Monday, February 01, 2010

Coal Mining Activities in Kalimantan

As we all are aware The Minerals and Coal Mining Law No. 4 Year 2009 was passed by the DPR ( House of Representatives)  on 16 December 2008 and was signed by the President on 12 January 2009. 

After 30 Years enjoying COW (Contract Of Work), and Work Agreement For Coal Mining Enterprises  (CCOWs) Indonesia enters into a new era where new licensing regime is introduced replacing the rulings of  COW  to conduct Mining Business Operations in Indonesia.  There are significant changes and several new provisions being introduced. Up to this moment we are still waiting for the Implementation Rulings of this New Law which usually  are done by rulings made by the Government  through the issuances of PP (Government Regulations) as frequently  being mentioned in such  Minerla and Coal Laws.

Besides the Government Regulation that may also be several  Decrees issued by the Respective Governmental  Officers such as Presidential Decrees, Ministerial of Mines and Energy Decree, Decree from the Directorate of General Mining as well as  Decree from the Directorate of Coal.  In the Regional Local Level, The Governor or the Bupati  and the DPRD ( Regional House Of People  Representative) in coordination with the Governor shall issue Regional Government Rules. 

As we watch the news relating  to Coal Mining Activities in Kalimantan  made by Kompas  during these last days,  we  understand that several rulings relating to Coal Mining Permits had been made  by the Department of Forestry, as well as the Bupati,  where The Department of Forestry  had issued the permit to lend and use the part of land of located within the the Forestry Protection or Forestry Conversation Area. It is indicated that the Bupati and the Walikota had issued several Kuasa Pertambangan Batubara ( CoaL Mining Authrotity Permit), which according to the Governor of East Kalimantan there are around 1.180 Coal Mining Permits issued by the Local Regional Government (Pemerintahan Kabupaten/Kota) and 32 Coal Mining Authority Permits issued by the Central Government. 

On the other hand,  Kompas Newspaper dated 27th January, 2010,  said that the Bupati  of Kutai Timur (East Kutai) had revoked 12 KP from 38 KP which was issued by the previous Bupati. The reason in revoking this 12 KP is because 7 KP was issued within the Kutai National Park Conservation which is in violation of the rules. The other  5 KP is revoked since no progress of following up the permit from General Survey to Exploration is performed. Several other KP are being evaluated with the reasoning that no reclamation was made, no seriousness in continuing the Coal mining is conducted and overlaping with other activities. 

Since Otonom Region was introduced in 2001 up to the New Law No. 4 Year 2009, Kompas, says  that  there are thousands of Mining Aurthority being issued by the Regional Government, many of which are not in accordance with the allotment of the land. One of the Sources said that the Reclamation of the ex Coal Mining Area Holes should actually not be treated as Burden, but rather as Investment by the Coal Mining Investors.

Brief Awareness of the NEW Mineral  and COAL LAW No. 4 Year 2009. 

Before we continue in observing the Kompas newspaper Highlights of this indicated  Un - Controlled Coal Mining Activities in Kalimantan,  it is wise,  to educate our selves with  Brief Key Issues on the New Mineral and Coal Law No 4 Year 2009 to enlighten ourselves upon the New Minerals and Coal Law  in Indonesia.

This New Mining Law  does not differentiate between mining licenses for domestic and foreign investors. All investors must have either : 

a Mining Business Permit (Izin Usaha Pertambangan-“IUP”), a People’s Mining Permit (Izin Pertambangan Rakyat-“IPR”) or  

a Special Mining Business Permit (Izin Usaha Pertambangan Khusus-“IUPK”)  to engage in mining activities. 

INDONESIA: Take-over leads to $1,200,000,000 coal mining contracts, PT THIESS CONTRACTORS INDONESIA [Indonesia/Australia] - Order #: 119103.: An article ... & Plant Operations in the Developing World

  • An IPR will only be given to :
    • an individual (for a maximum of 1 Ha)
    • a group of people (for a maximum of 5 Ha) and 
    • a cooperative (for a maximum of 10 Ha). 
  • An IUP and IUPK is granted to Private Companies with certain size limitation.  
  • The IUP/IUPK is divided into an Exploration and a Production Operations IUP or IUPK. 
  • The Exploration IUP/IUPK covers General Surveys, Exploration and Feasibility Studies, and the Production Operations 
  • IUP/IUPK covers construction, mining, processing and refining activities as well as transportation and sales. 
  • Each type of IUP/IUPK has its own term and area limitation. 
  • Significant Key Features of the Law No 4 Year 2009 : 

Duration : 

    Exploration IUP:   

    Metal: up to 8 years for a concession area between 5,000 Ha and 100,000 Ha; 
    Non-metal: up to 3 years for a concession area between 500 Ha and 25,000 Ha; 
    Specific non-metal: up to 7 years; 
    Rocks: up to 3 years for a concession area between 5 Ha and 5,000 Ha; and 
    Coal: up to 7 years for a concession area of between 5,000 Ha and 50,000 Ha. 

    Production Operations IUP
    Metal: up to 20 years for a concession area of up to 25,000 Ha, extendable for 10 years a maximum of twice; Non-metal: up to 10 years for a concession area of up to 5,000 Ha, extendible for 5 years a maximum of twice; Specific non-metal: up to 20 years extendible for 10 years a maximum of twice; 
    Rocks: up to 5 years for a concession area of up to 1,000 Ha, extendible for 5 years a maximum of twice; and Coal: up to 20 years for a concession area of up to 15,000 Ha, extendable for 10 years a maximum of twice. 

    An IUPK is granted for a National Mining Reserve Area. 

    Durations and concession areas of IUPK

    Exploration IUPK: 

    Metal: up to 8 years for a concession area of up to 100,000 Ha; and 
    Coal: up to 7 years for a concession area of up to 50,000 Ha.

    Production Operations IUPK: 
    Metal: up to 20 years for a concession area of up to 25,000 Ha, extendible for 10 years a maximum of twice; and Coal: up to 20 years for a concession area of up to 15,000 Ha, extendable for 10 years a maximum of twice.

     The relevant Regional Government issues a WIUP (Wilayah Izin Usaha Pertambangan/Mining License Business Area) to a business entity, a cooperative or an individual.  

    A Metal minerals or Coal WIUP can be issued through public tender, while a Non-metal minerals and Rocks WIUP can be issued through an application for a reserve area. 

    State Reserve Areas (Wilayah Pencadangan Negara-“WPN”) are to be determined by Central Government with prior approval from the DPR ( House of Representatives). These areas may be exploited under an IUPK which may be issued to an Indonesian Legal Entity including a State Owned Enterprise, Regional Owned Enterprise or private sector entity. 

    State/Regional Owned Enterprises are given priority in obtaining IUPK and if not taken,  the Private Sector can obtain it through public tender. 

    TRANSFER OF IUP/IUPK - Ownership -shares of Company Holding IUP / IUPK

    An IUP/IUPK cannot be transferred. However ownership or shares in a Company holding an IUP/IUPK can be made. 

    Transfer of ownership or shares in the Indonesian Stock Exchange may only be permited if :
    • the company has found 2(two) prospective areas during the Exploration Period, and  
    • there must be a  prior notification to the Minister, Governor, or Regent/mayor in accordance with their authorities and such transfer is not contrary with the applicable laws and regulations. 
    The Central Government, after consultation with the House of Representatives, can determine policy on giving priority to minerals and coal for domestic interests, including the authority to determine production levels for each commodity in each year on a Province-by-Province basis. This provision may have an impact on the annual production limit of a company holding a license to export to the international market.  

    As we are  aware inthe Oil and Gas Sectors in Indonesia, Domestic Market Obligation Private (DMO) is also regulated where 25% of its annual production has to be sold for  Domestic Needs. In the Coal Sectors, it appears that Coal commodities are also needed by the Local Power Plant,  by which  DMO on Coal shall also be implemented.    

    Government  Regulations will be made for implementing this DMO ruling.

    Holders of IUP and IUPK must increase the value of their minerals and/or Coal resources through Mining, processing and refining, and the use of the minerals and coal. Accordingly, they must process and refine the minerals and coal domestically. This provision are also found in the existing COW for General Mining of Cooper, thus  this  is a continuation of the policy of the Government which are also found and implemented by other Countries. 

    A license holder can cooperate with other holders of Production Operations IUPs for the same minerals and coal processing and refining. 

    The companies can either build their own processing/smelting facilities or use existing processing/smelting facilities in Indonesia owned by other parties. Relating to the Cooper Product of PT Freeport Indonesia, PT Smelter in Surabaya was the realization and implementation of this smelting facilities requirement. 

    Existing Contracts of Work (CoWs) which are already in the production phase, have a 5 year grace period to comply with this obligation. 

    Sharing Net  Profits ot of Coal production : 

    Holders of Production Operations IUPKs for metal minerals and coal must pay a production fee of 10 % of their net profits as of production, with 4 % going to the Central Government and 6 % being shared between the relevant province and regencies.

    A temporary suspension can be granted to a holder of an IUP/IUPK, in case of force majeure, or conditions which hamper mining activities, cause some or all mining activities to cease or the environment can no longer support the mineral and/or coal production activities. This temporary suspension will not reduce the duration/ term of the IUP. 

    The duration of a Temporary Suspension may be up to 1(one)  year and is extendable once for 1 (one) year. 

    Divestment  : 

    After 5 years of production, all companies must divest any shares owned by foreign parties to the Central/Regional Government, a State/Region owned enterprises or local companies. This provision will be regulated more  further through a Government Regulation.
    Usage of Local / National Mining Services.

    Holders of IUPs or IUPKs must use local and/or national mining services companies. If no local companies are found available, foreign companies whom are deemed as Indonesian legal entities may be used. Holders of IUPs and IUPKs may not use subsidiaries or affiliates to provide mining services, unless Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources approval is being obtained. 

    Corporate Crime .

    The New Mining Law No. 4 Year 2009 adopts  the concept of corporate crime. Sanctions can  be imposed on Contractors as legal entities. If crime is committed by a legal entity, the legal entity and/or its management will be charged with the crime. If found guilty, they are ordered to pay the regulated fine plus an additional 1/3. Besides the criminal sanctions, the business license and legal entity status  of such Company can be revoked.
    Any dispute arising from the implementation of an IUP, IPR or IUPK is to be settled through the courts and arbitration domestically under the prevailing laws

    Transition Period.

    Existing CoWs and CCoWs remain valid until the expiration of their terms. However, the contract terms and conditions must be adjusted to the provisions of the New Mining Law within 1 (one) year of the enactment of the New Mining Law 12 January 2010 except concerning state revenue.

    It appears that this New Mining Law does not rule any transitional provision for KPs (Mining Authorizations) issued to Indonesian companies regarding whether KPs already issued will remain valid and whether they must be adjusted to the New Mining Law, as is the case of the existing CoWs and CCoWs as described above. It appears that this may be  further regulated in the implementing regulations.

    The implementing regulations (Government Regulations, Ministerial Decrees and directives) for the implementation of the provisions of the New Mining Law, are to be made  within 1 year after the enactment of this New Law No. 4 Year 2010. 

    Saturday, January 30, 2010

    Headlines Observation on Coal Mining Activities Founded in Kompas Jan 26, 2010

    It appears that Kompas Newspaper had made serious observations on the Coal Mining Activities in Kalimantan these last days from 25, 26, 28 30 January 2010. As a Business Lawyer who is advising Clients concerning Coal Mining activities in Indonesia, I really am interested in reading  such observation especially from the legal aspects. We are aware that there is the New Law No. 4 Year 2009 on Mineral and Coal Mining which was legalized on 12th January 2009. 

    According to Kompas Newspaper dated 26th January, 2010,  The Minister of Forestry, Zulfikli said that 169 holders of the Mining Permit are naughty. They had mined in the Forestry Conservation Area. Each Provincial must owned Forestry Area with the area of 30%. If the Forestry Area is damaged according to Zulfikli quoted in the Kompas Newspaper,  they will face law.

    Relating to the indication that the envirornmental damage is geered   by the Overlapping Permits issued by the Forestry Department and the Local Government, the Head of the Forestry Centre Information Masyhud MM  according to Kompas explained 3 matters:  
    • Firstly, The Minister of Forestry pursuant to the rules had never issued the pinjam pakai (Lending use) of the Forestry Area to the Conservation Forestry Area. 
    • Secondly, the lending use permit forestry area for the mining activities is granted to the extent  it is complying with the applicable rules. Therefore, not every Mining Authority which is issued by the Bupati shall obtain ithe zin pinjam pakai ( lend use permit).  
    • Thirdly, the Mining Activities which is outside the forestry area is not the authority of the Minister of Forestry.      

    Controlling Team 

    According to Kompas the Controlling Team from the Environmental Department  is sent to South Kalimantan to solve the damaged terain/land resulted from the Coal Mining activities.  Eventhough major part of the Mining Authority Permit is granted by the Local Government, the Central Government can impose sanctions according to such Kompas news. Besides the Control Team sent by the Central Government, the Regional Control Team shall also be sent to clarify the damage of the enviromental resulted by the Mining is East Kalimantan.

    Kompas quoted that Hermien as the Deputy Minister of Environmental   said that based on the Law No 32 Year 2009 concerning the Protection and Environmental Management (Perlindungan dan Pengelolaan Lingkungan) Article 77, the Minister of Environmental can impose  administrative sanction to the serious violators against the environmental protection and management.

    The Coal Mining operation in South Kalimantan and East Kalimantan had left giant holes. These Giant Holes according to Kompas Newspaper dated 26 January 2010, is not only left by the Mining who owns the Mining Authrity Permit, but also by the holder of the  PKP2B  (Work Agreement For Coal Mining Enterprises).

    According to Kompas, the data which are collected from Badan Lingkungan Hidup Daerah ( BLHD) (Regional Environmental Body of South Kalimantan) shows that the Mining Reclamation  Activities in South Kalimantan until October 2009 reached 3.132 Hectare from 20.000 Hectare opening Mine. The Reclamation is done by 16 Mining Companies holder of the  PKP2B  ( Work Agreement For Coal Mining Enterprises).  This means that there still exists 16.868 Hectares which Reclamation is not yet done. 

    Kompas said as shown in page 15 of its Newspaper dated 26th January,  that acccording to the Head of  Badan Lingkungan Hidup Daerah ( BLHD) there are 2 Mining Holders of PKP2B  ( Work Agreement For Coal Mining Enterprises) who cannot afford to do the Reclamation, where Kompas mentioned PT Adaro Indonesia and PT Arutmin Indonesia.  The Head of  Badan Lingkungan Hidup Daerah ( BLHD) will restrain granting the AMDAL (Analisa Mengenai Dampak Lingkungan - Analysis concerning the Environmental Impact ) for increasing its coal  production of such company, if  there are no serious efforts to close such Mining Holes.  Kompas said that the Public Relation from PT Arutmin Indonesia had not yet received the explanation from its management relating to the non-performance of the Reclamation of the 17 Mining Holes. However, Kompas said that Arutmin as the Partner of the Government shall take notice of the guidance from Badan Lingkungan Hidup Daerah ( BLHD) (Regional Environmental Body of South Kalimantan).

    According to Kompas  the Badan Lingkungan Hidup Daerah ( BLHD) (Regional Environmental Body of South Kalimantan) faced difficulties in getting the concrete data on the how much hoiles are left, since the Kabuoaten Government which issued such permit does not report to the Provincial Level. The manpower for controlling is limited upon the mining in such area.

    There is also an indication that ther are Coal Mining Contractor in Kutai Kartanegara,  who does not provide  Reclamation Bond in the Mining Activities to the Local Government. However, the Company is still obligated to perform the reclamation upon the holes  which are finished being digged.



    Based on the above Kompas Oberservation, we can see that  there are sevral Siginifacant Issues that emerged :

     A. Overlapping Issues

    a) The Overlaping implementation of granting  the  Lending Use of the Forestry  Area to the Mining Contractors, where there appears to be different of  policy between the Regional Government and the Central Government.
     b) Kalimatan seems to be rich of Coal Deposit and Coal Resources, for which for economic reasons Deleping and Mining such Coal Resources seems to be more attractive than keeping the place as a Forestry Conservation and Protection.
    c) Thus there maybe a dilema situation faced by the Regional Government where they feel that Revenue for developing the Region is also considered important where the Resources of such Revenue are taken from developing and Mining The Coal Resources.


    • Relating to the  Reclamation, it appears that from the business side, Reclamation absorb Costs and expenses, and the Coal Mining Companies seems to avoid adding/ allocating the Costs /Expenses for Reclamation such Huges Mining Holes left after they completed their Coal Mining in such Area.   
    •  We have to observe the Reclamation Rulings under the New Mineral and Coal  Mining Law No. 4  Year 2009 and we must also observed the Other Laws which are ruling such Reclamation issues which are associated to Mining Activities and Environmental Impacts due to the Coal Mining Operations, particularly relating to the Sanctions which may be imposed against the Coal Mining Companies if they fail to conduct such Reclamation Obligation..    

    Wednesday, January 27, 2010

    Observing Kompas news Concerning Coal Mining Activities in Kalimantan

    I read in the Kompas Newspapers, the Indonesian Daily Newspaper 25 January 2010, Kompas had made some observations on the Coal Mining in East Kalimantan which according to Kompas is  annoying,   since the Mining Practice is not conducted properly. Kompas had made such observation in East Kalimantan and West Kalimantan, where according to such news paper the Massive Mining activities are  not -controlled.

    According to Kompas Newspaper, the Taman Hutan Raya Bukit Soeharto (TAHURA - Forestry Park Mount Suharto) at Kaltim (East Kalimantan) and Forestry Protection Mount Meratus at East Kalimantan which is suppossed to be protected is not avoided from Coal Mining Operations.    

    Kompas further said that at TAHURA, the land which are developed is actually part of the Center Research Tropical Forest University Mulawarman, Samarinda having the area of 40 Hectare.  The Developer /Management of PPHT according to Kompas Newspaper,  has no power since the Mining Permit is issued by  The Forestry Minister, with the reason that before the Decision of determining the border of the TAHURA by the Minister Decision No. 577 Year 2009, such location is located outside such Forestry Protection/ Conservation Area.    

    One interesting news, shown in Kompas Newspaper is that 2 Contractors who are  supposed to develop House Glass Laboratorium at Telukdalam, Kecamatan Tenggarong  with the Area of 51,000 hectare, had developed Coal Mining after they realized and noticed  that Coal Deposit in such Area is plenty enough and good, without owning the Mining Authority.  

    Furthermore in such Kompas Newspaper,  it indicates that on the Protection Forest not only there are plenty of owners of Mining Authority but there are plenty of big holes where the Coal had been completely mined. In such Location according to Kompas there exists 299 Mining Authorities, with the understanding that there are 299 Parties who are granted Permits To Mine Coal  at the Hutan Lindung Pegunungan Meratus      (Forestry Protection Meratus Mountain). Furthermore in such Newspaper it says that only few of those mining which request permit pinjam pakai ( borrowing use permit) of such forestry from the Minister of Forestry.

    The other permit are being granted by the Local Bupati since they do not know that such location is within the Forestry Protection Area. According to the records of Kompas, during the last 6 Years (until 2009)  at 4 Provincial Area in Kalimantan there exists 2.047 Mining Authority. East Kalimantan according to Kompas  Newspaper is having the First Rank which issued Mining Authroity, that is 1.180 Mining Authority, followed by  Kalimantan Selatan (400-578), Center Kalimantan (427) and South Kalimantan (40).

    According to Kompas, if one Mining Authority covers the area of 2.000 hectare, the location which had been dedicated for mining reached 4.09 million Hectare, which is more than the Area of  Kalimatan Selatan (3,75) hectare.     

    Kompas says that the Governor of East Kalimantan cannot do much considering that the Minister of Forestry and Head Area Level II ( Bupati/Wali Kota) has the authority to issue the Mining Authority. It indicates that at the present moment in Samarinda around 70% of its Area (71.823 Hactare) is dedicated for Mining Area.

    Kompas got the information from the Head of the RT, Kelurahan Sempaja Selatan , that the location of the living area is around 25 meter from the mining hole, resulting their  houses are frequently flooded. 

    Farmers at Desa Separi (Village Separi) and Bangunrejo, Kecamatan Tenggarong  appears also to be affected since they failed to harvest their products due to the coal mining waste water  which entered into their rice field. This causes the farmer to sell their rice filed to the Mining Authority. The Sale price is high says several farmers according to Kompas Newspaper.

    Several Rice Fields are sold by the Farmers to the Mining Authority holders and  converted to become Mining Area.

    There are also many village roads which are curved - cut out  and developed to become Mining Area.  
    Examples of such happening is at Kecamatan Siani, Kabupaten Tapin, where the inhabitants can no longer walk since part o the road had been changed into mining area. According to Kompas several of the inhabitants must be cautious upon the Project Vehicles,  where the inhabitants has to ask for permit to go across such location.

    According to Kompas the changes of the Forestry had destroyed 7 - 12 ton of Carbon organic every Year. This Carbon is need by microorganisme for the continuation of the ecosystem. One of the sources being interviewed by Kompas said that the Coal Mining does not contribute much for improving the growth of such region. From the production value of Coal production Kalsel which reached 22 trilliun ( for production of 80-100 ton per year), the genuine revenue of the Region ( Pendapat Asli Daerah) does not reach Rp 1 trilliun.

    According to Kompas despite the above, The Business of Coal Mining still said that what they had conducted provides positive effects. Mining absorb manpower and moved the inhabitant economy such as the emerging of warung (small shops) and living places. according to Maskur Achmad project Manager of PT Satria Bahana Sarana, a Coal Ming Contractor at Kecamatan Sangasanga, Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara as quoted by Kompas Newspaper.              


    • Based on the above Kompas observation.,  we have to observe whether this Coal Mining Activities are in accordance with the proper standard operational mining procedures, to avoid disturbances felt by the people surrounding the area of such Coal Mining. 
    • It also indicates that there are several overlapping mappings of activities between the Forestry Protection Area and such Coal Mining activities. 
    •  Coordination between the Mining Directorate and the Minister of Forestry, the Bupati  and Governor have  to be intensified seriously. 
    •  Socialization with the Local People are significant to be made by the Local Authority in coordination with several Departments concerned such as the Department of Directorate of Coal Mining,  Department of Forestry  and its subdivisions officers including Newspapers including the Coal Mining Rights and Authority pursuant to the Mineral and Coal Law No. 4 Year 2009

      Saturday, January 16, 2010

      Managing Your Cash Problems

      When we are running our own Boutique Law Firm there are times that you have to seek  ways how to solve your cash flows. It is like other business, where you have to evaluate and start marketing yourself and shop around to your customers and show them that you are there to render the legal services which maybe required by your prospective client. Today I went to several of  my customers. After having been 11 1/2 years independent running my firm, now called Suleiman Agung & Co I realize that we have to manage your health and stamina in order for us to keep on  being independent as a Business Lawyer. Every institution or person regardless of the size of their firm, may  face some cash flow problem once a while  in their life time.

      The significant element is that every person who are in this earth has a unique life experience where he or she has to struggle to keep on living. There is a motto : You are what you are. You are not changed by the outside infrastructure condition of your business, since the inner power is planted inside you by ALLAH The ALL MIGHTY and not outside you. Of course if you are lucky enough your outside infrastructure may be great. By becoming more old you tend to believe that every person has its own unique life journey, where he or she must  detect the best way to response every test or problem they are facing.

      Yes, we really have to be honest and not run away from the problems that you are facing.  You have to have faith in life.You must be patient, tough and not easily surrendering yourself to  the down side  condition which you may face in your life. By writing in this Blog I am actually self talking to myself as a method to seek the answer which has to be  explored and founded by me in solving this cash problems.But talking to oneself is not enough. You must do the correct and  proper action to solve a certain unpleasant situation. 

      There may be people who are lucky to succeed in their financial condition. During  the 11 1/2  years  being self employed,  there are some fruitful financial years but there are also some hard time in terms of cash in. Since you are conducting services done by  person, this really depends on the physical and stamina condition of your body. There is no free lunch in this world, nobody will help you but you yourself  has to rise back and take your grip and identify the action that has to be taken.

      You must have gained lots of experiences during such time.Frankly speaking sometimes you feel really tired,  since there is no automatic continuous Clients who  always  use  your legal services. In reality there is no automatic on the air situation where Clients will always need your legal services. There is always a risk that you have to take and there are always the subsequent consequences you must face in the real life.  

      You have to be really tough and patient. In terms of experiences of providing legal services I really have  a lot of experiences in rendering legal services  to various Business Clients. If you are running your own business legal firm, you have to remember that there are many competitors  who are also rendering  legal services that you are providing. So the competition is really tough, and networking might be a significant element.

      One of the business strategy that I am doing as a Business Lawyer is writing legal aspects and your  real life experiences so that you can detect the phase of your life journey to cope with the problems, ups and downs of running you independent life as a Business Lawyer.

      Legal Fee pricing of your legal services may also play a significant role, where frequently, Clients may request for a cheap and lesser price, which may be really hard for you to handle and manage your cash  flow.   It appears that Clients really do not care how your overhead expenses are. What they want is receiving legal services with cheap and lesser legal fee.These are my  cash flow experiences in running a boutique law firm in Indonesia now called Suleiman Agung & Co

      I am not talking about theoretical cash flow here,  but really factual 11 1/2 Years experiences in running a self employ legal firm. Since I started from scratch and bottom rock, my only problem in running and continuing this self employ Legal practices is how to reduce my operational  expenses to enable balancing the cash in and cash out of my Legal Firm.

      In terms  of rendering professional legal services, since I have 30 Years experiencing  working as legal professional Lawyer, I really feel confident in handling and providing the effective and efficient legal services. However in terms of cash flow I really have to combine the need of proper legal fee to cope with my needs  in maintaining healthy cash flows so that I can survive in feeding my family and the continuation of my self employ Legal Firm.                      


      Saturday, January 09, 2010

      Legal Justice Versus Legal Certainty

      The above issue appears to merge in Indonesia at this present moment. The people in Indonesia has the perception that the Legal Enforcement only applies to the powerless people. Whereas for the Big Powerful person or institution,  since they can hire Lawyers they feel that the are immune and untouchable by the law.

      These perceptions was demonstrated by the Prita Case where a patient who makes complaint upon the hospital service through internet had been sued by the Hospital claiming that their good name was being damaged by Prita's writing in the Internet media.

      There were 2 cases being filed, by the Lawyers representing the Hospital, one through the Criminal Court and the other through a civil claim. Initially the First Instance Court issued its Decision  against Prita where she was demanded to pay around Rp204 million to the Hospital. However, the public's Voices  through the support of the TV Media in Indonesia  had  made a protest against such verdict  by  collecting  coins to support Prita, where they succeeded in collecting  and raising around Rp600million. This is really fantastic amount which shows that the Indonesian People are voicing their rights for Legal Justice Treatment by the Court in Indonesia. In the progress the Criminal Court in the First Instance had rejected the Hospital claim.

      This Coin Protest was actually a symbol of protest from the people against Injustice Court Treatment  that is felt  being imposed against the powerless  victims. Indonesia is a democracy society where we can freely make  protests against Injustice Legal Treatment felt by  the people being made by the Legal Institution in this Country of Indonesia.

      Hospitals in Indonesia nowadays appears to be more of Commercial  rather than Social Institution, who must serve the sick people who needs medical care. Lawyers defending Hospital  against complain made by the patient must also be sensitive in handling cases like above. If there are complaints by the Patients,  the Hospital must actually appreciate such inputs for better services to its Patients. Eventually, in the progress after facing the public reaction,  the Hospital realize of their negative reaction,  for which  they  decided to revoke  their claim against Prita in the Court.

      The above is really a good lesson for us  as Business Lawyers that we have to be sensitive upon issues relating to maintaining good services to its patients.     

      Friday, January 08, 2010

      Now Indonesia's Judicial Mafia Fight Gets Serious: SBY

      ----- Original Message -----
      From: Loeky Harahap
      To: fhui-70an
      Sent: Wednesday, January 06, 2010 7:06 AM
      Subject: [FHUI-70AN] Now Indonesia's Judicial Mafia Fight Gets Serious: SBY

      President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono on Tuesday stressed his resolve to purge the “judicial mafia,” calling on law-enforcement agencies to commit to the fight. To boost those efforts, he said he would demand bureaucratic reforms across 13 ministries and state institutions linked to law enforcement and governance.

      “Remember, in the hands of corrupt law enforcers, anything bent can be straightened and the straight can be bent. I want judicial mafia practices to cease,” said Yudhoyono at the State Palace, while introducing the 2010 budgets for ministries, government institutions and regional administrations. Law-enforcement officials, whether in Jakarta or the regions, should not manipulate the law, he said.

      The president named eliminating corruption in the judiciary as one of his top priorities when announcing the government’s first-100-day program in October. Last week, he formed a six-member task force to suggest ideas for eliminating graft in the country’s courts, considered to be some of Asia’s most corrupt. The task force met with leaders of the National Police and the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) on Tuesday to discuss the way forward. A high-profile feud between the two institutions brought judicial corruption into the political spotlight last year.

      Task force chairman Kuntoro Mangkusubroto said the antigraft agency had vowed to help. “The KPK pledged to assist us through its facilities, such as its complaint-handling mechanism that enables people to report judicial mafia activities online and anonymously,” he said. Edward Aritonang, a spokesman for the National Police, said it was also forming a team to support the task force. “We leave everything fully in the control of the task force,” he said. The team would brief provincial police chiefs in Jakarta today, he added.

      Yudhoyono also warned critics against judging his government’s success in fulfilling the pledges of its first-100-day program. On Monday, Coordinating Minister for the Economy Hatta Rajasa claimed, without offering evidence, that the government had completed 92 percent of its 100-day goals. “Although the government’s first-100-day program is important, it is impossible to contain all the development priorities and targets for five years. In addition, it is illogical to measure government success for the 2009-14 period by the first 100-day program,” Yudhoyono said.

      But Ikrar Nusa Bakti, a political analyst at the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), called the first 100 days “crucial,” saying success would boost public trust. “I’d say the success of the program is the embryo of the success of the government’s five-year program,” he said. Yunarto Widjaja, a political analyst at Charta Politika, suggested that ministers should not hesitate to admit failures. “They should convince the people that they will work harder to implement their programs,” he said. 

      Yudhoyono said the economic achievements of last year made him optimistic his government could reach its 2014 economic goals: an annual growth rate of 7 percent, inflation of 5 percent, poverty at 8 percent to 10 percent, and unemployment of 6 percent. The economy grew by more than 4 percent in 2009. Inflation was 2.78 percent, the lowest in a decade.

      Additional reporting by Antara

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      Monday, December 21, 2009

      Lawyer is like Artist

      A Lawyer according to me at a certain level is like an artist. They tend to be freedom. Freedom to express their ideas and visions.  If the rules are  regarded as rigid, uncertain, unclear,   Lawyers must seek and  found a breakthrough or way out from such uncertain rules to solve the problem.

      If  you are a Business Corporate Lawyers you tend to seek a solution to  make the business goal and achievement  met and be fulfilled. Well, my 30 Years of Experiencing as a Business Lawyer educates me that nothing in this world is perfect. Especially in Indonesia the product of Rules is actually a Political Product created by the House of Peoples Representatives which consists of members of the winning Political Parties and the Executives from the President together with its Ministers including the Departments headed by the Ministers.

      Since all Departments have their interests in their respective fields, these Departments frequently  tend  to  only look from their own perspectives without viewing  other Departments view. These are  the reason why there  are lots of situation where  Overlapping and contradictory rules  occurs between one Department and the other Department  such as the Department of Forestry and the Department of Mining and Energy. You must also remember that besides the written rules there may also be Policies made by the Ministers of a certain Department which sometimes may need further clarification for the business players. We may also frequently found contradictory rules between the Central Governments and the Regional Local Governments in  this  Non-Centralize Era in Indonesia.  I believe that the Government and the Parliament knows about such problems which are usually expressed by the Business Associations representing the business players concern.

      Well as a Business Lawyer you have to found out a way how to overcome such overlapping rules for the interest of creating certainty for your Clients business goals and objectives.

      Sunday, December 13, 2009

      Experiencing Negotiating Joint Operation Agreement

      As a Business Lawyer it will be really  interesting and exiting,  if you have the experience accompanying your Client in negotiating a Joint Operation Agreement (JOA) which are entered by the Participant Interests Holders of a Technical Assistance Agreement (TAC) in Indonesia. 

      The position as a Business  Lawyer may be different from one case to another. If for instance, you are a Business Lawyer, who are representing your Client, who needs some additional investors to support its cash flows to perform the oil and gas operations as agreed upon under the TAC with BP Migas,  and decides to transfer or assign a major portion of its undivided interest under the TAC to a certain potential Investors, you may be in a position to be more of a listening and wait for the proposal of a draft JOA from such prospective Oil/Gas Investors.You may also submit a proposal of  the first draft to be further reviewed by such potential prospective oil/gas investors. Some significant elements which are usually touched in a JOA, when you just entered into a  negotiation are among others  concerning the issues describing or clarifying the purpose  the Parties entered into this JOA.

      As we are aware in the Oil and Gas Business several Investors are involved into this venture since significant amount of Monies are involved where the Parties shall share the costs and expenses in such Oil and Gas Business Operations in proportion to the percentage of their Participant Interest Share. The operations usually involved activities such as  exploration, appraisal, exploitation, development, storage, production and disposition of Hydrocarbons from the Contract Area. There are operations that are being Jointly Operated in the sense that the costs shall be shared, this will be the Joint Operations.

      However there are also circumstances where Only  a number or some of  the Participant Interest Holder  who  participates  in the operations,  which shall be usually called Sole Risk Operations.Thus in order to create a clear understanding between the Parties who intends to participate in the TAC , the Parties requires a separate agreement among themselves which is covered by this JOA. Accordingly  this JOA  is required to  regulate   the  rights and obligations of the Parties ( which does not include BP Migas)  concerning  the operations to be conducted under the TAC between the Signing Parties mentioned under the TAC as the Participant Interest Holder, who had signed the TAC with BP Migas. These  includes among others  the joint exploration, appraisal, exploitation, development, storage, production and disposition of Hydrocarbons from the Contract Area,  the decommissioning of  the joint property and conditions for carrying out Exclusive Operation in the Contract Area. 

      This JOA shall usually be agreed by the Parties  as  the entire agreement between the Parties regulating  the terms and conditions between them related to the Joint Operations, unless there  exists other documents which are agreed by the Parties  to also also govern their agreements. The scope under the JOA may include the terms under the TAC between The Parties with BP Migas, but may also contain activities which are under the TAC but is not intended to be addressed in this JOA.

      These for instance may consists of construction, operation, ownership, maintenance, repair and removal of facilities downstream from the delivery point, transportation of the Parties’ Entitlements downstream from the delivery point, marketing and sales of the Hydrocarbons and other issues which are  not intended to be addressed in such JOA.The Parties shall further specify the composition of the Participating Interests of the Parties. The composition of the Parties will play an important role in describing the portion of rights, obligations and liabilities.

      The major portion holder of the Participant Interest under the TAC, shall usually be elected as the Operator of such TAC. If a Party transfers all or part of its Participating Interest pursuant to the provisions of this JOA and the TAC, the Participating Interests of the Parties shall be revised accordingly. The Parties will also regulate the terms which covers the rights, obligations and liabilities of the Parties, including any and all of the rights and interests in and under the TAC. 

      The Parties will decide  which part of the expenses incurred by the Operator are being considered and be charged to the Joint Account and which are not. There will also be an Operating Committee (or Op Com) to be established by the Parties which will consist of each party’s representatives. The OpCom will  be the organ where the Parties or the Operator shall communicate upon the work program and oil and gas activities such as the Exploration program and Budget of Operating Costs which will be conducted in a certain running Calendar Year.

      Thus,  before a work program is being submitted to BP Migas,  such work program will be first discussed and agreed upon through this Operating Committee mechanism. Frequently there will be instances, where Sole Risks Operations may be allowed to be conducted, if one of the party under the JOA decided to conduct exploration activities, which the other Party at such moment does not wish to participate.

      If the results of such Sole Risks Operations happens to be a commercial field, the Non-Participating Party may participate, provided however, that on top of the Real Expenses and Costs which  had to be met pursuant to its portion of Participant Interest, such Non-Participating party has to pay and compensate a certain percentage payment.

      Please note that the above items  are  not intended to be a legal advise nor legal opinion  in any form or manner by the Writer and thus shall not be used as a legal advise or legal opinion, but is merely intended to share information and experiences.    

      Agung Supomo Suleiman

      Mobile Phone : 0816830647

      Saturday, December 05, 2009


      If  you are answer is yes. this Country is eager to invite Foreign Investors to come to Indonesia. Indonesia is an archipalego with thousands of Islands from Aceh to Irian Jaya or Papua. There are many ethnics and immigrants coming to this Country. In terms of Certainty of its Law, this Country is trying hard within itself to establish Law and Justice or Law Fairness in its Society. I have been practicing as Business Lawyer in the Business Law in Indonesia for more than 30 Years, since 1979 and I am fully aware that Law Certainty is always the issue raised by Foreign Investors who comes to Indonesia. They always say that Indonesia does not have Law.

      Foreign Investors has the perception that there are no consistency in the Indonesian Policy and the Rules between the Central Government and the Regional Government.  There is no good nor well coordination between the Technical Departments in Indonesia. The Laws between different Departments are overlapping and contradictory to each other which reflects weak coordination between such  Departments. They even laugh and make jokes out of the uncertain condition of Laws in Indonesia. I know such perceptions because I was assigned  as  In House Lawyer in Foreign Companies who do business in Indonesia.

      So what are the Indonesian Government Response to the above?  Why is the perception like that ? Indonesia has reached a staged being a Democracy country after the students movement toppled the Suppressive Regime in  the Year 1998, when the Asian Countries was hit by the First Financial Crisis. Now the  Second Round of the Peoples Voices in Indonesia are Claiming for Equal Justice Treatment by the Indonesian Court System, where it starts from the Frame of the KPK Anti Corruption Institution  which  was strongly indicated from the Taped Recorded Conversation between Several Indonesian Legal Institution, Mafia Court Brokers and Certain Businessman  which was publicly heard in the Constitutional Court in Indonesia.

      Thus the Second Agenda in this New Era of Indonesia is the Loud Out Cry to Have Legal Equal Treatment and Justice by the People of Indonesia.  The Freedom  of press in Indonesia is really  occurring these days. Even me as Business Lawyer can establish my own Blog where I can say my sayings through this blog of mine. Facebook members Voices are also having great influences and impact against the Unfair Legal Treatment to the KPK Anti Corruption Frame Victims. So the Era of Democracy and Pressure from the People through the Internet Media is really occurring in Indonesia. Yes, of course it  still needs a long process to establish Legal Fairness and Equality Before the Law.

      However, since Indonesia is a Freedom Democracy Country with more than 200 Millions People, the People's Voice can no longer be ignored by the Parliament who frequently has to be pressured by the Independent Voices in  Indonesia, either by the Television Media, News Paper,  Facebook members  and all of us the people of Indonesia who NO LONGER  wants to be suppressed by the Executive, Parliament, Court Officers, District Attorneys  nor any other Institution if UNFair Treatment is felt.

      In these Recent Years, many High Ranking Indonesian Officers are being captured and trialed after being  alleged by KPK  of conducting Corruption. But there are still many rumors that political involvement and discrimination upon who is being proccessed are attached to such process. The Member of the Political Parties are making political pressures  and bargaining through the Parliament among the Political Parties in making its moves against issues blow up in the Public.     

      Apart of the above if you view   Jakarta, there are many High Rise Buildings being constructed,  which reflects that there are many  Construction Developers and monies being planted and parked in such High Rise Buildings, which Funds is indicated not  coming from Bank Loan but rather fresh monies. These means that  the Person who have  monies in Indonesia no longer wants to put  or  parked  their money out side  Indonesia, but they rather put their monies  in such High Rise Buildings in Jakarta, Indonesia .

      These  may reflects that even though Indonesia is still uncertain in its Law and is still fighting hard to develop, Law Justice and Equality before the Law,  the Real Money owners prefer to put their money in Indonesia rather than parking it outside of Indonesia. This may occur  due to the  Global Economic  Financial Crisis  occuring  in the International Society including the USA for example which hits Lehman Brothers.

      Thus Foreign Investors need also to consider the above factors and progress  developing in Indonesia and outside of Indonesia when they decide to invest their monies in Indonesia.

      5 December 2009
      Agung Supomo Suleiman   

      Monday, November 30, 2009

      Legal Certainty AFTA 2010

      No country in this world can avoid the requirement of Legal Certainty. In this rapid Global Era, if a country wants to create Healthy Business Climate, Legal Certainty is a must. The Gaps between the Poor and the Rich in Indonesia must be narrowed, if not the Poor People will  surely be frustrated with the ongoing Unfair System. 

      In the Year 2010 AFTA ( ASEAN FREE TRADE AREA) will be applied, meaning that  Indonesian Business Investors are forced  to compete with foreign Investors from the AFTA region. The following are some information articles about AFTA occuring om Ist January 2010, from the above web :

      ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA) is a trade bloc agreement by the Association of Southeast Asian Nations supporting local manufacturing in all ASEAN countries.
      The AFTA agreement was signed on 28 January 1992 in Singapore. When the AFTA agreement was originally signed, ASEAN had six members, namely, Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand. Vietnam joined in 1995, Laos and Myanmar in 1997 and Cambodia in 1999. AFTA now comprises ten countries of ASEAN. All the four latecomers were required to sign the AFTA agreement in order to join ASEAN, but were given longer time frames in which to meet AFTA's tariff reduction obligations.
      The primary goals of AFTA seek to:
      • Increase ASEAN's competitive edge as a production base in the world market through the elimination, within ASEAN, of tariffs and non-tariff barriers; and
      • Attract more foreign direct investment to ASEAN.


      Based on the above development, we all in Indonesia must be fully aware that corruption  occuring in Indonesia results :  High Costs for Business  Investors Players in Indonesia. Thus,  if Corruption is not seriously tackled by the Indonesian Authority in Indonesia, the Indonesian Business Investors will loose its leverage of  competitiveness from the AFTA Business Players in this AFTA Region. We are than Forced  to fight Corruption, to enable the Indonesian Business Players to compete with the other AFTA members in this AFTA Region. This is also significant for increasing the social welfare of the poor People in Indonesia.

      Real Significant Action must be made to reform the Legal System in Indonesia. This  must be applied to all level within the Police Department, The District Attorney, The Legislative, The Advocats and Lawyers and Businessman. The President had indicated its message to make such fight against the Court Mafia in Indonesia.

      Jakarta, 1 December 2009
      Agung Supomo Suleiman

      Sunday, November 29, 2009

      Level Of Trust On The Legal Institution In Indonesia

      It had been quite a while that I visit this blog. I just wanted to say hello and greetings from Jakarta Indonesia. How is business at your end. I hope everything is ok. There is an important element which had to be settled in Indonesia in this coming  days. The Level of Trusts on the Legal Institution In Indonesia must really be healed. All the elements of Indonesia including the Business Society and Business Lawyer needs some assurance from the Top Level Government of Indonesia,  that they are really serious in supporting   the  Law Certainty and the Level Of Trust on the Legal Institution in Indonesia.

      Without such assurance, the Business Investment Climate and the people welfare will be jeopardize. The People of Indonesia are really fed up and frustrated with the non-seriousness of the Authorized Legal Officers in handling the Corruption cases in Indonesia. Accordingly we are  all relying on the President of Indonesia to seriously instruct the Police Officers as well as The District Attorney Officers to accomodate the desires of the Indonesian People to conduct their tasks in a trusty, honest, Justice  and High Integrity manner. 

      Saturday, November 28, 2009

      Independent Business Lawyer

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      You never can tell what kind of  business legal works will you be doing if you are on your own. If you are working as in-house Lawyer your legal work can be detected and be predicted which shall be within the surroundings of the business field of company that you are working. But if  you are Business Lawyer  on your own you cannot predict and expect what kind of  business legal works that you are doing.

      You will be experiencing several Independent Business Legal Works which may range from preparing  MOU or Letter of Intent, or conducting Legal Due Diligence or drafting a complex agreements such  as Shareholders Loan Agreement, and other related business legal transactions.  It could be just  a meeting with your prospective Clients, which will tell you stories about their current business ventures and experiences including their stories and venture of  still trying to seek business ventures. The Prospective Clients who will contact you or who you contact may also be unpredictable.

      They can be your former Clients who had experienced the Legal Services that you have once rendered. It may be Clients that you have contacted and asked whether they needed  any Legal Assistance in their business. There are even times that you do not have any legal services to do. The cash in  of your Firm  depends on the Legal Fess for the Legal Services  you are providing, which  may also unpredictable. 

      Accordingly, if  you are on your own as an Independent Business Lawyer you may also have an uncertain cash flow,  where the cash-in really depends upon the condition of the Load work in your Legal Law  Firm. The size of your Legal Firm may also be different with the size of the other Law Firms. This really depends upon when you started establishing your Legal Law Firm . The  motivation, background  and circumstances of the Founder or Partner of such Law Firm may differ from one to the other shall influence such Firm.

      For myself  as a Business Lawyer, the reason and background was because I wanted to be  more independent and have freedom in  shaping and  establishing my life style. Since my specialty happens to be shaped as a business Lawyer either as In-House lawyer and Legal Consultant or Partner in a Law Firm, the Vehicle that I have in mind, to accommodate my need back to  1st June 1998  was  establishing such "independent Vehicle" which is establishing and running an Independent Business Law Firm.

      Accordingly, if I elect the life style more of an independent type, I had elected to use an Independent  Business Law Firm as a Vehicle to accommodate my independence. Besides  being  a Partner and Founder of the Law Firm of Suleiman Agung & Co for more than 11  1/2 Years since 1st  June 1998 , when I left being as In-House Legal Counsel of PT Freeport Indonesia Company (one of the biggest Copper Mining Company who operates in Irian Jaya Indonesia), I also enjoyed writing  about my life experiences related to my profession as a Business Lawyer  and also experiences about travel, spiritual and experimental movements.

      I had also recently joined  Squidoo and Hubpages community,  who like to write  and  hopefully can also gain  some earnings from such Blogs which are being  linked  with Google Adsense, Ebay, Amazon and other affiliates and advertisement,  where we elect to be Publisher.


      Revised 27th November 2009

      Agung Supomo Suleiman        

      Monday, November 23, 2009

      Interesting Development

      There is a very interesting development in Indonesia after the Indonesian Constitutional Court had allowed the disclosure and hearing of the tapped phone discussion between certain businessman and Indonesian Law Officers which strongly indicates of involvement of the businessman with such  Indonesian Officers in the law procedures process of conspiracy in framing a certain honest  Chairman of the KPK ( Indonesian Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) ), who are trying to abolish the Corruption in Indonesia, as if  they received  bribery  monies, which was openly broadcast  by  TVONE Channel and MetroTV and could be watched by 200 million viewers in Indonesia.

      On this day  23 November 2009 everybody is waiting for the Presidential response and action relating to this case after Team 8 which was formed by the President had submitted their recomendation. The President indicates an of out of Court Settlement shall be approached. The significant element in this issue is that  the whole people of Indonesia is focused on the outcome of the status of the 2 KPK officers which is indicated as being  framed based on the hearing of the tapped phone discussion which was broadcast by the TV media during such hearing in  the Indonesian Constitutional Court. We will wait for the action from the President on this day around 20.00 hours tonight.    

      Sunday, November 15, 2009

      Overlapping Business Operation

      As a Business Lawyer you have to collect all the significant data and information to enable to give the proper legal advices which are being requested by your Clients. If it relates to certain laws and regulation you have to research the laws and regulation from your library, and you must also research to the relevant Technical Department particularly the Legal Division of such respective Department. In Indonesia besides the written rules there may also be policies made by the Officers from such Department.

      • This depends upon your research to such Officers which sometimes needs your critical legal mind because you may found that the information from such officer may differ from one source and the other sources. As we know the Highest level in a Department in Indonesia is the Minister, and below this Ministerial Level there are many bureaucracy level from the Director General, Secretary General, Head Bureau, Head Sub Directorate and many levels below it. If you make the legal research in particularly relating to the policies or interpretation of certain rules or implementation rules issued by the Department concern,  you have to be sure which level of bureaucracy are you getting such information  because sometimes it depends upon the person who is giving such information whether they are helpful or mastering the  questions and issues that you are seeking to get such clarification.

      If the ruling involved several other Departments such as Mining /Oil -Gas and the Forestry Department related to overlapping activities such as Logging, Saw Mills and the Drilling or Mining activities in a certain area of operations in the  field, where two or more activities are occurring, this may frequently result overlaping policies and ruling by the inter-departmental sectors where we may found weak coordination between this different Departments. This overlaping  rulings and policies will affect the smoothness operation in the field between this two or more business operation activities.

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      In my experiences as Business Lawyer in the Oil/Gas as well as General Mining Operations, this overlapping issues frequently exists and occurs, where several meetings between the several Departments such as The Directorate of Energy and Minerals, The Forestry Department The Local Government Institution, The Agrarian Department, and other related technical Department and the respective Oil/Gas or General Mining Companies which also involved the In-House Legal Counsel   and the Logging or Sawmill Companies shall be called and conducted . This may also involved other activities such as Plantation activities.

      • Each respective parties shall forward and made their argumentation which all are basing on the legal rights they have as well as the legal rules and policies issued by each of the confronting Officers from such Departments, which meetings will usually  takes place at the Regional Level where the overlapping activities occur;  If in the lower level Dead Lock occurs since all the different parties are claiming to have their Legal Rights in conducting their Overlapping Activities, it will then be brought to the Higher level within the Central Government in Jakarta, where the Ministerial Level might be called to coordinate and solve this overlapping activities. Accordingly the Coordination Minister might be required to solve such overlapping rulings and policies.

      Well the above are some brief glance picture what might occur in the Overlapping Business Operation Activities in Indonesia.

      Jakarta, 15th November 2009
      Agung Supomo Suleiman 


      Thursday, November 12, 2009

      Business Lawyer On Your Own

      We do not realize that as a Business lawyer if you are setting up your own Law Firm you will also be experiencing to be a Businessman selling your Professional Skill in Providing the legal Services as a Business Lawyer. However at the same time you are tight to the legal profession where you have to be honest in conducting your Legal profession. Thus the cash flows -cash in depends upon the Clients that are using you as a Business Lawyer. But at the same time in rendering the Legal Services you must observe and honor the laws and regulations as well as the Ethics and morals as a Business Lawyer

      You must not breach the Law especially if your inner feelings can detect that something is against your deep consciousness. Accordingly, your rendering Business Legal Services to your Clients  besides the laws and regulations must also take into consideration  upon   the code ethics and morals which are felt, practiced  and accepted by the stakeholders in the business society within your places and jurisdictions .

      The above is based on the experiences where sometimes as a Business Lawyer who are serving our Clients in the Business Circle,  we feel that Power  tend to manipulate  certain  situation and circumstances which is against  our Hearts and consciousness and common sense  being  felt by the common people who are seeking for equal treatment and fairness in the struggle for their day to day life.

      Therefor even though Business Lawyer are Businessman who make their living  from their   Legal Professions  you are also at the same time a Professional  Lawyer who must give  advise on the proper legal and rulings as well as following and listening to your heart consciousness,  which may play an important significant role in making a decision to give advise and giving legal opinions which has to be within the high moral professional standards as a Conduct Of Honour of the Business Lawyers.       

      The Truth sometimes is relative which depends upon which angle or side are you in the reality of life in this world.

      Monday, November 09, 2009

      Serious Steps Must Be Made

      During this past 1 week, all the Indonesian People are focusing on the work by the Team 8 which are being requested by the President to make Facts Finding upon the allegation made by the Police Department against the framed Corruption Abolition Committee (KPK Officer ), which based on the media perception,  there is  actually no case, since the legal basis are merely made upon the report from Antasari ( the Previous KPK Officer) based upon the testimony made by a certain Businessman he called Anggoro, claiming that he had been pressed to give monies by certain KPK Officers,  which according to Antasari in the TV Media,  the information gathered by him from Anggoro, are still having many doubted and uncertain data.

      This weak testimony which was made into a report by Antasari to the Police Department, are being used to put the Charges against CH and B as KPK Officer by the Police Department.  

      Based on such above significant development, all our energy are thrown into this frustrated weak allegation, which many people are not convince with such allegation made by the Police Department, since there are really "no hard evidence", but is merely based on assumption and has no any strong legal ground evidence at all.

      Ary Muladi, which had made the Minutes Procedure Investigation, being used by the Police Department  to make such charges and allegation, had actually revoked his previous statement, which  said that he had made  payments directly to the KPP officer, but, he  made correction statements saying  that  the payment was made through certain man, he called Yulianto, which until this present moment such name is never known and traced by the Police.

      As we are aware,  Indonesia needs a Total Serious Mental Legal Reformation within the Indonesian Legal Institution, if it wants to develop a Healthy Investment Climate in Indonesia, so that the Indonesian and Foreign Investors could feel comfort upon the Investment that they are investing in Indonesia.

      As a Business Lawyer  we have to be concerned in pushing the legal system to be more transparency and accountable to enable providing Legal Justice and Equality for all the people of Indonesia without any discrimination. 

      It really takes and consumed a  lot of time and energy for the Indonesian people,  to develop such Certain Legal System where the President of Indonesia as the Leader of this Country has to have strong political will and consistent to gear  the conducive condition for establishing Good Legal Practices and Conduct within the Indonesian Legal Institution to be really implemented and  enforced in Indonesia.

      Without this Strong Political Will from the Indonesian Government, it is really hard for us to have a dream of Legal Certainty In Indonesia to become reality.

      The people of Indonesia are really fed up with the acrobatic Mafia Legal System, and therefore are perceiving Distrust to the Legal Institution Bodies  and therefore they are putting Chandra Hamzah and Bibit as their Hero Representing Honest Person who are being Criminalized by the Indonesian Legal System, or the War between The Crocodile ( Buaya ) and Cicak ( small reptile).       

      Jakarta 9 November 2009
      Agung Supomo Suleiman



      Saturday, November 07, 2009

      Historical New Legal Breakthrough by The Indonesian Constitutional Court

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      There was a Historical New Breakthrough made by the Indonesian Constitutional Court,  where The Indonesian Constitutional Court had allowed to publicly openly hear  the contents of the  tapping of the Phone Conversation between certain businessman, and indicated certain Officers from the Legal Institution  and several "Case Broker", which indicated that there was  a scenario to frame the Chairman of the KPK ( Indonesian Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) ), who are trying to abolish the Corruption in Indonesia, as if  they received  bribery  monies, which was openly broadcast  by  TVONE Channel and MetroTV and could be watched by 200 million viewers in Indonesia .

      It was really a Historical New Breakthrough  on  this  Openness  Era in Indonesia, because the People of Indonesia who are very eager to establish  Legal  Justice  can watch  lively on the TV Media directly from the Indonesian Constitutional Court,  the phone tapping conservations which strongly indicates scenario of so Called Court Mafia  in Indonesia between such business man, and several officers indicated from the Legal Institution Bodies.

      Immediately after such TV Broadcast was made, demonstration had rapidly spread in many cities in Indonesia by students and the people who are concern of  Legal Justice, including many signatures to support the Victim Chairman of the KPK who were perceived as being Criminalized,  as if such Honest Chairman from KPK called CH and B had conducted bribery, which was Strongly Denied by such Respective Victims.

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      What made the people mad, was that there was "Distrust from the People" upon the Legal Institution in Indonesia who appears not to be on the side of the People's want of  Law Justice. This KPK Institution was actually established,  in response to the "distrust of the People of the Republic of Indonesia "upon the Indonesian Legal Institution" in handling the Corruption Cases.

      We as Business Lawyer, are also really concerned in  the Law Justice and Equality before the Law in Indonesia, that is why some of the Alumni of the Indonesian University  had signed the support for the Victims of this Criminalization.

      In order to build a Healthy Business Climate in Indonesia, Law Certainty is really important and significant. We noticed that the wages and the living standard of the Indonesian Legal Institution had to be increased and taken care by the Government and the Parliament, so that they can  fully concentrated on doing their task and duties  in serving the Peoples Hunger for Law Justice and not trying to find out a way to cope their needs for their day to day Living Costs.

      In respond to the above development The President had established the so called Team 8, who is responsible to conduct  the Findings Facts  of this Case and make a Recommendation to the President within this 2 weeks time.

      The above developments of making the Breakthrough by the Indonesian Constitutional Court was a Historically Breakthrough made by the Indonesian Constitutional Court as the Indonesian Legal Institution in this New   Era of Openness in  Indonesia who is striving hard to establish Legal Justice and Abolishing Corruption in Indonesia which is really significant to establish Healthy Business Climate in Indonesia particularly Law Certainty.

      Jakarta, 5 November 2009
      Agung Supomo Suleiman


      Wednesday, November 04, 2009

      Legal Aspects relating to Financing Business Projects

      • Financing  Business Projects are very interesting from the legal aspects for a Business Lawyer. From my experience in practicing as as  Business Corporate Lawyer in Indonesia, we are frequently involved in giving advise and assisting our Clients to draft or review their financing arrangement which are covered by a Loan Agreement. This  was  being experienced by the Writer as a Business Lawyer since Year 1980 ies, starting as a Junior Lawyer who  assisted the Senior Layers  in drafting the finance transactions and arrangement relating to financing their  Vessels including air planes 
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      •  What makes us attractive to such finance arrangement as Business Lawyer is because there are several  elements that have to be taken into considerations. Business Lawyers must be aware that before the Debtors are approved to get this  Funds from the Creditors, based on  the Indonesian Business common practices, such Creditors  shall firstly  conduct the Legal Due Diligence,  which shall be conducted by Independent Lawyers; This Legal Due diligence covers the checking of all the corporate documents  Licenses, Agreements with other Parties, including any Credit Agreements and its Collateral, the amounts of Labors, The Company Rules, The Employment Agreements, Title ownership of its assets, Certificate of Lands/Buildings, the potential Litigation or Arbitration cases ( if any) which involved such Debtors. Based on the Legal Due Diligence, the Independent Lawyers may be requested to make the Report Result of their Legal Due Diligence and may be requested to issue and make a written Legal Opinion addressed to the Creditor/Bank
      • Besides the Legal Due Diligence, the business prospective of such Investor including the technical aspects are also being conducted by the Bankers as the Creditors. The Creditor will usually request the Investors to make their business presentation, and business cash flow projection  in order to get the overall and comprehensive business prospective in particularly, the cash flows, cash out and cash in streams of such respective credit applicant, to ensure the repayment of the Loan. The most significant element in business is the trust worthiness of such loan applicant, and the capabibilty to repay any and all of the Loan Amount being granted by the Creditor.
      • In other words, the most relevant questioned raised by the Bankers or the Financiers are whether the applicant's cash flow prospect are bankable or not. These initial steps are really important and significant, because once the Monies or the Funds are being disbursed by the Bankers in accordance wityh the agreed repayment schedule as shall be stipulated under the Loan Agreements , the Bankers shall be in the risk of non- repayment or default of payment by the Debtor.

      • In order to secure the full repayment of the Loan by the Debtor to the Creditor, there are several collateral known and recognized under the Indonesian Laws and regulations among others  the Fiduciary upon the movable as well as immovable assets, the Hak Tanggungan (or in other countries are known as Mortgage) upon the land owned by the Debtor.The Fiduciary Deed shall be registered in the Fiduciary Office, at  the places where the assets are located.
      •  Once the Pre-Condition under the Loan Agreement are being completed, by the Debtors, as being advised by the Business Lawyer, the Bankers will disburse the amount of Loan in accordance with the disbursement schedule under the Loan Agreements pursuant to the mechnisme of drawndown under such Loan Agreement.  The actual disbursement of the Monies made by the Bankers to the Debtor are the most significant matter for the Debtor, since this Loan is really needed by the Debtor to perform its business operations. Normally there will be a certain Grace Period granted to the Debtor before repayment obligation of the Loan are to be made by the Debtor, pursuant to the terms and conditions of the Credit /Loan Agreement.   
      • If the progress  track record and the outcome of the business is a successful one, than such respective success Investors has shown a good re- payment loan performance , and the Bankers shall be willing to offered again further loan to such respective Debtor. From the Writers experience as a Business Lawyer who frequently assisted Clients on seeking funds from Banks to support their business operations, it shows that the Bankers may also need some expertise within themselves to understand the business culture or business nature of our Clients. If our Clients happens to be business players in OIL GAS Mining sectors, the Bankers may  need some education from the oil/gas and mining business players as to the nature of the oil/gas and Copper Mining or Coal Mining business operations including the exposed risks that might occur and the laws and regulations surrounding the business nature in such sectors.
      • The Business Lawyer must advise the Bankers, that Banker  who are granting loan to Oil/Gas or Mining Companies conducting operations in Indonesia, must fully be aware that the oil/gas as well as the minerals which "had not yet passed the point of export", cannot be secured as collateral for the repayment of the Loan or Financing transactions, since such minerals/coal and oil and gas are still owned by the People of Indonesia based on the Concept  adopted under the Indonesian Oil/Gas Laws as well as the Mineral and Coal Law.Thus we have to remember that under the Indonesian Legal system regulating the oil/gas and General Mining sectors, the Oil/ Gas Product  as well as the Mining  Products may only be owned by the Investors, if such product already passed "the point of export", where transfer of title on such oil/gas product occurs.
      • Accordingly,  the Bankers have to really conduct the economical commercially  aspects of such Debtors business, which may need some inputs from the technical people who are expertise in giving ideas and inputs on the oil/gas and minerals/coal deposits in the Oil/Gas and Mining Block in Indonesia.
      Agung Supomo Suleiman
      Partner Law Firm Suleiman Agung Co

      BUSINESS LAWYER Jakarta, Indonesia,
      30 October 2009

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