Countries. The main significant purpose of the research was among others  gathering all the necessary data and business information on Doing Construction Business in United Arab Emirates. The research was done for around 14 Days, where as the result of such Research, we managed to gather significant Information and resulted making the Booklet called Doing Construction Business in United Arab Emirates.The work was solely done to enable the Indonesian Construction to pursue business in UAE.
During the time the research was conducted, the Active Construction Crane in the World was 25% (Twenty Five Percent) occurring in that Part of the World, which for sure would attract all Constructions Companies to get  part of the Construction Project in UAE. We also gathered information that 1 (one) Ton out of the 8 (eight) Ton of Gold Worldwide being sold in the Market Place was happening in Dubai during that period of time. Amazing isn't. We had met the Abu Dabhi Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the UAE Ministry of Public Works, Ministry of Labour and Social Affair, The Department of Economic Development of Dubai as well as privates institutions of investors, consultants including several reputable companies such as Isthitmar, United Eastern Group, Bloke Stone Investment Consultants Co LLC-Abu Dabhi, Bin Laden, MCM and other investors and consultants and architect including the Indonesian Engineers and Architecs who are working in the multi national Company in Dubai. We really gather significant information and data from all those Officials and Investors, which enable the Survey Team to assist the Indonesian Government particularly The Ministry of Public Works to produce the relevant booklet to be used as an  initial guidance by the Indonesian Construction Companies to conduct their business in UAE.          
That was part of the experience that the Writer was involved in getting the significant data relating to the Construction Business in United Arab Emirates, where the writer was being one of the Editor of such Booklet to be used by Indonesian Companies such as Construction Companies, Architect who are interesting to explore doing construction business ventures in that Part of the World, where the Indonesian Government had really  encouraged the Indonesian construction to enter the market with diligent and good preparation to enable them to venture and pursue construction business opportunities abroad particularly in UAE. The understanding of the political, economic, social, legal and cultures systems and related significant business practices are of important step for those Indonesian Companies who are interested to penetrate their business construction abroad.
Well, the above Life experience, which  the Writer was engaged and involved,  really contributed in expanding and developing  our mind to be more active in our efforts to contribute to the development and growth of the Business Players in this  Country to be able to participate locally and internationally. In ending this writing, the Writer wanted to dedicate this Writing to one of the Survey Team member who had passed away, namely Pak Wahyu Prapto Yuwono, which in the above photo was on the very left side, where we all pray to ALLAH the Al Mighty,   asking  that his  contribution and dedication as member of the Survey Team in enabling the Booklet Doing Business In United Arab Emirates, will be accepted and regarded by ALLAH as his good deeds to the Construction Business Society in Indonesia as well as in UAE, Aamiin YRA

Jakarta, 10 September 2016
Agung Supomo Suleiman     

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