Monday, March 20, 2023

#Episode - Geopolitics - Trump (Peace Approach Vs Joe Biden(Proxy War) UkraineVsRussia...

#AgungSupomoSuleiman,Operator of this Blog and #AGUNGSS OILGASMINE CHANNEL,

Broadcasts this Video called : #EpisodeGeoPolitikTrump(PeaceApproach)VsJoeBiden(ProxyWar - UkraineVsRussia,

#AgungSupomoSuleiman, loves to share his understanding on the Current Progress of the Perception between Trump (Peace Approach) Vs Joe Bidden(ProxyWar) on this Ukraine - Russia Crisis War.   

This is Political Jargon Claimed by Trump for the 3024 Presidential Election in USA Vs Joe Bidden approach who wants to be Involved in the Proxy War, between Ukraine - Russia.

According to Joe Bidden,  USA wants to assist Ukraine with Training, Finance and Military Weapons to make Ukraine position to be Equal (Equilibrium) with Russia Strength prior to enter a Negotiation with Russia,

There is a Different approach between Trump cs  and Joe Bidden cs. 


Thursday, December 29, 2022

#Bagaimana Monetize Blog Vlog

#Bagaimana Monetize Vlog Blog  

Since  as a Freelancer Blogger we need income, we registered Our Blog and Vlog to be Monetized by the Advertisement Company namely AdSense 

However a Certain Threshold Numbers of Viewers should be met as determined by Google AdSense,

Our Music Blog had been approved to be monetized by AdSense Google, however we still need to reach such Numbers before we can disburse the 68% as determined by Google Team. 

Thus, this all depends upon how much Numbers of Viewers, visited our Blog and Vlog. 

Our Geopolitics – #AGUNGSS BUSINESS LAWYER BLOG is still waiting the Evaluation from AdSense.

We have link our Blog with our Vlog/YouTube Channel.

#Djakarta, Indonesia, December 29,2022

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

#episode1- How To Build Digital Nomad⚡️

#episode 2- How To Build Digital Nomad \


Luckily #Agung Supomo Suleiman as the Operator of this Blog and AGUNGSS OILGAS MINE CHANNEL under the Playlist English Version - How to Edit/Make the Video Recording in the #episode 1- How to Build a Digital Nomad,

for more then 20 - 35 Years, it is a combination of being Company Man, Legal Consultant in a Reputable Law Firm and as In-house Legal Counsel in an Oil Gas Company, namely Huffco Indonesia and General Mining Company Cooper and Gold, namely, PT Freeport Indonesia Company ("PT FI), operating in Indonesia and then become an Independent Business Lawyer


In his experience preferring to be an Independent & Professional Lawyer, he had practiced as Blogger around 2009 and become a Vlogger just 1(one) Year ago.


As Blogger we are typing the content of the Blog.

Since his passion is to become free and Independent, he had established several Blogs in the English and Indonesian Version.


However, in a Vlog, as a Vlogger you are making an oral Presentation.

#Agung had created to Vlog/YouTube Channel namely AGUNGSS Music Blog and AGUNGSS OilGasMine Law Channel.

  • Digital Nomad  – FLEXI – PLACE – FLEXI –TIME

Based on the above  circumstance during this Pandemic Period, #Agung had established his Digital Nomad, where he can work on his Vlog on 

a Flexi Place and Flexi Time.

This is really exciting and challenging for #Agung.

He also combined it with Geopolitics issue - since his education backgroud studies during his University Education in the Law Faculty University of  Indonesia he studied Geopolitics Among Nations - relating to the International Public Law that he was studying.

He links this Geopolitics with the Law Practice as Business Lawyer focusing in the Oli Gas General Mining Legal Aspects of Oil Gas and General Mining Companies conducting its operations in Indonesia.

While he was traveling either outside of Indonesia, as well as other places within Indonesia, he has the freedom to enter the Content of his Blog as well as his Vlog.

#Agung can also work in the Café in a Mall where there are Wi-Fi Facilities.

As far as he carries his supporting Tools such as his Mobile Handphone, Laptop, and his Audiobox USB 96, and the necessary cable, he can start working on his Blog and his Vlog/YouTube Channel.

From our research in the website and also YouTube Channel, there are Foreigners who chooses Bali as the place to establish his/her Digital Nomad.

It appears from the news relating to said Digital Nomad Provider, he understand that the Government of Indonesia are giving Incentive of able to be a digital nomad in Bali for 10 Years with certain condition among others that there must be a certain Cash brought to Bali which can be traced by the Finance Institution of Indonesian.

We need to further check more details upon the relevant Ministerial Regulations.

The Significant issue is that based on the above circumstances and development of allowing Foreign Digital Nomad to do its operations in Bali, it really fuels Energy to me as the Operator of this Blog and Vlog in creating this Digital Nomad Platform.

Thanks for Watching this Blog and Video Recording, we hope will be beneficial for all of us in this Borderless Global Digital Community.

Jakarta, Indonesia, December 27,2022


#episode1 - How To Built Digital Nomad⚡️

Sunday, December 25, 2022

#episode2- How To Jump from your Comfort Zone⚡️

(1) #episode2- How To Jump from your Comfort Zone⚡️ - YouTube

#episode 2- How To Jump from your Comfort Zone

#Agung Supomo Suleiman as the Operator of  AGUNGSS OILGASMINE CHANNEL under the Playlist - How To Motivate /Increase Self-Esteem - #episode2 - How To Jump From Your Comfort Zone has just released and Uploaded his Video Recording with the Title : 

#episode2 - How To Jump From Your Comfort Zone as shown on the above Video Recording, 


In the Real Life everybody has got their dream

But they are not brave enough to explore to take actions to achieve their dreams.

He or She only talks, and no Actions are taken. 

Regardless of your age these Dreams are important. 


There should be a motivation. Self - Motivation inside Your-Self  

You should have a Target, you must not always regretting  on your Past failures.

But you have to learn from your Ups - Downs, failures and successes, frustrations, and all the bumpy roads of your life Journey in building your carrier path.

    • JUMP - OUT Of Your Comfort - Zone 

You must Jump Out of your Comfort - Zone, and experiences the World Challenge, Excitements in your life journey. 

So, regardless of your age it really depends upon your motivation. 

  • It really depends upon the background culture, traditional customs, behavior, surroundings within your family, the community, the school, the neighborhood, the climate. Geographic conditions, where you are raised up since your early childhood.

  • We must not regret, since the barrier is inside  or within yourself which blocks your mind.


You must dare to make experimental actions, explore the " Real Down To Earth Life. not just dreaming but actions to be taken by us.

No Action but talk only (NATO) will not change your destiny. 

You are the one who really knows what you want. What is your real passion.

What are your Dreams ? 

          How To Cope with your inner Obstacles - The Barrier is within yourself.


You have to set up a Timeline or Miles Stone Basis - for instance on a 5 (Five) or 10 (Ten) Years basis, this really depends upon you.  


If you have reached a certain Timeline, and you feel that you are STUCK in a Middle, in building your Carrier  Path, you have to be brave enough to make a significant real actions, such as seeking a Motivation Tutorials in the social media,  such as YouTube Channel Social Media Platform or other Motivation Tutorials in the Website in this Digital Era.

          This really depends upon you yourself,

    • BREAK THE ICE    
  • The Answer as to How to Jump Out of Your Comfort Zone, really depends upon yourself,
  • There must be a Motivation within yourself to Break the Ice.


  • From my life experience, I observe that each of us has built our Own Wall Barrier in our Mind. 

        Thus, we must be the one who should dare to make real change to our Destiny.


 THE ALL MIGHTY as the Creator of Mankind has given each of us the Brain, Mind, Soul, and Heart as Tools to be used and managed by each of us.

                    POTENTIAL WITHIN OURSELVES  

We have to really explore the Unique Potential within ourselves, the Weakness and Strengths built and planted in us as the Soft Ware. 

We have to seek and evaluate from our Life Journey, the failure, ups and downs in building our passion.   

          We are the one who have to detect our Weakness and Strength, and not by others.  

 We have to find a way How To Jump Out Of Our Comfort Zone .            


    • One of the Tips from our life experience is that there must be a Willing To Learn From Others
  • We must not blame others, in exploring the inner weakness or strength in seeking for our passion or building a carrier Path     


We have to blame ourselves to be able to detect the real inner passion that we want to establish in our Life Journey passion.  


          Regardless of our age, we have to seek the inner Unique Potential which can drive our passion to be really Motivated, in exploring our Weakness and Strength, to Break the Ice Barrier within Our Mind, Learn from Others, Blame Ourselves and Don't Blame Others so that at a certain stage, you can get and gain the Brave and Courage

to get the Answer ; How To Jump From Your Comfort Zone.   

          Jakarta, Indonesia,  December 25, 2022

          #Agung Supomo Suleiman  




Friday, December 23, 2022

#episode2 - Today Canada is the Highest Viewers of this BLOG

#epsisode2 - Today CANADA is the Highest Viewers of this Blog

#episode2 - Today December 23rd, 2022 Viewers from Canada shows the Highest Numbers 171 as reported by the Analytic of Google Team. The Second Highest numbers is from Indonesia 142.

I was really astonished by the increase numbers of Viewers from Canada. I did not expect such increase numbers.

Well, maybe the Content was interesting to be seen. 

It does not mean they like or subscribe such Content, but at least perhaps the Keyword or #Tag being used shows high viewers. For Instance, Keywords used Episode number, it could be #episode1, #episode2, #episode3 etc.,

Where Viewers wanted to know what episode number of the Content which they are watching.

Which will be different from one viewer to the other. There are high numbers of Viewers trying to seek this Keyword such as #episode1, #episode2, #episode3 etc. However, the Content of such episode number differs one to the other. 

Tags are also significant, where Viewers Via Google or YouTube will use the highest Tags that are being search.   

At least we can learn from the Analytic Statistics Numbers of Viewers as reported by

Google Analytics Statistics Team what Keywords or #Tag , we choose attracts Viewers in the Google Search of Blogspot Platform.

Furthermore, what platform of social media are being used to find the Topic that the Viewers are interested to Browse seeking for the Content which they are searching. 
Is it, Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, Linked or other Social media Platforms.

And also what Operating System are they using is it : Windows, IOS from Apple/Iphone or is it Android Operating System such as Samsung Mobile Phone etc,

The above numbers statistic - Screen Shot of Social Media Platforms is as reported by Google today, Dec.23rd,2022.

Well the above Statistic Analysis from Google Team will help us to learn as how and what method can we increase the quality of our Blog as a Blogger in this Borderless Digital Era.

We hope it will be
useful and benefit to all of us who are in the passion of creating their own Blog.


#Agung Supomo Suleiman

Jakarta, Indonesia, December 23rd, 2022

Monday, December 19, 2022

#episode1 - How to Motivate Yourself - Increase Self Esteem, pub-8800175897090009, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

This is #Agung Supomo Suleiman as the Operator of AGUNGSS OILGASMINE LAW CHANNEL under the English Version Playlist - #episode1 - How To Motivate Yourself - Increase Self-Esteem.

Broadcasting from Jakarta Indonesia. 

In order to Motivate Yourself you must know who you are? You should identify yourself  who you are ? What is your passion.


It depends upon the passion that you have got👈 If your passion is relating to Agriculture like you love trees Plantation etc., you can explain to us about the kinds of interesting, beautiful thousands of species of plantation either in the cold whether or the place like Indonesia where there is no 4 Seasons but there is only the Rainy and Dry Season. 

It really depends upon you. 


Me myself, I prefer to have a channel which I can master and enjoy it so.

Relating to this kind of issue ... 👉I am a Chatter Box😃☑ So I need a Platform 

In this Digital Era there is this a Platform you are not relying on another person or platform, except Blogger and YouTube Channel.


In order to express your thoughts, ideas, imagination or whatever we need this Blogger and YouTube Platform.


For me these Platforms are sort of a Therapy, I am really exciting, challenging,  

because we can challenge our capability in expressing our inner way of thinking, inner way of expressing yourself 

It is us who is Blocking to be a BLOGGER VS VLOGGER 👈

Bloggers type with your laptop and you Cut Paste and Upload in your Blog 

There is also a Blog Spot Template, where you can use the Services, with a Monthly Payments.

However, I do not want to spend money, before I can make money income out of this Blogger Platform of YouTube Platform,


As an Independent Business Lawyer, I have experienced Acrobatic Cash - Flows, where any kind of supporting items needs money in this real world. 

Vloggers made a Video Recording with their Hand Phones equipped with built - in Cameras.

You need supporting tools such as Microphone, AudioBox UBS 96, link to Laptop with the Cable to get the Power.

Sound Cards V8 Plus (for me) - Instrument Accompany Converter, where you need some Cable to connect it to your Hand Phone.


The Operators of this BLOG & VLOG prefer to be an Independent Blogger - Vlogger, 

because he experienced that every boss has got their own Agenda brought from their previous place of work, who will explore and apply his past experienced into this new venture, who tries to show that they can make a New Corporate Action Moves to impress his/her new Boss / Shareholder, in this new Post.

Which Agenda can disrupt our own Carrier that we had built, 


Thanks for Watching 

#Agung Supomo Suleiman

Jakarta 19th December, 2022

Tsunami DeDolarization - Bricks - Asean Plus 3 Countries

We noticed from the Media Platform on the Internet that :  1. FAILURE OF SVB - SCHOCKED GLOBAL FINANCIAL MARKET  In March 2023, the failure ...