- If you are experienced for a long time representing Business Clients
- Your mind is shaped in such a way that you are forced to view and protect the investments that your Client are spending
- For business Clients, Legal Certainty is really significant.
- As a Business Lawyer you have to able to read the business minds and wants of your Clients
- Time is really the essence in making business decisions and momentum shall be significant in making such business decision
- Your mind as a lawyer have to follow the body gesture of your Client
- at the end of the day you have to come up with some products of legal services as been required by your Client to serve their needs
- such product can be a Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU) or Letter of Intent (LOI) as the staring point to jot down the intention of the parties who desires to enter into a mutual understanding between your Client and the co businesses counter part
- as a classical issue the nature of the MOU or LOI is frequently questioned as to whether it is already a binding commitment between the parties or is it just and still a loose non binding arrangement which has no legal quensequence
- In practice sometimes the nature of this MOU or LOI Intent differs one from the other depending upon the real intention of the parties.
- If the parties are still intending to explore with other co- partners or co counter parts, then there is a certain limit period of time where the Parties are free to enter into another similar arrangement with other prospective investors upon the same business transaction or business arrangements, whithout have been regarded as breaching any commitments under such MOU.
- If we analog it with marriage, then a "finance engangement" between a couple, migth be close to such MOU or LOI, depending upon the intention of the couples hehehe.
- Well, folks, the above are some experience on the MOU exposures, which are usually entered by parties who desire and intend to explore a business arrangements for a certain projects in Indonesia.
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