Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Yah kita sebagai manusia Harus Sabar, tangguh,  tidak boleh putus asa dengan Rahmat ALLAH BERSYUKUR kepada ALLAH. 
  • Rejeki sudah ada Jatah dan takaran dari ALLAH bagi kita selama kita masih diberi kesempatan hidup, namun syaratnya agar dapat rejeki Berkah, adalah Jujur, Mengikuti Perintah ALLAH dan Menjauhi Larangan ALLAH, berdoa, berusaha keras dengan banyak mau belajar dari pengalaman jatuh bangun diri kita maupun orang lain termasuk wadah kita dan wadahnya orang lain, dan berusaha untuk juga kerja cakap dengan tidak mengulang-ngulang  kesalahan yang kita lakukan. 

  • Penulis merasakan bahwa  meskipun sudah berumur 61 tahun menuju 62 Tahun, namun jika ALLAH masih memberikan kesempatan untuk hidup didunia ini, dan jika sudah bersusah dengan semaksimal mungkin, ternyata manusia ada takaran rejeki sesuai dengan kemampuan dan kegigihan yang dimiliki orang tersebut, dimana untuk Penulis adalah  memberikan "Brand Name" pada wadah Penulis dengan nama Suleiman Agung & Co yang Penulis singkat SACO LAW FIRM;
Tidak mudah memang membangun dan memelihara serta mempertahankan untuk dapat Survive, selama lebih dari 15 Tahun ini dengan ganti Partner maupun berganti keluar masuk pegawai. Namun karena Penulis mulai dari "Nol alias Scratch" istilah bahwa Inggrisnya, pada tanggal 1 Juni 1998,  Penulis syukur ALHAMDULILLAH telah banyak mengalami jatuh dan bangun termasuk Cash Flow dari Wadah ini yang tentunya berpengaruh kepada Cash Flow dapur pribadi rumah tangga; 
  • Namun ada "Hal penting yang Penulis alami, setelah dicampur antar pengalaman pengalaman perjalanan hidup Pribadi selama 61 tahun lebih dengan 15 Tahun menjalankan Wadah Suleiman Agung & Co yang Penulis singkat SACO LAW FIRM adalah,  terasa ada ke"Yakinan Kuat" yang dirasakan oleh Penulis bahwa  ada hukum Universal yang dibuat oleh ALLAH Sang Maha Pencipta, khususnya disebabkan  Penulis sudah diizinkan oleh ALLAH Sang Maha Pencipta untuk selama  15 Tahun untuk dapat survive, dengan cara Self Employed dengan pengertian, tidak ada Fixed - Income atau gajih, melainkan berjuang dan berusaha mengharapkan rejeki Cash-In meraih Karunia ALLAH dari Proyek memberikan Jasa Hukum melalui Wadah Suleiman Agung & Co yang Penulis singkat SACO LAW FIRM,  maka  banyak ilmu dan pelajaran yang dapat Penulis petik;
Ilmu dan Pelajaran Penting ini antara lain yang penting adalah bahwa jika kita kaitkan dengan Keimanan dan Kepercayaan atau Faith, bahwa ada suatu Dzat Maha Kuasa diluar diri kita yang telah menciptakan ALAM semesta ini termasuk Bumi yang kita tinggali terasa Sangat Kuat  ada "Hukum Universal" yang bersumber dari Kitab Suci yang diturunkan ALLAH,  melalui para Nabi  dan para Utusan Rasul dari ALLAH bahwa ALLAH akan memberikan cobaan kekeringan - tandus - dimana dalam hal menjalankan wadah adalah "Masa Sudah Sidekit atau Minimnya Cash Flow, serta disisi lain Rahmat dan Berkat berupa Rejeki Karunia ALLAH berupa Cash - In yang akan datang setelah kita benar2 kepepet, yang datangnya seringkali dari Arah - atau Klien yang kita tidak- sangka2, dan biasanya tepat dengan Jumlah Uang yang kita benar2 Butuhkan untuk dapat menyirami kekeringan Cash Flow tersebut;

  • Jika hal ini hanya terjadi sekali dua kali maka mungkin kita menyebutnya Kebetulan, namun jika hal ini seringkali kita alami, maka harusnya ini membuktikan : "Tidak Ada Faktor Kebetulan" melainkan haruslah ada faktor Hukum Universal dari suatu Sistem Mechanisme Jatuh bangun dala kehidupan didunia ini,  yang memang telah didesign dan dibuat oleh ALLAH, dimana kita harus pandai belajar menimba ilmu ini, dan mengamati, perjalanan hidup kita agar kita In Sya ALLAH dapat menjadi manusia yang lebih Bijak dan Cakap dan Pandai Bersyukur untuk tidak merasa Sombong jika berada di"Atas", dan tidak putus asa dikala kita berada "dibawah. 
Sekian dahulu tulisan Penulis ini, pagi setelah kemarin bekerja dan rapat sampai malam dengan Klien .....
   Jakarta 17, Juli 2013 
Agung S.Suleiman 

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Certain Universal Rules

Well, its quite a while that I visited this blog of mine; It is really exiting being the founder of a Boutique Law Firm, now called Suleiman Agung & Co ("SACO Law Firm") particularly if you are trying to connect your self with the Creator of this World that we are living; From my life experience, I  strongly feel that there are certain Universal rules that applies to all human beings as well as self employed professionals players whatever the professionals might be in this 1(one) world that we are living; 
  • If you are allowed by the Creator to survive being an Independent individual or professional where you are self employed in the sense that you are not attached to a certain fixed income, you than start on trying with your best efforts to find a way out to cope with your cash flow; 
For sure and certain we understand that  there are  Certain Universal rules and principals which taught us  that we cannot just sit in our office and wait for a falling star or a basket of monies pouring  to our office or our pocket, but we have to market out and seek information within our networks to get some business deal done;
  • From our life experience, we strongly feel that there is a big and huge difference between someone who in the process of life develop the awareness in the faith and believes that there is a Great Element Creator, outside of our selves, who had created this huge Universe including the 1(one) world that we are living, which is  that we as believers upon the Creator, are educated by our actual live journey experiences to really explore such live journey and by trying really hard to balance our day to day actual life, with God's Words in the Holy Books that had been sent down to us through the Creator's Messenger; 
We can found for example that the wind which blows is not just blowing by itself, but is actually a Good Blessed Message from the Creator, that the wind will blow Clouds into the Direction of a certain Land which are dry, by which water in the form of rain will be sent down and poured  to the dry land being part of the earth, so that living can start again after such long dry land, where seeds of the plants can grow resulting fruits and vegetables as God's kindness to us, so that we and all the animals can survive living and start to live again after suffering such long dry seasons;
  • So these are actually many signs from the Creator addressed to us, who wants to use our mind, brain, and see with our eyes, ears as well as  hearts to be thankful to the Creator who is ALLAH The Most Merciful and Kindness to all of us in this world; However, we have to be patient and do our best efforts within our best efforts to continue living in our unique respective fields of skills, talent, potential strength as well weakness to complement with other integrated professionals and different fields  within our choice of works and places to seek opportunities to survive, and for us Believers to pray and be thankful for ALLAH kindness to us.  
These kind of feelings are similar to the cash flows of our Professional Business, where if we are patient, focused, tough with our efforts in striving to survive, after marketing our selves through our networks, and after we felt dry season in our cash flows or feeling as if we are in the edge of the cliff, we can strongly feel as Believers that ALLAH as the Creator will guide us to contact one of our many networks that we have contacted and will pour water or provisions through such respective network by giving business deal in our respective professional skills to cope with our cash flows; 
The above are my writing for this night in the beginning of the Holy Month Of Ramadhan
Jakarta, 7 July 2013 
Agung Supomo Suleiman                         

Monday, June 10, 2013

Is Indonesia Ready To Face AFTA ( Asean Free Trade Area) 2015

As we are aware Indonesia is facing a new Era where its Economic Growth for this Year is targeted to be around 6,3 %; The population of Indonesia is around 250 million, which means that it is a significant  place to target Indonesia as the market place for products such as Ipad, Handpohone, Computers and other consumer products, electronics, Auto Cars, Motor Bicycles, Washing Machine, TV, Refrigerators and other consumer Goods; We can see that there are so many Malls selling such consumer products including in Jakarta and other growing cites in Indonesia; 

However, we have to be fully aware that  Indonesia is also currently facing the AFTA Year 1915, where  ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA) will be effective and takes place. As we are aware the AFTA Council has agreed that the target dates to achieve this free trade Area is 2015 for 6 original members and 2018 for newer members.This will create an intergrated market where there shall be free flow of goods and services within the Region; 

Thus, in the Year 2015,  Indonesia will face the Asean Free Trade Area where all the South East Asian Countries will eliminate intraregional tariffs and non tariff barriers among the members of this Southeast Asian Countries; It means that they plan to intergrate the ecomomies in this region into a single production base and regional market; AFTA goal is to increase Asean competitiveness  with the other Global Regional Integrated Area, to attract investments and jack-up the trade between members of this AFTA;         

The Real Big Question :  is Indonesia ready for these AFTA Era ? Compared to the  Asean members itself,  the business environment climate in Indonesia which includes the lack of  infrastructure, the long period to start up a business, the bureaucratic process, the inconsistency in the regulatory framework, the non-integrated communications between the inter department sectors, the mental attitude of the local as well as central government officers which needs more transparency, as well as switching their mentality from seeking power and respects as Government Officers  which  had caused non efficiency and high costs economy, and  results non competitiveness of Indonesia within the Asean region, to become into focusing to provide good quality public services to the business investors, stakeholders and players in speeding the processing permits, registrations process, approving Plan for Development (POD) in the Energy Sectors, Oil and gas and Mining sectors to enable to Indonesia to be more  competitive with the other Asean Member countries,

  • As a Professional Business Lawyer practicing as Legal Consultant to Clients for more than 15 Years through his Law Firm, and 15 Years as In House Legal Counsel in Private Companies, and Law Firms,  the Writer of this Blog feels that Indonesia needs much more dedicated public servants who are really serious and have the strong mental behavior, attitude which must be far from arrogance in serving the needs of  the investors to have a more welcoming, non-bureaucratic attitude to enable Indonesia to reach the same level of professionalism  as we may found in other members of the Asean Countries in facing the coming AFTA 2015 Era.
These switching mentalities must also be applied by the Indonesian Professionals, as well as the Indonesian Private Companies who are engaged in selling goods, services as well as Investors and business players including its employees to be able to compete with other Asean Players in the   AFTA 2015 Era.  
Jakarta,  10 June 2013
Agung S.Suleiman


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