Significant Points :
- Foreigners who hold a legal stay permit ( diplomatic stay permit, official stay permit, residence stay permit, limited stay permit or permanent stay permit) who gives benefit, conduct business, work or invest in Indonesia may own the landed house/apartment unit in Indonesia.
- Houses /Apartement owned by a foreigner in Indonesia may be passed / inherited by the foreigners offspring; Hwoever such hear must also have a legal stay in Indonesia
- If the foreigner leaves Indonesia to reside in another country, then the foreigner must sell their house/appartement to a qualifying person within a year after departing from Indonesia;
- Indonesian Citizens marrying foreigners can own title over a land as long as the title to the land is not part of the Joint Martial Property; This must be eveidenced by a prenuptial agreement in a Notarial Deed.
- The Land National Authority will issue regulations concerning the procedures for granting, releasoing or transfering the ownership of a house by a foreigner;
This Government Regulation takes into effect on 28 Desember 2015 according to the statement on the website of the Indonesia's Cabinet Secretary