Showing posts with label professional. Show all posts
Showing posts with label professional. Show all posts

Thursday, October 29, 2015


As a self-employed Independent Business Lawyer, the Writer of this Blog  have experienced  more than 17 Years since 1 of June 1998  by choosing  his professional carrier  practicing as an  Independent Business Lawyer with Non Conventional Flexy Time and Flexy Place  by  providing  Professional  Legal Services to Business CLIENTS who are operating in  Indonesia.
  • After experiencing working as Legal Consultant for 5 Years in a reputable Law Firm in Indonesia during  his  early legal practices  including 5 Years as In House Legal Counsel in several Foreign Companies operation in Indonesia i.e. Vico Indonesia (Huffco Indonesia) - producing Oil and Gas ( LNG),  2 Years as Partner in a Law Office and  5 Years  as In House Legal Counsel in PT Freeport Indonesia - Cooper and Gold Mining, the Writer of this Blog ends up  choosing a more Chalengging and Exciting Venture to become a Self Employed Non Conventional Independent Business Lawyer with Flexy Time and Flexy Place due to  his  obsession to become  an Independent Business Professional Lawyer, starting from 1st of June 1998; By electing this type of venturing he can fully focus  providing  Legal Services to Clients who requires Business Legal Services to cope with their Legal Aspects in running and operating their Business in Indonesia.
As a person who tends and prefer to choose to develop a more Quality  in Life, rather than just working like a machine  or robot from 9 Morning to 5 Afternoon, in a cubical Room, the Writer of this Blog has performed  his life experience to be more meaningful and Independent when he reached the age of 46 becoming 47 Years old which was back in 1 June 1998, when Indonesia was hit by the First Financial Economic Crisis. This  manner in  running his carrier as professional, was emerged  by just "following his heart" to be more Independent and professional  to enable  maximising his professional Independent Business Lawyer. 
  • For sure it is not easy,  for which  the Writer of this Blog experienced the ups and downs in terms of Cash Flow, as well as exploring the  excitement of  a  life journey by learning from  the hard way to be self-employed  and quit from the Conventional Organization to enable exploring his inner wants and needs as a human being who chooses to have a more meaningful quality of life as a professional Independent  Business Lawyer. As you may notice Independent Business Lawyer are also being practiced by Independent Business Lawyer outside of Indonesia as you can see in this Website: Association of Independent Business Lawyer.
The benefit and advantage for Clients are that they will receive Professional Legal Servives from a  Qualified Experienced Independent Business Lawyer who had extensive experienced assisting Clients for their Legal Aspects in running their Business in Indonesia, in a proper and efficient manner,  with a more fair Legal Fee within their Budget.
  • Well,  having said the above,  at the present moment it is already the month of October 2015, where  the Writer of  this Blog, with the permit and help of ALLAH has managed to survive for more than  17 Years since 1 June 1998,  being an Independent Business Lawyer and is really enjoying his life particularly  upon  his elected  choosen venture to gain a more better Quality of Life. Nobody is perfect in this life, but daring to choose  a more independent  manner in running our life journey to gain  more  "meaningful Quality of Life  is quite an exciting life experience which was ventured by the Writer of this Blog.
Jakarta, 29th - 30th October 2015
Agung S.Suleiman
Independent Business Lawyer                        

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Business Lawyer Here We Come

Yes, it is the time that you act and behave like a professional Business Lawyer. There is professional ethics and manner and proper knowledge that you have to honor if you want to start becoming a Business Lawyer. You must increase your awareness on the Corporate Culture of your Client and Customers. What the Business players need from you is your professional business legal know how to protect their Business interest.You have to be aware of the business climate and business opportunities that your Business Client's desires to achieve their goal. 

You have to guide and give clear legal guidance to your Client on the various legal aspects surrounding the business operations of your Clients. What are the proper rules laws and policies that have to be observe  by your Clients in pursuing its business ventures.  If it relates to corporate matters you have to be sure that the proper corporation actions and approvals with the organization of your Business Client had been taken. 

Is your Clients desiring to enter and establish a new venture, or are they eager to participate into a cooperation  venture with other business players who are already operating their business operations in Indonesia.What is the nature of the business that your Clients desires to pursue. Are they also seeking some additional funds to expand their business ventures.Are they in the Hotel Business or are they in the oil and gas sectors. If they are eager to promote their products, what are the rulings relating to importing and distributing the products in Indonesia. 

Are they interested to conduct Coal Mining Operations in Indonesia, or are they just trader who wants to purchase coal from Indonesia. Those are some of the business operations aspects that you as a Business Lawyer have to explore and dig from your prospective Clients.  It is really interesting to be a Business Lawyer. The issue is that whether you want to be an In house Legal in a Corporation who conducts operation in Indonesia or are you interested to be a Lawyer in a Law Firm or you would like to practice as a Business Lawyer on your own. This all depends upon the circumstances and situation of you as a Lawyer. If you just graduated from a University in Indonesia, you might as well work in a Law Firm or apply to be an In-house Legal Counsel in a Company operating in Indonesia.

Everything needs learning and process of practicing your legal know how before you can become a professional Business Lawyer. This all depends upon your motivation and dreams in your life expectation and journey. Nothing is free in this world. So join the community of the Business Lawyer in Indonesia. Good Luck and success.



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