Saturday, September 10, 2016


Well Folks,  it has been over more than 18 Years since 1st June 1998, when Indonesia was hit by the Economic Crisis, that the Writer of this Blog as an Independent Business Lawyer had jumped - up from the "Certainty World" to the "Uncertain World", being self-employed which is really challenging and exiting,  because during his  18 Years Life Journey as a Self-Employed - Independent Business Lawyer  using Brand Name AgsS Law - or sometimes SACO Law the abbreviation of  Suleiman Agung & Co,   you are not sure what will happen to you in the life journey ahead of your professional carrier,  from year to year life journey.
At one time you are busy and buried  with your work load, but at another point of time,  you may be  wandering as to whether there will be another Business Project which requires your professional Legal Services relating to the Legal Aspects surrounding such Business.

 At one time the Writer of this Blog  as an Independent Business Lawyer by the permit, blessing and merciful of ALLAH,  had been appointed as one of the member of a Survey Team to conduct research and for collecting the necessary  construction business information in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to explore Doing Construction Business work in that part of the Middle East Countries. The main significant purpose of the research was among others  gathering all the necessary data and business information on Doing Construction Business in United Arab Emirates. The research was done for around 14 Days, where as the result of such Research, we managed to gather significant Information and resulted making the Booklet called Doing Construction Business in United Arab Emirates.The work was solely done to enable the Indonesian Construction to pursue business in UAE.
During the time the research was conducted, the Active Construction Crane in the World was 25% (Twenty Five Percent) occurring in that Part of the World, which for sure would attract all Constructions Companies to get  part of the Construction Project in UAE. We also gathered information that 1 (one) Ton out of the 8 (eight) Ton of Gold Worldwide being sold in the Market Place was happening in Dubai during that period of time. Amazing isn't. We had met the Abu Dabhi Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the UAE Ministry of Public Works, Ministry of Labour and Social Affair, The Department of Economic Development of Dubai as well as privates institutions of investors, consultants including several reputable companies such as Isthitmar, United Eastern Group, Bloke Stone Investment Consultants Co LLC-Abu Dabhi, Bin Laden, MCM and other investors and consultants and architect including the Indonesian Engineers and Architecs who are working in the multi national Company in Dubai. We really gather significant information and data from all those Officials and Investors, which enable the Survey Team to assist the Indonesian Government particularly The Ministry of Public Works to produce the relevant booklet to be used as an  initial guidance by the Indonesian Construction Companies to conduct their business in UAE.          
That was part of the experience that the Writer was involved in getting the significant data relating to the Construction Business in United Arab Emirates, where the writer was being one of the Editor of such Booklet to be used by Indonesian Companies such as Construction Companies, Architect who are interesting to explore doing construction business ventures in that Part of the World, where the Indonesian Government had really  encouraged the Indonesian construction to enter the market with diligent and good preparation to enable them to venture and pursue construction business opportunities abroad particularly in UAE. The understanding of the political, economic, social, legal and cultures systems and related significant business practices are of important step for those Indonesian Companies who are interested to penetrate their business construction abroad.
Well, the above Life experience, which  the Writer was engaged and involved,  really contributed in expanding and developing  our mind to be more active in our efforts to contribute to the development and growth of the Business Players in this  Country to be able to participate locally and internationally. In ending this writing, the Writer wanted to dedicate this Writing to one of the Survey Team member who had passed away, namely Pak Wahyu Prapto Yuwono, which in the above photo was on the very left side, where we all pray to ALLAH the Al Mighty,   asking  that his  contribution and dedication as member of the Survey Team in enabling the Booklet Doing Business In United Arab Emirates, will be accepted and regarded by ALLAH as his good deeds to the Construction Business Society in Indonesia as well as in UAE, Aamiin YRA

Jakarta, 10 September 2016
Agung Supomo Suleiman     

Tuesday, September 06, 2016


We are facing New Alternatives IT Era System Networks for Lawyers, where we observe  that Individually, the Lawyer has only small overhead, since the size of each individual Lawyers is not big at the ground land Level, however, as Networks of Lawyers,  which are linked to each other by a certain IT office, acting as the Pooling Internet Connected Level, they could develop a "More Broader  Network of Individual Independent Business Lawyers" who has gained In-depth Experiences in their respective specialist Expertise. This trend is really globally occurring,  as we can observe :
NETWORK OF Independent Business Lawyers :

Attorney Happiness and Freelance Practice
The Rise of Freelance Lawyer
After experiencing a rather long, lengthy and bumpy road, at the present moment,  the writer of this Blog, is practicing  Solo Independent Business Lawyer   under the Brand Name AgsS Law - SACo  . 
He seeks and tries to balance live between practicing as a Professional Independent Business Lawyer, who serves and provides Professional Legal Services to Business Clients in a responsibility manner, in a more "Flexi Time" and
"Flexi Place",
in the sense, that he can control and  master the "time and place to work", without exploiting nor sacrificing himself nor other Lawyers times,  to work lengthy long hours in a 1(one) centralized Cubical Office, from early Morning until late night, which frequently, resulted sacrificing their time with their families  as well as sparing time to read the Holy Book from the Creator as Life Guidance in this temporary World.
Well life is a matter of Choices,  how to manage our Professional Work and time. By welcoming the New IT Era progress and development, there will be many alternatives ways and manner to practice our Professional carrier path,  more freely in terms of managing our time and place to work, by Interconnecting between several Individual Professional Expertise in a Larger Network  through  IT Office, which does not require renting or owning a Conventional Centralized Office at the Ground Land level, but more closer Inter Connected Networks through IT Network, among the Expertise. In Indonesia you can also find Ahli Hukum
This trend can also be seen in other field of business,  among others in the Alternative Hotel such as  AirBnb for members who wants to venture as Host for Guest, or  Uber as alternative mode transportation, where Individual members can apply and register as Members, having  their Own Vehicle (either renting/leasing or Owning), by which in Indonesia you may find Grab Car and Grab Motor Cycles, and many Online Shops; We may also find,  where you can also register your self either as a Party who needs a certain Work, or as the Worker who will register as the Services Provider of a certain type of Services.  
In this Internet IT  Pooling System, we may observe that this can be a Place for competing each other, among members registered in such One Polling Internet Base Office, resulting  competition in Lowering fees  offered for doing similar required Services.
Biding among Professional Services provider, is done, by Competing with Lowest Fee to Customers,  in order to get a Work. At the end of the day, the Customers or Clients, shall decide which of the Professional are really giving good Quality Services they need and require. The indicator of their Level of  Performances can be seen and shown in the Rating and Review,  made available by the Provider Intermediary - to be filled by the Customers and Professionals who are all listed - registered in such Pooling Interconnected Website Office.As an Independent Business Lawyer, the writer of this Blog, have been Rated and Review by the User within Ahli Hukum Website as shown  in

Well, I think the above are my early assessment and observation on the  NEW ALTERNATIVES  IT  ERA SYSTEM  NETWORK  FOR LAWYERS. So please be prepared to adjust ourselves in this speedy  IT Global Network Connections 

Jakarta, 9 September 2016
Agung Supomo Suleiman
Independent Business Lawyer                   


We are facing New Alternatives IT Era System Networks for Lawyers, where we observe  that Individually, the Lawyer has only small overhead, since the size of each individual Lawyers is not big at the ground land Level, however, as Networks of Lawyers,  which are linked to each other by a certain IT office, acting as the Pooling Internet Connected Level, they could develop a "More Broader  Network of Individual Independent Business Lawyers" who has gained In-depth Experiences in their respective specialist Expertise. This trend is really globally occurring,  as we can observe :
NETWORK OF Independent Business Lawyers :
            Attorney Happiness and Freelance Practice

The Rise of Freelance Lawyer
After experiencing a rather long, lengthy and bumpy road, at the present moment,  the writer of this Blog, is practicing  Solo Independent Business Lawyer   under the Brand Name - AgsS Law or sometimes SACO LAW  the abrreviation of Suleiman Agung & Co 
He seeks and tries to balance live between practicing as a Professional Independent Business Lawyer, who serves and provides Professional Legal Services to Business Clients in a responsibility manner, in a more Flexi Time and Flexi Place, in the sense, that he can control and  master the "time and place to work", without exploiting nor sacrificing himself nor other Lawyers times,  to work lengthy long hours in a 1(one) centralized Cubical Office, from early Morning until late night, which frequently, resulted sacrificing their time with their families  as well as sparing time to read the Holy Book from the Creator as Life Guidance in this temporary World.
Well life is a matter of Choices,  how to manage our Professional Work and time. By welcoming the New IT Era progress and development, there will be many alternatives ways and manner to practice our Professional carrier path,  more freely in terms of managing our time and place to work, by Interconnecting between several Individual Professional Expertise in a Larger Network  through  IT Office, which does not require renting or owning a Conventional Centralized Office at the Ground Land level, but more closer Inter Connected Networks through IT Network, among the Expertise. In Indonesia you can also find Ahli Hukum
This trend can also be seen in other field of business,  among others in the Alternative Hotel such as  AirBnb for members who wants to venture as Host for Guest, or  Uber as alternative mode transportation, where Individual members can apply and register as Members, having  their Own Vehicle (either renting/leasing or Owning), by which in Indonesia you may find Grab Car and Grab Motor Cycles, and many Online Shops; We may also find,  where you can also register your self either as a Party who needs a certain Work, or as the Worker who will register as the Services Provider of a certain type of Services.  
In this Internet IT  Pooling System, we may observe that this can be a Place for competing each other, among members registered in such One Polling Internet Base Office, resulting  competition in Lowering fees  offered for doing similar required Services.
Biding among Professional Services provider, is done, by Competing with Lowest Fee to Customers,  in order to get a Work. At the end of the day, the Customers or Clients, shall decide which of the Professional are really giving good Quality Services they need and require. The indicator of their Level of  Performances can be seen and shown in the Rating and Review,  made available by the Provider Intermediary - to be filled by the Customers and Professionals who are all listed - registered in such Pooling Interconnected Website Office.As an Independent Business Lawyer, the writer of this Blog, have been Rated and Review by the User within Ahli Hukum Website as shown  in

Well, I think the above are my early assessment and observation on the  NEW ALTERNATIVES  IT  ERA SYSTEM  NETWORK  FOR LAWYERS. So please be prepared to adjust ourselves in this speedy  IT Global Network Connections 

Jakarta, 9 September 2016
Agung Supomo Suleiman
Independent Business Lawyer                   

Sunday, September 04, 2016


In Indonesia you may now find  
which was launched as a Directory List of Law Firms, Lawyer as well as Notary conducting their Professional Services  in Indonesia. This progress and development  in the Legal Society in Indonesia is really a positive trend in this IT and Internet Global Era.
According to the Founder of this Website Ahli Hukum, Ahli Hukum Website will also  act as Intermediary between  Customers who needs Professional Lawyers Services and the Professional Lawyers.
As an Independent Business Lawyer, the writer of this AGUNGSS BUSINESS LAWYER NOTE  Blog had also register and "Claim  his Profile" in
From my observation as an Independent Business Lawyer,  the trend of Pooling List of Lawyers through Website is happening around the Globe. For Instance in UK there are several Websites such as Association Of Independent Business Lawyer and also view=article&id=12&ABLGLOBAL

Thus,  besides acting as the List Directory Website of Lawyers, it also will conduct as An Intermediary between the Client-Customers with the Required Lawyers;
 What makes us most interesting among others are that there will be a "Rating and Review" made by the User /Customer or Clients in such Website Intermediary upon their Experiences in using  each and every Lawyers listed, which can be showed as sort of "Ratings Performances" of the Lawyers by the Users, shown as Numbers of Stars, which can be read by any  Customers, through  the available "Review column",  who requires certain Legal Services including translating Legal Documents. 

The writer of this AGUNGSS BUSINESS LAWYER NOTE as an Independent Business Lawyer who is using the Brand Name of  AgsS Law -  Saco,  had also been Rated and Reviewed  by the User in Such Ahli Hukum Website as shown in 
This will be helpful for other Customer /Clients who requires such similar Services from  Lawyers who are listed in the Directory Listing of Lawyers in such Website. Thus,  besides the Conventional Pooling in the Office, with having this Website Intermediary, who is acting as Facilitator/Mediatary between the Customer/Clients and the Lawyer, this will be a "Breakthrough" of "Direct Network Communications" between each and every Lawyer who are Listed in the Website Intermediary such as Ahli Hukum Website with their Clients/Customers. As you can see the Handphone of each Lawyer are given in their List Profile. Thus, Marketing to get Clients which are Conventional done through Partners of a Law Firm, could be made directly by Each and Every Lawyer listed in the Website Directory of the Owner of the Website Pooling of Lawyers, Lawyers, Independent Business Lawyers. 
The Evaluation Performance of each and every Lawyers are being Directly Conducted by the User/Customer experiencing the Services provided by the respective Legal Servives as shown in 
 Thanks and Welcome in the New Breakthrough Network Contacts Between Lawyers and Customers.

Jakarta, 13.40 West Indonesia Times 
Agung Supomo Suleiman     
Independent Business Lawyer

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Earlier Large Immigrants to America and Australia engaged in Mining Operations

Yes, I am really glad I have this AGUNGSS BUSINESS LAWYER NOTE Blog with the Content containing  Articles covering  legal aspects involved in the Business done in Indonesia particularly in the Oil Gas, General Mining Sectors. These includes Financing Engineering Mechanism arrangements how to raise  funds, required to pursue business operational ventures in the Oil Gas and General Mining sectors covering the upstream activities from Pre - Operating stages,  exploring, exploiting, producing, up to the Down Stream such as  refinery,  smelter  and selling the Mineral and Carbon products. 
  •  From my experiences as Independent Business Lawyer, we captured  that  getting funds during the Explorations stage where no yet Cash-in are generated, shall be  the significant elements  faced by Indonesian Companies. 
Frequently, during this Commitment Expenditure Phase  in the Oil Gas Exploration stages, after drilling several explorations wells,  the Indonesian Companies  will require more funds to perform their Exploration Drilling Activities, upon which they will  seek additional funds from Investors to participate in their Exploration Drilling Wells. As we know the rule of thumb of success ratio in the Oil and Gas business is : 8 : 1 meaning after drilling 8 Wells only 1 Well is a Discovery Well and the other 7 Wells are dry Hole. 
We can observed that the Indonesian Local Senior Professionals, who had experienced in the management, technical, economic, audit,  human resources, legal  knowledge and know how during their assignment in the various  Foreign Oil Gas and Mining Companies operating in Indonesia, shall gather a Working Team and start  to discuss, prepare and  make proposals and  presentations to several Indonesian Business Companies / Investors  pursuing them to start venturing in Oil Gas and Mining  Business Operations in Indonesia.
These Senior Professionals formerly had learned  and gained knowledge and experiences from their former business pioneers originating from several American Oil Gas Companies such as Stanvac, Exxon, Mobil Oil,  Chevron, Caltex, Vico, Unocal and several Australian Mining Companies who operates their business in Indonesia. Based on their experience they managed convinced the Indonesian Investors that a Prospect Oil Gas Discovery will be feasible based  on their geological studies and reservoir engineer studies.
As we noticed and understand from past histories,  these American Oil Gas Companies had experienced conducting their Oil Gas and Mining Ventures in their Country, which started from the Early Gold Rush Ventures performed by  their Ancestors who were American Pioneers Entrepreneurs originated from  British and Scotland Immigrants who immigrated from the Kingdom of Great Britain, during the European colonization in America in the 17th Century. Actually the Spanish, French and Dutch came first as immigrant to America. Around the year 1000, a small number of Vikings also arrived in America.
It was 500 Years later that the great European migration started to begin. You can imagine crossing the Atlantic will take over more than 2 to 3 Months with the risk of seasickness, lack of food, and diseases. But the high hope to gain political and religion freedoms kept the Europeans immigrating to America. In the 1820-1880 The Industrial Revolution had begun, where slave trade was nearly ending. Railroad was constructed, since America was pushing west, for which thousands of immigrants could found work on the trans-continental road, where many towns were settled along the way. The news of this California Gold Rush (1848-1855) had spread around the world, which attract immigrants from Asia and Europe. Gold was found by James W. Marshall at Sutter's Mill in Coloma, California.  These Gold Rush News had attracted approximately 10 thousands immigrants not only from Asia and Europe but also from Australia also and Latin America.  The Non-native population in California become 100,00 which pre-1948 the figure was less than 1,00. A total of $2 billion worth of precious metal was extracted from the area during this Gold Rush which peaked in 1852.
Back to the British Immigrants, we understand that they left  their original home town in the Kingdom of Great Britain in Europe  to seek and become the Early Pioneer Large Immigrants and Settlers in North America, in their efforts to  strive  gaining  Equal Opportunities Rights before the Law, freedom of religion and politics reason. They felt that were not treated  equally, since they were  not  borne from the Aristocrat Blood  as well as the Land Lords Higher Strata who owns lands in Great Britain. The Spanish came on the end of the 16th Century. The British settled in New England and Virginia, the Dutch in New York and New Jersey, and the Swedish in Delaware. We also noticed that immigrants from Africa and the Caribbean were brought by force in 1619. We observe from the data we gathered in the web source that among the British immigrants and settlers were indebtured servants willing to trade 4 to 7 years of unpaid labors for a 1(one) way ticket to the colonies and the so called promise land of America.
Thus,  their goals and targets were to "boost and jack up" their hierarchies strata status from "Second Class Citizens"  to become  a more higher hierarchies status,  which they are unable to reached  in their original place in the Kingdom Monarchy of  Great Britain;  This  is really  similar  with  the Lower Strata Level  of Society in the Hindu Culture in India  called "Paria",  where these group of people are automatically born to be the lower level class  citizen since they were not being born  as the Higher Brahma Strata in the Public Society.
As an outsider observer, I perceive that the Declaration of Independence, which is a statement adopted by the Second Continental Congress meeting at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on July 4, 1776 which announced war by the 13th American Colonies with the Kingdom of Great Britain, which regarded themselves as 13 Newly Independent Sovereign States, which are no longer under the British Rule, whereby they formed a New Nation called The United States of America. The important part of this Declaration is that " All men are created equal.     
The "Strong Popular Motto"  which we understand and is frequently heard is that "North America is a "Free Country", where any person can achieve their Goals and Targets to the Highest Level in the Society;  My understanding of this Declaration of Independence reflects Rebellion by the Immigrants and Settlers  in North America   against their Non - equal treatment politically, structurally  and legally. 
Well, folks these is part of  my story as a  Professional Blogger to write and share  perceptions and understandings of the World we are living, where at this present moment Europe experienced the Massive Immigration Waved coming from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and all part of the Middle East through Turkey Entry Point,  where we can observe, that there is a Huge Massive Change Happening  taking place in such Region,  due to the War Crisis,  involving their people who also seeks to find a better quality of life to be freed from the Established Monarchies and Repressive Ruling, where many Big Countries are also having a Big Role involved in this War Crisis, effecting the Oil Gas, Energy Energy Prices and Supply due to  Real Geopolitics Power Play.      
Jakarta, 12 May 2016
Agung Supomo Suleiman   


Tuesday, March 08, 2016


As a Freelancer Independent Business Lawyer you are sometimes very busy working long hours because of the load of  work  requested  by Client,  among others  Drafting Oil Business Agreements relating to the sale of some portion of  Equity by the Owner of an  Oil Company to Investors, to  pursue it's business Operations.
  • However  there are times, where we are not too busy, perhaps   due to the Collapse of Oil Prices Globally. We all experienced that within this 2 Years since June 2014, the Oil Price  plungged from U$D 100 / per Barrel  into U$D 50  and than  U$D 27. This Crude Oil Prices have fallen more than 70%  from Serbia to the Arabian desert, which caused Oil Producers Countries and Oil Companies loosing money. It is not only an Economic issue but also a Geopolitical issue.  We  remember that in the 1980-ies  the Oil Prices also tumbled down  causing  the collapse of Sovyet Union  and the break down of the Berlin Wall. From the news we read,  we understand  there was sort of a Geopolitical Warfare, in which the Russian had blamed the West. 
At this present Oil Crisis, we can also observe from the Media that Russia was also claiming that there is a conspiracy by the Saudi Arabia and US to punish Iran or influence the economy of Russia who supported the Regim in Syria. Such claim maybe have a point  to argue or it may not be the case. From analysis in the media, we understand  there maybe 2 (two) sides of a Coin in this kind of situation. It depends who you are and where you are. For Oil Importing Countries actually it's good because they can reduced their cost for buying such Oil to fill in their State Budget.  In this case Europe is gaining some benefits of the Low Oil Prices and also Natural Gas is going to be cheaper.
But for the Oil Producers and Oil Country exporters which  are selling Oil this really hurts their financial condition.  Russian Oil Companies are selling Oil  below production costs,  where people are just exploitating from the on going projects existing whatever reserve they have and nobody is planning for long period of time.  
From the media we got the information that Saudi Arabia has U$D 600 Billion Worth of  Revenues stached away in some places, to a relative extent,  but it can quickly burn out  Saudi's  long saving due to its Deficits. We observe that Russia is pumping its production on its  maximum, before sitting and negotiation with Saudi Arabia; According to the expert analysis  this is a normal strategy used by Oil Producers in negotiation to stop the over supply of oil in the market which are also frequently used by OPEC members.
  • We can also see that  from the Geopolitically perspective, Europe is facing flood of imigration from the Middle East particularly primarily from the crisis in Syria. We can watch in the media television there are many imigrants coming to Greece through Turkey.  So there exist Immigrant crisis in Europe. From  the media, according to the analyst, Saudi uses its saving to fund Yaman, Egypt, Oman, Bahrain, therefore it is not only using its monies  for its Domestic requirement. 
Thus, we can see that according to the analyst in the media there is also an urgency requirement to  resolve this Crisis,  where it is a net minus for everybody in the macro economic level as well as in the Geopolitical level.  We observe OPEC, including Saudi controls nearly 40% of World's Oil Supply.  Geopolitics seemed to make a deal problematic. As we can see Russia is helping President Bashaar Assad and the Saudis are suppporting the Assad Opposition fighters. However both have a common economic interest to stabilize the Global Oil Price; They both agree to freeze their production. In the Doha Agreement it appears that Venezuela and Qatar was also party to the Agreement, however the question may arise :  are they able to pursuade the rest of the Opec members to agree upon a production freeze. The other issue is Iran, whereby Iran will defend it's right to raise oil exports to the level that they prevailed before Western Sanctions was imposed in 2011.     

  • How about in Indonesia ? Indonesia is no longer just Exporting Oil and gas but Indonesia is also a Net Importer of Oil. Indonesia produced 790,000 barrels per day (b/d) of Crude Oil and condensates   in 2014, the 3rd Lowest level among OPEC members. Indonesia originaly joined OPEC in 1962 but suspended its membership at the begining of 2009. Indonesia's decision  to suspend   in Opec membership was due to the growing internal demand for energy, declining crude oil and condenste production in mature fields, and limited investment to increase production capacity. 
As we know  Indonesia had become a Net Importer of Petroleum and other liquids by 2004 after domestic demand exceeded production, as Indonesia's production of petroleum and other liquids had declined since the mid-1990's. We noticed that  OPEC had notified  Indonesia that it plans to accept Indonesia's request to re-activate its membership. Based on Opec's statute, it allows as a member any country that is substantial net crude oil exporter, has similar interests to Opec, and and is accepted by 3/4 of full members. Although Indonesia is a net Oil Importer, Indonesia continues to export crude oil and condensates. Despite of it's Oil demand, we can observe that Indonesia's Oil and Natural gas sectors continue to play as  an important element of the Country's economy. Indonesia is in present purchasing crude oil and petroleum product through 3rd Parties or Traders and desries to have a direct acces to long term crude oil supply contracts through negotiations between  National Companies of OPEC members. 

  • We observed from the news in the media  that  Indonesia plans a number of upgrades and expansions to existing refiniries to become operational. From the media-news,  we noticed that Indonesia has also proposed to build 4 New Refineries each having a capacity of 300,000 b/d. Since Indonesia struggles with the level of Investment needed to offset the declining of the Oil and Natural Gas production and the lack of adequated infrastructure, Indonesia is really striving hard to attract  Investment in both upstream and downstream sectors with OPEC members. We can observe that Indonesia is currenntly in discussions with several OPEC members concerning the Crude Oil Deals as well as Investments in Refinery Projects.  
In the other side due to the plungging Oil Prices, after previously taking effeciency measures to minimize the impact of the plungging Oil Prices we may see several  Oil and Gas Companyies are now being forced to take a stiffer action of Lay-Offs and streamlining it's staff members. This also are being suffered by Services Companies, globally. 
  • Apart from the above issues, there seems to be kind of a tug of war and different approaches concerning the Development of the Masela Blog in Maluku,  between Ministerials level from the Cabinet, which emerged in public media, as to whether it is more efficient performing off-shore scheme or onshore,  which we feel  must be immediately solved by the Highest Authority of this Nation, to give Certainty to Oil/Gas Investors.                
Jakarta, 8 Maret 2016 Agung Supomo Suleiman 

Saturday, March 05, 2016


The "Real Exiting Challenging Experience"  of the Writer of this Blog  practicing as an Independent Business Lawyer Self-Employed for more than 17 Years  and nearly reaching 18 Years since 1 June 1998,  is that  you are really freedom to choose the place to perform your work it could be in your home or in the cafe or any other places and free to elect  the time  to perform your Legal Service for your Client.
  • Please don't get me wrong the freedom of being an Independent Business Lawyer or Freelance Lawyer is not that you are lazy to work hard, but it is more of a matter of  how to "Work Professionaly Smart" as an Independent Business Lawyer who is responsible to render the most best effort high quality of services to your Client. 
There are many types of manner in seeking to be a smart worker, There are individuals who likes to be free and independent and choose not to be like a "Robot" being forced and programmed  to always be in the office from 8.00 until 17.00,  but without actually doing anything having value added to the Company that you work with nor increase  your professional talent and just pretending to appear as if you are busy to satisfy your so called " Boss"....and sometimes you feel  there are plenty of hours that are waisted and could  be more optimized to gain value added to the quality of life. Well frankly speaking the Writer's professional Journey had been  a combination of Experiencing as (i) Employed personal as Lawyer in a Law Firm and In House Legal Counsel in Companies for 15 Years and (ii) Self -Employed practicing and Venturing his own Experimental Life in pursing as Independent Business Lawyer for more than 17 Years since June 1st, 1998.    

He   started  his career as a Self-Employed Professional Independent Business Lawyer,  when  he   reached the age of 46 Years old  reaching 47  where  based on his past work experiences, he felt strongly that he has  to be Free and Independent and Self-Employed to enable challenging  his further career professional path in pursuing his obsession to be a  Professional Independent Business Lawyer. 

When he entered the Faculty of Law at the University of Indonesia he was actually planning  to be a Diplomat,   where he took the International Law as his speciallity thesis; However for one and other reason he was initially trapped becoming a Legal Consultant/ Lawyer, when he was preparing and finalizing his thesis. The lovely thing being in this profession is that back in his  mind  he had this "wild idea"  that at one day he  can be freedom in practicing his  Law Profession by daring to "jump out of the Box" or "Comfort Zone" in order to follow his  real passion which is to become a real Professional Independent Business Lawyer.        
So the "real object issue"  which the Writer wanted to Focus and highlight in this article  is not the type of Professional that he chooses, but more to the "Freedom Chances" being  Independent Accountibility Professional Independent Business Lawyer, where you must be really Independent and not trapped with the Characteristic of  the Corporation that you are dealing with. 
  • In principal  the Writer of this Blog feels and is very much inspired and influenced by the teaching and reminder under the Holy Book of Al Quran, which was actually confirming (the relevations) which came before it (Taurat which was send down by ALLAH to the previous Prophet Moses and Injil which was send down by ALLAH to Prophet Isa (the son of Maryam) and corrections to the wrong interpretation made by the followers of the said above  previous Prophets upon the Holy Books to emphasize that Monotheisme Concept of Worshiping the One and Only Creator of this Whole Universe - including who creates  the Sun, the Moon, the Stars, and the World we live in,  and  making the rain falling from the Clouds which showered the Dry Land so that all the Plants, animals, which are created and dedicated for  human being,  can live,  which are the real signs of the Greatness and Mercifulness of ALLAH the Creator of this World as referred under the Holy Books including the Holy Al Quran.   
The sharing of the contents of this Holy Book  must be conducted through wise Enlightment to all the believers of ALLAH, the Holy Books, The Hereafter,  so that our Life Journey at the end of the day could be Blessed and Guided by ALLAH the Most Merciful, so that we can make this World a better Place to live in under the Blessing of ALLAH as taught by all  Prophets which were sent by ALLAH to this World; 

  • In light with such set of mind and believes in our Heart without any Doubt,  we have to  build and continously maintain and guard  this "Faith" firmly, to enable us with the Permit and Help of ALLAH,  to get, reach  and gain the "Light"   which are needed  by whatever our profession  are,  to unable to see and reach the End of the Tunnel of our Life Journey, whereby each of us  will be really  taking our own Responsibility  to the Creator  in the Day of the Hereafter, in the Day Of Judgemnent,   for which each of us  consequently must be able  to  obtain  and get  the "Right and Proper" answer upon the Hard Questions which will be raised by ALLAH as the Creator in the Hereafter, as shown in the Wordings of ALLAH in the Holy Books,  among others :
  • How was our Asset being accumulated ? Were or was it gathered in the Rightious Manner in accordance with the Honesty and fairness and fairplay principle and spirits as guided under the Holy Books ?   Did we obtained it by stealing from other Individual or party's  right ? or by Falsifying the data unfairly ? 
    Are we  making Good Deeds in this World  or are we only following bluntly and blindly to our Client's request,  in running their Business Operations for pursuing profits to capitilize their  Wealth -  without taking any consideration upon the Moral,  Ethics, reminder, fairness, and teachings  to  not becoming "Too Much Greedy"  by taking in force of other  people's Natural Resources which was created and granted by ALLAH the Creator in their Mining and Mineral Resources Location,    like Faraoh during the Egyptian Empire which was reminded by Moses over and over again not to be cruel, unjustice and unfair to the Bani Israil Tribes? Thus in this real life there must be a real and solid implemention in bringing  Down to Earth upon the teachings and the moral, ethics  under the Holy Books in the real work in our temporary life in the Earth;
    For instance in the real world  you may frequently find  Signifcant Gaps between the Real Cash -In  in terms of Company's fasilities for the the Management Level and the Employees Level, which therefore Labour Union is needed to narrow such Gaps; We can also frequently  observe  strikes made  by the Labour Union against the Company, in the mass media, if the Employees feels that they are  being treated unfairly  in terms of their salaries and benefits;

    In the Management level there are also  struggle to be choosen as member of the Management team where Corporation Politics frequently are also  being felt when you worked as an employee in a Corporation; There may also be differences of expectation between the shareholders of the Corporation; These all arises due to the real facts that in every human being there are "animals instincts animals spirits" which has to be tammed not to be too greedy in achieving their needs and goals. As an In House Legal Counsel  you have to manage yourself not to be too one sided bluntly to the Management as well as to the employees which are being presented by the Labour Union. For sure the  Directors are being hired and fired by the Shareholders General Meeting.  Below the Directors are the CEOs From President of the Corporation the Senior VPs, VPs to Managers.        
    If  the Corporation is a Mining Company for instance than based  on the Contract Of Work -  or  IUP licences issued by the Government who are representing the People of Indonesia as the owner of the Minerals  based on Article 33 (3) of the Indonesian Constitutional Law,  you have to viewed it from several angles.  
    From the Mining Corporation prespective they of course wants to achieve Return of their Investments and for sure gain Profits immediately from such Mining Operations. But on the other hand from the Government's side, their goal is to Optimize the Government-take  from the Cash - in Flow  from such Mining Operations to increase the  Social Welfare  of the 250 million people of Indonesia, where the State Budget in a running  year depends on the Cash - in flow from the Mining Operations, if Commerciality occurs and Explotation and Production commences; But we have to remember that the Economic Value of the Minerals if it is not explored and exploited by the Mining Investors,and left below the Ground the Value   remains " Zero". Thus we as Independent Business Lawyer have to face the fact and reality  in balancing these perspectives. 

    • The Government and the House of Representantive in establishing the rules has also  to view the prespective that all the Minerals are actually formed and exist based on a Universal system and mechanism under the process of creation which was designed and created by ALLAH as the Only Creator of this Universe including the World we live which is one of the several  Planets which is rotating and circulating the Sun in its orbit where there is also (1) one Moon that rotates around Our 1(one) World  which is referred under Surat Yasin Verses 37 - 38 -39 - 40 of the Holy Quran.  
    Accordingly, based on the Writer's real experiences for 30 Years,  there must be a "certain distance" that you have to maintain in order to  enable you to be "Freedom Independent Professional Business Lawyer"  for making this Temporary World to be a Better World as being Wished by ALLAH the Creator when ALLAH sent Down Adam and Eve from Heaven; Thus The Real Boss that we have to really "worship" is ALLAH the Creator of this Temporary World, because we have to be Fully Aware that life in this World is "Just a Test" - for us - to be challenged which of us are really in Faith :

  • (i) Following the Wishes of the Creator by Firstly - Worshipping the Real and Only One Mighty ALLAH as the Creator of this Universe, and  than must be intergratedly  
    (ii) followed by the reflection and implementation in doing the real Good Deeds - Down To Earth - as shown in the Teachings and Reminders under the Holy Book  during the periode of life-time of each of us Who are being trusted and choosen by ALLAH to make this Temporary World a Better Place to leave in by fencing ourselves with the Teachings of "What Must be Done" and "What Must Not be Done" by us as being taughted by us in the  Holy Books which was sent down to us through the Messengers  of ALLAH. 
    Jakarta, 5 March 2016 revised 26 March 2016
             Agung Supomo Suleiman

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