Showing posts with label The Need of Sinchronizing the Rulings and Laws To overcome Delay in Realization of Investment in Mining Sectors. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Need of Sinchronizing the Rulings and Laws To overcome Delay in Realization of Investment in Mining Sectors. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

The Need of Sinchronizing the Rulings and Laws To overcome Delay in Realization of Investment in Mining Sectors

According to Kompas Newspaper of 27 January 2010,  the  Indonesian Mining Association predicts that the realization of the Mining may be delayed at this current moment reaching USD 10 Billion. This is because the Investment Climate in Indonesia is not Conducive, particularly due to the Uncertainty of the Law.   The Head of the Indonesian Mining Association ( IMA) Arief S.Siregar had highlighted the above in front of the Hearing of the House People Representative Komisi VII ( Commission VII) in Jakarta on Tuesday 26/1 2010.

According to the Head of the Komisi VII ( Commission VII) Teuku Riefky Harsya the Government has to speed up the synchronization of the rulings which are issued. Several of the Laws that had to be synchronize are the Oil and Gas Law, Mineral and Coal New Law No. 4 Year 2009, The Environmental Law, the Forestry Law, The Spacial Law, and the Tax Law. This is needed to boost the Mining Investment in order to increase the energy endurance, state revenue and multiply effect to the Economy. The Mining Industry Sectors gives significant benefit through the management of the environment, the development of the area, the development of infrastructure and the absorb of the manpower. Te Mining Sector is dependent upon big capital with the return of capital relatively more longer than other Business Sectors. 

There are several Mining Investors who desires to bring their capital to Indonesia, however, since there is Un-Certainty in the Law in Indonesia, they had delayed their intention. In fact there is USD 10 Billion amount of capital that is planed to be realized in the Year 2009, but until this present moment is being delayed says Arif as quoted by Kompas Newspaper of 27th January 2010 page 18. Some of the Mining Investment Plan which had been delayed among others include Zinc Mining (seng) and Black Tin Diari Primas USD 500 Million and Nickel Rio Tinto USD 4 Billion. Nickel Weda Bay-Eramet in the  amount of USD 2Billion, Htdromet PT Aneka Tambang USD 1 Billion Dollar. Gold Mine Mearest Soputan USD500 million, FeNi4 Antam USD 320 million. and Coal Mining BHP Biliton.

The Regulation system in fact should brought in New Investment of USD 25 Billion in the period of 25 Years from now. But at this current moment there exist Overlapping land /area and Laws and Rulings says Arief as quoted by Kompas newspaper. Article 169 b of Law No.4 /2009 concerning Mineral and Coal regulated that the Holder of the Contract must adjust the Law at the latest 1 Year. But Article 169 a stipulates that the Contract is honored until the end of the Contract Period. This really creates confuseness. 

Under Law No. 32 Year 2009 concerning Environmental, the Department of Environmental has the absolute power to grant permit on top of other permits. We really hope for a clear implementation ruling which can gives Law Certainty. 

Brief Note : 

As we observe from the above circumstances,  we noticed that overlapping  rulings as well as desires and goals between the Forestry, Environmental and Mining activities, Departments,  and its Laws  and Rulings are frequently occurring  in Indonesia which caused the delay in the Realization of Mining Investments in Indonesia.   

This problem is added with the Autonomy Rulings where The Local Government frequently has its own agenda to increase its Regional Income and Budget  for developing its Region. I remember when  working for 5 Years(1993-1998) as in - House Legal Counsel in PT Freeport Indonesia Company  a  Copper Mining  Company,  the Mining Investor wanted the Bupati  to be given more power  to make decision upon the   contribution for  the  Community  Development which was imposed  upon  PT Freeport as a  Copper Mining Company pursuant to its COW,  to enable the Local Government to have  more grip upon its  Local Regional Budget for developing its Region.        

Based on the above circumstances, I believe that the New Mineral and Coal Mining Law No. 4 Year 2009, had accommodated the Concern of the Regional Government where the Mining Operation is Located.  We can see that   Article 129  of this New Mineral and Coal Law No. 4 Year stipulates that the Holder Of IUP operation production for mineral metal and coal is obligated to pay the amount of 4% to the Government and 6% to the Regional Government from its net profit  as of  such Mining Company is  producing.  The Regional Government Part as meant in sub article 1 is regulated as follows: The Provincial Government gets 1 %, The Regency Government/Producer Municipality get 2.5% and the Regency Government /other cities in the same province get 2.5%.

From the recent news we saw in the Kompas during these  recent days, it appears that the Regional Government  in Kalimantan are very aggressive in trying to boost its  Regional Revenue, which frequently is in collusion with the Rulings of the Ministry of Forestry where at a Certain Location such as in Kalimantan,  even though the land is rich with Coal Resources, but if  the Coal Resources is located in the Forestry Conversation Area, than  close coordination between the Department of Forestry in the Regional and Central Level and the Governor and the Directorate of Mineral  and Coal has to be conducted so that the Mining Companies are protected from uncertainty progress of overlapping policies and rulings.           


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