We do not realize that as a Business lawyer if you are setting up your own Law Firm you will also be experiencing to be a Businessman selling your Professional Skill in Providing the legal Services as a Business Lawyer. However at the same time you are tight to the legal profession where you have to be honest in conducting your Legal profession. Thus the cash flows -cash in depends upon the Clients that are using you as a Business Lawyer. But at the same time in rendering the Legal Services you must observe and honor the laws and regulations as well as the Ethics and morals as a Business Lawyer
The above is based on the experiences where sometimes as a Business Lawyer who are serving our Clients in the Business Circle, we feel that Power tend to manipulate certain situation and circumstances which is against our Hearts and consciousness and common sense being felt by the common people who are seeking for equal treatment and fairness in the struggle for their day to day life.
Therefor even though Business Lawyer are Businessman who make their living from their Legal Professions you are also at the same time a Professional Lawyer who must give advise on the proper legal and rulings as well as following and listening to your heart consciousness, which may play an important significant role in making a decision to give advise and giving legal opinions which has to be within the high moral professional standards as a Conduct Of Honour of the Business Lawyers.
The Truth sometimes is relative which depends upon which angle or side are you in the reality of life in this world.