The Laws in Indonesia seems to be more of a political result, since the Law is a product made by the People's House Of Representative (or Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat- DPR - Parliament) (consisting of members from Political Parties who are having seats in the DPR) together with the President.
- Since Indonesia is really a large archipelago consisting of hundreds of Islands stretching from Sabang to Merauke, then in reality, in order to establish a Party you have to have certain "financial capability" to establish and penetrate your political network to be known to the 250 million people of Indonesia as your political target; Of course there are already electronic media in the internet as well as TV stations which can broadcast your Political Party "existence";
- These "Very Bad Practices" also appeared to be occurring in the Parliament, where according to rumors, or so called "Public Secret" that for several Departments, who are proposing for having a Draft of Law, which has to be channeled to the Parliament as the Legislative Institution, must give certain amount of monies to the members of Parliament as a "trade of" to agree accepting and drafting such laws; Since Indonesia is more transparency in this Democracy Era, the above bad practices, are really being exposed in the Media, where many members of the Parliament as well as Governor /Bupati, are being trialed in the Court, as result of the investigation pursued by KPK (Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi - Corruption Eradication Commission); This Corruption Eradication Commission is established by Law in Indonesia, since the people of Indonesia has lost their "Trust of Level" to the existing Judicial Institution;
The above bad practices for sure caused high economic costs in Indonesia, since marked-up are forced to be made by business companies to keep and maintain their profit margins; The people of Indonesia are already fed up with the Political Maneuver of the Political parties in the Parliament, as well as the Governor and Bupati who are abusing their power for their own financial interest, and are really frustrated with the bad attitude of this Political Clowns; This feeling of frustrations are shown in Jakarta, recently in September 2012, who had voted on the election of Jokowi - Ahok - who appears to be an honest couple of Governor - Vice Governor who had shown their honest intergrity - public servant during their respective former position in Solo - for Jokowi and Ahok ( Basuki) in Belitung;
- We all really hope that this will be a good start for Honest Government Era in Indonesia; The Parliament day to day attitude are being controlled by the Media - Press including us as owner of Blogs, where we can also be part the elements of controlling and monitoring the Executive- Judicial - Parliament, by posting our own version of perception in their actions and moves;
Agung S.Suleiman