- Constructions legal issues are really very interesting for Business Lawyers who are interested in the operations.We had an exiting experience relating to this Construction issues where there was a litigation case which occurred, due to the mishandling by the operations people who had one sided terminated a construction contract, without properly observing the manner in terminating a contract as ruled under the termination clauses under the Contruction Agreement .
- This case erupted into a case where the Owner of the project was being sued 4 times in the Court; The Plaintiff succeeded in seizing the Bank Account of the Project Owner, where there were a significant amount of money in such Bank Account. The suit case involved claims for losses of material, moral, loss of business opportunities, reputation claimed being suffered by the Contractor.
- The Contractor claimed, that they were not in default, since they were not given the proper manner and time to remedy the work which according to the Owner of the Project was not being properly performed by the Contractor. The lessons that we can take from such case is that, when, you want to terminate a Construction Agreement, due to a default by the Contractor, we have to make sure that the proper reminder had been submitted in writing by the Owner of the project in accordance with the rulings, and time frame, under the terms and conditions of the Construction Contract.
- The Contractor has to be given the chance to remedy its wrong performance, pursuant to the terms and conditions under the Construction Contract. Even though there was a default due to non-performance by the Contractor, there is a mechanism under the Construction Contracts as to how, we can legally terminate such Contract, to avoid more further losses of time and monies which could be suffered by the Project Owner.
- Accordingly, we cannot just terminate such Contract without following the terms and conditions and the procedures which are ruled under such Construction Contract. The Contracts are the ruling provisions which had been mutually agreed by both the Contractor and the Owner of the Project, including agreeing as to how shall they handle the situation where the Contractor has conducted a default in performing its tasks under such Construction Agreement.