Well, I have been running this shop of mine which is a Business Law Office for more than 11 1/ 2 Years since 1st June, 1998. The Law Firm specialty depends on the Partner who is running such Firm. Since I was formerly working as In - House Legal Counsel 5 Years in the Oil and Gas Company (formerly owned by Roy M.Huffington) called Vico Indonesia (Huffco Indonesia) who produces LNG as the end product after being refined in Bontang, and 5 Years as In House Legal Counsel in a Cooper Mining Company (one of the biggest copper mining company in the world) called PT Freeport Indonesia who is operating in Irian or now called Papua, my links and network of friends are within the oil and gas as well as Mining Companies in Indonesia.
I was also working for 5 Years as Legal Consultant and Advocate at the Law Office of Adnan Buyung Nasution and 2 Years as Partner at the Law Office of Delma Juzar & Wiriadinata (Wiriadinata & Widyawan), where I experienced providing legal services relating to corporate business, financing transactions, restructuring loan, insurances, construction contracts, capital market, shipping, labour matters.
The significant experiences which I felt was that I had experienced for more than 11 1/2 Years running my own Law Firm which is now called Suleiman Agung & Co. since 1 st June 1998, when Indonesia was hit by the Asian Economic Crisis.
I managed to survive in running this Law Firm for more than 11 1/2 Years. Like selling other services, in the Legal Services field, the Services that you are offering to sell to your Customers or Clients are among others your legal expertise in giving legal advices on the legal aspects of your Clients business. These includes giving legal advises on the rules and regulations that have to be taken into considerations by your Clients in conducting their business activities in Indonesia.
I managed to survive in running this Law Firm for more than 11 1/2 Years. Like selling other services, in the Legal Services field, the Services that you are offering to sell to your Customers or Clients are among others your legal expertise in giving legal advices on the legal aspects of your Clients business. These includes giving legal advises on the rules and regulations that have to be taken into considerations by your Clients in conducting their business activities in Indonesia.
For instance if your Client happens to be a foreign investors who is interested in conducting Coal Trade Activities from Indonesia to be exported to outside the country for instance China, since their Industries are growing fast where for running their industry they might need Coal for fueling their Power Plant to engine their Industry or manufacture to produce their products, than for sure they are in the high need of Coal. Our Customers or Clients are also questioning whether a foreign company is allowed to establish a Mining Company in Indonesia who desires to conduct the Coal Mining activities in Indonesia.
Some of the Customers were asking whether a foreign Investor or foreign Company maybe involved in the Trading of this Coal in Indonesia or establishing a Coal Mining Company in Indonesia, several questions may pop up such as : What are the rulings and what are the requirements that must be fulfilled. In order to answer their questions, we as Business Lawyer, have to check on the Rulings of Trading of Coal in the Department of Trade and The Directorate of Coal. We also need to seek on the New Mineral & Coal Law No. 4 Year 2009 concerning Coal Trading and Coal Mining activities.
We have to check the Size of the Coal Mining Area, the Location of the Coal where they want to trade or mine and the Relevant Competent Authority either Central Level and The Local Regional level who is authorized to Issue/Grant the Izin Usaha Pertambangan ) Coal Mining Authority/ Business Mining License.
As implementation of the Autonomy Law - there is a segregation - Delegation of Authority between the Central Government and the Local Regional Government, where the Ruling may be incorporated in the New Mineral and Coal law No. 4 Year 2009 as well as in the implementation ruling either made by the Central or Local Government.
We may need to check whether the Location of the Coal is within 1 Regency, Province or crossing more than 1 Regency or Province. We may also need to check the size of such Coal Mining or Coal Stock Pile. Since foreign investors are involved we also have to check the rulings on Foreign Investors who wants to invest in Indonesia in the Coal Mining Sector.
For checking such purpose we have to Check - the Rules and Law No.4 Year 2009 including checking with The Directorate of Coal and Department of Mine and Energy. We also need to check with the Local Government Ruling ( Perda) as well as the Rulings from Local Government ( Bupati/Governor) where the Location of the Coal Mining is located. In order to avoid any overlapping with other activities such as Forestry Conservation or any other activities we have to check with the Bupati and Local Government /Local Forestry Department.
If our Client wants to take over or acquire any existing KP we have to check the existing documents possessed or held by the KP holder to know the legality, the size, the Duration period and who had issued such KP. We also need to check the rulings relating to converting KP into IUP either it is already expired or still on. We may also need to conduct research upon the time period for processing the new IUP for the size of the coal concesion and whether it is more proper in acquiring an existing KP or applying for a new IUP
We may also notice from several information that there are many uncertain brokers of Coal Trader and Coal Mining Concession, where we really have to check whether the sources of the Coal Product or Coal Mining Stock or Coal Mining Permit are genuine and backed-up by real legal documentation. for which we as Business Lawyer can conduct the necessary checking on the Legal Documents and licenses, as well as the rulings and policies.
Since Foreign Investors are involved, if the requirements under the New Mining law requires that a Limited Liability is required to be the legal entity to conduct the Mining Coal Business than a Joint Venture agreement might be drafted where we as Business Lawyer have to draft such Joint Venture Agreements. Initially before a Joint Venture is negotiated, in the initial stage we may be requested to draft a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) or Letter of Intent to jot down the desires and intention of our Client and the Local Partner.
One interesting experience tasks which I was involved in assisting legal services related to Coal Business activities, is that our law firm was involved representing a Coal Trader who are also injections some funds to a certain Mining Company for constructing its Coal Plant Facilities where the repayment of the loans/funds is through the delivery of the Coal products by the Seller /Debtor to the Buyer or Financier.
Since Foreign Investors are involved, if the requirements under the New Mining law requires that a Limited Liability is required to be the legal entity to conduct the Mining Coal Business than a Joint Venture agreement might be drafted where we as Business Lawyer have to draft such Joint Venture Agreements. Initially before a Joint Venture is negotiated, in the initial stage we may be requested to draft a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) or Letter of Intent to jot down the desires and intention of our Client and the Local Partner.
One interesting experience tasks which I was involved in assisting legal services related to Coal Business activities, is that our law firm was involved representing a Coal Trader who are also injections some funds to a certain Mining Company for constructing its Coal Plant Facilities where the repayment of the loans/funds is through the delivery of the Coal products by the Seller /Debtor to the Buyer or Financier.
Well those are among others the functions of the Business Lawyer in assisting Clients to conduct business in Indonesia