In Indonesia you may now find
which was launched as a Directory List of Law Firms, Lawyer as well as Notary conducting their Professional Services in Indonesia. This progress and development in the Legal Society in Indonesia is really a positive trend in this IT and Internet Global Era.
As an Independent Business Lawyer, the writer of this AGUNGSS BUSINESS LAWYER NOTE Blog had also register and "Claim his Profile" in to the Founder of this Website Ahli Hukum, Ahli Hukum Website will also act as Intermediary between Customers who needs Professional Lawyers Services and the Professional Lawyers.
From my observation as an Independent Business Lawyer, the trend of Pooling List of Lawyers through Website is happening around the Globe. For Instance in UK there are several Websites such as Association Of Independent Business Lawyer and also view=article&id=12&ABLGLOBAL
Thus, besides acting as the List Directory Website of Lawyers, it also will conduct as An Intermediary between the Client-Customers with the Required Lawyers;
What makes us most interesting among others are that there will be a "Rating and Review" made by the User /Customer or Clients in such Website Intermediary upon their Experiences in using each and every Lawyers listed, which can be showed as sort of "Ratings Performances" of the Lawyers by the Users, shown as Numbers of Stars, which can be read by any Customers, through the available "Review column", who requires certain Legal Services including translating Legal Documents.
The writer of this AGUNGSS BUSINESS LAWYER NOTE as an Independent Business Lawyer who is using the Brand Name of AgsS Law - Saco, had also been Rated and Reviewed by the User in Such Ahli Hukum Website as shown in
This will be helpful for other Customer /Clients who requires such similar Services from Lawyers who are listed in the Directory Listing of Lawyers in such Website. Thus, besides the Conventional Pooling in the Office, with having this Website Intermediary, who is acting as Facilitator/Mediatary between the Customer/Clients and the Lawyer, this will be a "Breakthrough" of "Direct Network Communications" between each and every Lawyer who are Listed in the Website Intermediary such as Ahli Hukum Website with their Clients/Customers. As you can see the Handphone of each Lawyer are given in their List Profile. Thus, Marketing to get Clients which are Conventional done through Partners of a Law Firm, could be made directly by Each and Every Lawyer listed in the Website Directory of the Owner of the Website Pooling of Lawyers, Lawyers, Independent Business Lawyers.
The Evaluation Performance of each and every Lawyers are being Directly Conducted by the User/Customer experiencing the Services provided by the respective Legal Servives as shown in
Thanks and Welcome in the New Breakthrough Network Contacts Between Lawyers and Customers.
Jakarta, 13.40 West Indonesia Times
Agung Supomo Suleiman
Independent Business Lawyer