Thursday, November 24, 2022

#episode2 - Snapshots Relations Among Big Power Nations - USA Elite Po..., pub-8800175897090009, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0  

HEGEMONY USA Versus RUSSIA protecting its National Security Interest - Potential Natural Gas
Scrambling Ukraine to be a Neutral Zone 

The Elite Politics in Washington are striving hard to maintain control on the Hegemony - Fossil Fuels Energy Globally in the Infrustructure Oil Gas from the Upstream to Down Stream, including the Exploration, Exploitation, Production, Refinery, transporting Via Pipeline, Transporting Ocean - Via LNG Tankers, The LNG Receiving Terminals, Storage Facilities.  

On the other side, Soviet Union (USSR) does no longer exist. The remaining Eastern Europe Communist Country is Russia.

Russia has got a Potential Natural Gas Deposit - which by History supplied Western European Countries, which includes Germany who depends on 40% - 50% of its Natural Gas from Russia. 
The other Western Countries are also depending on 40% of their Natural Gas from Russia, except Holland, who has got its own Natural Gas Deposit in Groningen. 

From the completion of NORD STREAM 2completed constructed, financed 50% to 51% by members of the shareholders of this NORD STREAM 2 GAS PIPELINE on September 2021, it is aSolid Evidence as demonstrated from the members of the Joint Company fromtheWestern European Countries were involved and engaged in the construction of thisNORD STREAM 2.

As been described earlier in our previous Episode, the Members of the Joint Venture Company, called"NORD STREAM AG"who owned this NORD STREAM 2 are Gazprom (Oil Gas State Company from Russia) being Majority Shareholders 51%,

Whereas the remaining 49% shareholders were Western European Oil Gas Private Companies namely:

Shell(Joint Venture between Holland Private Oil Gas Company and British Private Oil Gas Company Engie (a French Private Oil Gas Company), Uniper - Wintershall (GermanPrivateOilCompany),OMV (Austrian private oil gas company).

The core activities include exploration, production, transport, storage, processing, marketing of hydrocarbons as well as generation and marketing of heat and electric power.

Members of this Joint Venture Company NORD STREAM AG, are also financing 50% or  51% of the Construction of this Nord Stream 2 Gas Pipeline.

 To  give a clear picture, there are actually:     

2 (TWO) Natural Gas Pipeline :

        1) Nord Stream 1 Completed 1911 - 1912.

                    2)  NORD STREAM 2 Completed on September 2021.


From the very start of the NORD Stream 2 Project, USA objected and rejected this NORD STREAM 2.

U.S. imposed upon the constructionCompanies Constructingthis NORD STREAM 2. Despite of USA imposed sanctions, NORD STREAM 2 had been completed on September 2022. However, NORD STREAM 2 did not operate,sinceGermany did not issue the Certificate for operation to this NORD Stream 2,

Upon USA rejecting and objecting this NORD STREAM 2, it is strongly indicated that the Elite Politics in Washington wants to maintain its Hegemony in the Fossils Fuel Energy Infrastructure in the Western European Hemisphere.

In reality Russia is claiming thattheirNational Security Interests of their Potential Natural Gas Resources is being"Threaten" byUSA/NATO/Western Countries/EU moves on NATO Expansion andEUExpansion fromEuropean Countries tothe Eastern Europe Countries and inviting Ukraine to become member of NATOthru BUKHAREST NATO SUMMIT April 3, 2008.

#episode1 introduction - Perception, pub-8800175897090009, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Tsunami DeDolarization - Bricks - Asean Plus 3 Countries

We noticed from the Media Platform on the Internet that :  1. FAILURE OF SVB - SCHOCKED GLOBAL FINANCIAL MARKET  In March 2023, the failure ...