Thursday, March 12, 2009

Glance View Minerals and Coal Mining Law 4 Year 2009

  • GLANCE VIEW of the NEW Minerals & Coal Mining Law No. 4 Year 2009

  • After having seen in a glance on this New Minerals and Coal Mining Law No. 4 Year 2009, you may found some interesting issues as follows:
  • This New Law regulates the issuance of Mining Licenses/Permits which is granted by several level of Government Institutions /Officers relating to the Mining Activates depending on the classification of such Mining Area (WP) and type of Mining Activities.
  • This Mining Area (WP) consists of 3 three categories namely:
  • (i) WUP (Mining Area which is part of the WP which has contained the availability of data, potential and/or geology information, (ii) WPR (Peoples Mining Area) and (iii) WPN (State Reserves Mining Area).
  • This WP is determined by the Central Government, after having coordination with the Regent/District Government and consultation with the Peoples House Of representatives.
  • This coordination is conducted by the respective Regional Government based on the data and information which is possessed and owned by the Central Government and the Regional Government.
  • Relating to State Reserves Mining Area, it is quite interesting since the Government as a matter of National Strategy with the approval of the Peoples House of Representative with considering the regional aspiration determines this WPN ( State Reserves Mining Area).
  • The reservation is related to certain commodities and regional conservation in the framework of maintaining the ecosystem balance and environment.
  • The WPN which is determined for certain commodity can be managed (determined) on its wide / extensive of area with the approval of the Peoples House of Representatives.
  • Based on the explanation of Article 27 of the Minerals and Coal Mining Law, what is meant by certain commodity are among others : ore, tin, gold, iron, nickel, and bauxite and coal.
  • The determination of this WPN for the national interest is to push the national economic growth, national energy and industry strategy endurance, and to increase the national competitiveness in facing the global challenge.
  • This Area of WPN which will be developed for certain commodities as described above shall be changed its status to become WUPK ( Special Mining Area which could be developed).
  • What makes this issue interesting is because this element of Reserves Mining Area which shall than be changed into the status of WUPK ( Special Mining Area which could be developed) is something new being introduced in this New Minerals and Mining Law No.4 Year 2009.
Jakarta, March 12, 2009

Agung Supomo Suleiman

Senior Partner

Law Firm Suleiman Agung & CO

Blog Law Firm :

Email :

Scheme of Governments Role Law 4 Year 2009,


In management of mineral & coal mining,

includes among others :

Mineral & Coal Mining Law No 4 Year 2009

Article 6

Art. 7

Art. 8

CENTRAL Government

Provincial Government

Regent / City Government


Inventory, survey, research, exploration in framework of getting mineral & coal data and information as material for setting WUP & WPN

(par. 1.p)

inventory, survey, research, exploration in framework of getting mineral & coal data & information pursuant

to its authority


inventory, survey, research, exploration in framework of getting mineral & coal data and information

(par.1 d)

managing geology information, mineral & coal potential resources, & mining information in national level (par.1. q)

managing geology information, mineral & coal potential resources, and mining information within regional (daerah) / provincial area ( par.1.f)

managing geology information, mineral & coal potential resources, and mining information within regent (kabupaten) / city ( par.1.f)

Determining ruling law - Indonesian New Minerals & Coal Mining Law 4 Year 2009


In management of mineral & coal mining, includes among others :

Law No 4 Year 2009

Article 6

Art. 7

Art. 8

CENTRAL Government

Provincial Government

Regent /

City Government


National Policy


making ruling law


making regional ruling law (par.1a)

making regional ruling law (par.1a)

National standard, guidance, criteria


National Mineral &

Coal Mining License System


WP after coordination with Regional Government and consultation with House Of Peoples Representatives


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Granting Licenses/Permits


In management of mineral & coal mining, includes among others :

Law No 4 Year 2009

Article 6

Art. 7

Art. 8

CENTRAL Government

Provinsial Government

Regent/ City Government


& Conducting

IUP, development, public conflict settlement and supervision of mining activities which exist at cross provincial area and / or sea area exceeding 12 (twelve) miles from coastal line.(par. 1) f

IUP, development, public conflict settlement and supervision of mining activities crossing regional/city and or sea area 4(four) miles up to 12(twelve) miles (par.1 b.)

IUP & IPR development, public conflict settlement and supervision of mining activities within regional/city and or sea area up to 4 (four) miles. (par.1.b)

IUP, development, public conflict settlement and supervision of mining activities which exist at the cross provincial area and / or sea area exceeding 12 (twelve) miles from the coastal line .(paragraph 1 g)

IUP , development, public conflict settlement and supervision of mining production operations activities crossing regional/city and or sea area 4(four) miles up to 12(twelve) ( par.1 c)

IUP & IPR, development, public conflict settlement and supervision of mining production operations activities within regional/city and or sea area up to 4 (four) miles(par.1.c)

IUP, development, public conflict settlement and supervision of mining activities which has direct environmental impact crossing regent/city and / or sea area exceeding 12 (twelve) miles from the coastal line ( par. 1 .h.)

IUPK Exploration & IUPK Production Operation

IUP, development, public conflict settlement and supervision of mining activities which has direct environmental impact crossing regent/city and / or sea area 4(four) miles up to 12 (twelve) miles ( par. 1. d.)


IUP Production Operation which is issued by the regional Government, which caused environmental damage & which does not apply well mining rules

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Indonesia Significant Points Domestic Interest In Minerals and COAL

NEW ERA OF Indonesian Mining, rulings which changes the COW era to become Permits to conduct the Mining Business Activities.
  • LEGALIZATION & Effect. On 12th January 2009, the New Minerals and Coal Mining Law No 4 Year 2009 had been legalized and signed by the President and being enacted as Law by the Minister Of Justice and Human Rights (New Mineral and Coal Mining Law No.4/2009) This New Minerals and Coal Law No.4/2009 will take into effect as of the date it is enacted as Law as above mentioned.
  • BEGINNING OF NEW ERA. This New Law becomes the NEW ERA of Indonesian Mining Law, which changes the COW Era and the Kuasa Pertambangan (KP) Mining Authority system that has been exercised for the last 40 years since 1967. The COW /KP system has been replaced by an area based permit / licensing system. Under this New Law there are several Permits to conduct the mining business activities which is attached and linked to several classifications of Mining Areas as regulated under such New Minerals and Coal Law No.4/2009
  • AUTHORIZATION. Based on Article 4 of such New Mineral and Coal Mining Law No.4/2009 the Mineral and Coal as the natural resources which is non-renewal is the national wealth which is possessed by the State for the largest prosperity of the people. This authorization of minerals and the coal by the State is performed by the Government and /or the Regional Government.
  • DOMESTIC INTEREST. Article 5 of New Mineral and Coal Mining Law No.4/2009 states that for the national interest, the Government after consultation with the DPR (Peoples’s House of Representative) can determine a policy for the prioritization of minerals and coal for the domestic interest. This national interest can be done by controlling the production and export. In implementing such control, the Government has the authority to determine the amount of production of each commodities per year per province. The Local Government is obliged to comply with the rulings of such amount as determined by the Central Government.
We have also published this at ALLVOICES GLOBAL MEDIA Jakarta, February 5, 2009

Agung Supomo Suleiman

Senior Partner

Law Firm Suleiman Agung & CO

Blog Law Firm :

Email :

Clasification of Mining Area in the New MINERALS AND COAL MINING LAW NO 4 Year 2009

  • The New Minerals & Coal Mining Areas formed several Mining Areas based permits system, which was not found under the previous law :
Chapter I Article 1 There are several meaning /classification of Mining Area :
  • Wilayah Pertambangan /Mining Area, referred to as WP, is an Area which owns potential mineral and/or coal and is not limited with government administration which form part of the national layout (tata ruang)
  • Wilayah Usaha Pertambangan, Mining Business Area, referred as WUP, is part of the WP which had owned availability of data, potential, and /or geological information
  • Wilayah Izin Usaha Pertambangan, Mining Business Area Permit, referred to as WIUP, is an area which granted to the holder of IUP
  • Wilayah Pertambangan Rakyat, People's Mining Area, referred to as WPR, is part of the WP place where the people's mining business activities is conducted
  • Wilayah Pencadangan Negara,State Reservation Area, referred to as WPN, is part of the WP which is reserved for the national strategic interest.
  • Wilayah Usaha Pertambangan Khusus,The Special Mining Business Area, referred to as WUPK, is part of the WPN which can be usahakan (businessed / efforted) .
  • Wilayah Izin Usaha Pertambangan Khusus / The Special Mining Business Area Permit within the WUPK, referred to as WIUPK, is an area which is granted to the holder of IUPK.

Agung Supomo Suleiman

Senior Partner

Law Firm Suleiman Agung & CO

Blog Law Firm :

Email :

Wednesday, March 04, 2009


  • NEW ERA Indonesian Mining. LAW changes COW Era to become Permits /Licences to conduct the Mining Business Activities in Indonesia

  • It is really interested in studying such New Minerals and Coal Mining Law, since it appears there is a significant change in the arrangement whereby the Government is providing permits /licences to Mining Minerals and Coal activities which according to the writings / articles from the media/ news, it indicates that the concept of Contract Of Work ( "COW") which was made by the Government and the Mining Companies as the basis of the contractual relations and the Kuasa Pertambangan (KP) mechanism, which was practiced for the last 40 years was changed and replaced by this Permits /Licenses of Mining Minerals and Coals.
  • It is interesting to observe this new law, since as a Partner of the Law Firm of Suleiman Agung & Co, ( who operates for more than 10 1/2 Years since June 1998), I was formerly experiencing working as in-house Legal Counsel for 5 Years in PT Freeport Indonesia Company ( PT FI), a cooper USA mining company, who operates its mining operations in Indonesia, where COW was the main agreement between PT FI as the Mining Company and the Government.
  • The other interesting part is because, I was also experiencing working for 5 Years as in-house Legal Counsel in Huffco Indonesia (Virginia Company) a USA Oil and Gas Company who operates in Indonesia, and produces Gas/LNG at Bontang, where Production Sharing Contract (PSC) was being the basis of their presence in conducting the oil and gas operations in Indonesia.
  • all the oil /gas and the mining of minerals and coal are natural resources from Indonesia.
  • The Scheme mechanism treatment in mining such natural resources from Indonesia is really very interesting to be observed, among others from the history of such mining rulings, which were introduced / developed by the various governments/ authorized institution and the people who were represented by their Representatives in the peoples house of Representatives/Parliament.
  • For instance, relating to Oil and Gas, during the Dutch period, the concept which was introduced and recognized is sort of concession, where Private Companies may be granted a concession by the Authorized Institution.
  • When Indonesia stated its independence, based on Article 33(3) of the Indonesian Basic Constitution Law Year 1945 , the oil and gas is the wealth of the people, where, the people will grant Power or Mining Authority to the State to mine such oil and gas, through forming PT Pertamina ( as representing the government /people) during that time , where as the holder of such Mining Authority they can /allowed to enter into a cooperation with private companies.
  • Contract of Work ( COW) was being introduced as the basis of the relation or arrangement between the Government or PT Pertamina with such Oil/Gas Company.
  • In the progress Production Sharing Contract (PSC) was introduced where in the transition period the COW was replaced / amended to become PCS, examples of this, is experienced by PT Stanvac Indonesia.
  • In the COW concept, the Mining Contractor or the Oil/Gas Contrator shall perform the Mining activities, absorb all the expenses and costs and the risks, without any cost recovery mechanism by the Government.
  • Whereas under a PSC arrangement, the Oil/Gas Contractor shall take the risks, and pay all costs and expenses by itself, but shall be cost recovered by the Government or Pertamina/ now BP Migas, after commercial production is declared.
  • One of the most interesting part is that the rulings of oil and gas is differentiated from the rulings of minerals and coal.
  • Having briefly giving some illustration of this matter, while studying this New Minerals and Coal Mining Law, I shall try to forward some significant items, and hope can digest in understanding this new law and shall try to communicate it with the readers of this blog.
This New Minerals and Coal Mining Law No. 4 Year 2009, contains XXVI Chapters and 175 Articles
  • In the Recitals of this New Law its states that Minerals and Coal which is contained in the Indonesian Legal Mining Area of Indonesia is the natural wealth which cannot be renewable as gift from The One ALL Mighty God, has the important role to fulfill the life needs of many people, thus it has to be controlled /possessed by the State to give real value added for the national economy in the effort to reached the people's welfare and prosperous justifiably.
  • the mineral and coal mining is mining business outside the geothermal, oil and gas and land water which has the important role in providing real value added to the national economic growth and sustainable regional development.
  • it considers that the Law No 11 Year 1967 concerning the Regulation of the Basic Mining is no longer in accordance so that changes are required upon the rulings in the mineral and coal mining, which can manage and effort the potential mineral and coal in a manner which is independent, competent, transparent, competitive, efficient, environmental vision, to secure the sustainable national growth.
Based on the above considerations it is needed to form the Mineral and Coal Mining Law. The considerations also refers to Article 5 (1) , Article 20 and Article 33 (2) and (3) of the State Basic Constitution Law 1945.
  • There are several permits as shown in Chapter I Article 2 namely :
  • Izin Usaha Pertambangan/Mining Business Permit ( IUP) which is the permit to conduct mining business.
  • IUP Explorasi /Exploration Mining Business Permit which is a business permit provided to conduct stages of general survey, exploration and feasibility studies.
  • IUP Operasi Produksi (Production Operation Business Permit) which is business permit provided after the completion of the performance of IUP Explorasi to conduct stages of production operations activities.
  • IzinPertambanganRakyat (IPR) / Peoples Mining Permit which is permit to conduct mining business in the peoples mining territory with the area of limited territory and investment.
  • Izin Usaha Pertambangan Khusus, Special Mining Business Permit (IUPK), which is a permit to conduct mining business in the special mining business permit territory.
  • IUPK Explorasi (Exploration IUPK) which is the business permit provided to conduct general survey, exploration, and the feasibility studies in the special mining business territory
  • IUPK Operasi Produksi (Production Operation IUPK) which is the business permit provided after the completion of the performance of IUPK Explorasi to conduct the stages of production operation in the special mining business territory
Jakarta, March 4, 2009

Agung Supomo Suleiman

Senior Partner

Law Firm Suleiman Agung & CO


Blog Law Firm :

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