- As a Business Lawyer, when you are writing legal business articles in your business blog what you must be aware of is that not all of your audiences are having lawyer profession background.
- Thus, your writing must be communicative with the viewers.
- Accordingly, you have to use words which is understandable with your viewers.
- The more you use legal jargon which can not be digested or understood by your viewers, it is a sign that you are just busy with your legal professions and blocking your communications with the viewers.
- Business Lawyers must practice and try to learn to communicate with non lawyers especially the businessmen, management, end-users which may consist of various professional disciplines.
- Team work between various of discipline of professionals and expertise have to be established, since at the end of the day your role as Business Lawyer must be beneficial and and can be perceived as having an added value with your business circles and community.
- As a Business Lawyer, you may be master in your legal business professions, but if you fail to pass the message to your viewers you may be useless in the view of the non-lawyers background.
- Don't forget that your viewers in the business community are smart people and can easily know whether you are trying to establish a good team work communication with the viewers, or whether you as a Business Lawyer, are still busy with yourselves and fail to communicate and pass your message with your audiences.
- We are all learning from our mistakes and every moment of our live we have to correct, learn and increase our capability of establishing a fruitful effective communication with all our viewers.
- Cheers. May your days to come be more fruitful and beneficial to yourself and others
- Jakarta, 25th October 2009