Saturday, August 13, 2022

Geo Politics : The Answer Why Pelosi visits Taiwan


  • PELOSI follows Mike Pompeo Vision described in front of Hudson Institution.

The reason why Pelosi ex-Chairman Congress visited Taiwan, according to our observation is that she was following the Speach Vision of -Ex-Director of CIA -Mike Pompeo, thorns in Front of the Hudson Institue -Think Thank,
In such occasion, Mike Pompeo emphasized that in order to maintain USA Hegemony in the Global - Fossils Energy-Infrustructure Chain from Upstream to Down Stream, which includes Refinery, export, transportation, onshore thru Pipeline, Via Ocean - Sea - LNG Tankers, Storage Facilities etc.
👉👉👉USA Elite Politics must reject CHINA in collaboration with Russia, in the EURASIA, becoming the Major Control in the Fossils - Fuel Energy competing USA.

                    What he meant by EURASIA is that : 

                       By Russia,  in the Western Europe, as well as Eastern Europe, and

   by the People's Republic of China's in the South China Sea.


The VISION -Strategy for USA - to maintain its Strong Basis, there must be or 3 (Three) Light House, established:

1) In the Middle East - The Light House is Israel

2) In Europe, the Light House is Ukraine

3) In Southeast Asia, the Light House is Taiwan,   

In Taiwan, Mike Pompeo said that USA must recognize Taiwan as an Independent Nation. 

Not long after the above presentation, Pelosi's visited Taiwan on August 2, 2022. 

Mike Pompeo also visited Taiwan, not long after such above presentation.


We understand that USA until this moment is still admitting and recognizing "One China Policy", with the understanding that USA Foreign Policy only recognize The People's Republic of China. 

The controversial visit by Pelosi puts the White House in a very delicate situation of diplomacy with China.

China strongly opposed upon this controversial visit by Pelosi. This was really a sensitive issue, where even before Pelosi's place landed in Taiwan, Chinese Fighter Jets flee close to the median line separating Taiwan and China, according to the news in the TV media.

When President Joe Biden met the People's Republic of China President Xi Jin Ping in BALI G20 SUMMIT 2022,   Joe Biden   emphasized that USA recognize One China Policy.

This is a real good move made by Biden to ease the high tension between USA and China before the BALI G20 Summit meeting,

Saturday, May 23, 2020


One of Writers Blog was requesting Summary 
Dear Agung,
Interesting paper about the Covid infection in Jakarta.
Can you give me a summary, because the paper is so long that I cannot make it to the end of it.
Thank you,

in  his  Indonesian Bahasa BLOG

The Writer  would like to make a Brief Summary  as follows  :

Actually the Writer of this Blog  was trying to convert the Presentation of the Governor of Jakarta in the Indonesian Lawyers Club (ILC) Discussion at TV ONE Channel with the Theme #ILC Lebaran a la Corona held on Tuesday Night 19th Mei 2020 to be come sort of a transcript in order to make a written record which could be shared to the Readers of  the Writers Blog SNAPSHOT ARTIKEL HUKUM BISNIS AgsS - SaCo- Agungss. 

That was the reason that the Transcript of the Presentation of the Governor of Jakarta is so long.

However, before the Writer inserts such Transcript of long Presentation of the Governor of Jakarta, the Writer shall firsly makes a  Brief Analysis of Perception upon the Governor DKI Presentation.

Thus the Content contains 2 Parts :
  1. First Part is The Writer Brief Analysis of Percepction  upon such Governor Presentation 
  2. Second Part was  the Converted  Written Governor of Jakarta Presentation at ILC 19 Mei 2020 Discusion  - from Oral Presentation  to be converted in Writing by the Writer.   

As an Independent Business Lawyer,  the Writer of this Blog is really  concern  upon  the Outbreak and spreading of the Pandemic -19  in the world particular in Jakarta as the Capital City of Indonesia, where the Writer lives.  

There seems to be  several inconsistencies in making statements by several Ministers of Central Government, concerning how the Jakarta Resident must behave to   handle reducing the spreading of the Pandemic COVID -19 in Jakarta,  which is the Epicentrum of Workers from outside of Jakarta, which includes JAGODETABEK (Jakarta Bogor Depok Tanggerang Bekasi), surrounding Jakarta.

Such Inconsistencies in making  Mixed and contradictory Messages to the Jakarta Residents, whereby in one Side Allowing the Jakarta Residents for Relaxation of the Large Scale Social Distance ("PSBB"), but at the same time,  on the other side Prohibits  Relaxation of the PSBB to the Jakarta Residents. 
These  results major confusion and frustration to the Jakarta Residents, how to behave,   especially to the Medical Doctors and Nurses in Jakarta Hospitals, who had for more than 2 (two)Months from March 2020, treating the Covid-19 Patients,  as well as Patients who are under control and monitored, in several appointed Hospitals in Jakarta, where many of them had died and passsed away around 55 Medical Staffs; 
These Medical Staffs cannot meet their families,  to avoid transmiting  Covid 19. 
Some of the Inconsistence Statements is relating to the tradition of the Workers in Jakarta,  going  back to their original village outside of Jakarta,  where  the President,  made  a difference meaning between "Pulang Kampung" (Go Home to their Village)  and "Mudik" (going back to their original place during the Idul Fitri - Lebaran) during  an interview with Najwa Shihab,  on a Television Show, one day before President declared  Large Scale Social Distancing (PSBB). 
The President explained there could be un-employed workers staying  in one small room with several other person in Jakarta, which could be vunerable for transmiting Covid-19. That is why it is more proper for such person to go  back to his original Kampung, in such condition. The Writer see a good point from said President explanation.   

Before the above interview,  many Jakarta Residents who were laid off  by their Employer in their Place of Work, in  reality had  already gone back to their original Village", because they are no longer employed, due to the Pandemic - 19, causing no  money to pay their rental room payments  in Jakarta.
Such movements of Workers going back to their original Village are  usually  named "Mudik lebih dahulu" or "go back to their original Village/Kampung  earlier".    
The requirement of not going MUDIK, made by several  Government  Officers were made through  oral "Suggestion Statements" (ANJURAN)  and not in the form or Rulings. 
However in reality since there are no " Written Rulings Restriction" issued by the Government. prohibing the MUDIK , this had  caused  confusion to the Officers at  the Point of Exit from Jakarta to outside Jakarta,   either in the Train Station, as well as in the "Exit Point of Toll Road", how to handle such non written Suggestions Statements or ANJURAN. 
The above Officers had  no Legal Ground  in form of Written Legal Rulings to do "Enforcement" of such Suggestions Statements.
Later when the Prohibition not allowed  to "Go Mudik" was issued by the Minister of Transportation through a Ministerial Decree, there were exceptions, for certain Essential Workers, such as Energy, Food Logisitic, from Government Institutions, and from Private Sectors,. 

These exceptions creates  certain "Loop Holes" for Verification Validity of  the Documents required to be completed, for instance, for person  who claimed working  in Private Sectors, how can, we check whether such Private Company really exists ? 

  • Do we have to check in detail about the Legality Documents of such Private Company ? 
  • Does the Officers in the Airport have time to check all such Legal Corporation Valid Documents, including whether such passenger really works in such Private Company ? 
  • Thus, any person in the private Sectors, can manipulate their data.  

On the first day it was applied, we could watch Huge Crowd of passengers queeing to complete the adminstratiom verification, without following Social Distancing in   Terminal 2 Soekarno Hatta.

It appears that the Airport Officcers were not prepared handling such Huge Crowd of passengers  

The Photos of such Crowd Passengers Queeing  showed  "no honour of Social Distancing" in Terminal 2 Soeta - Hatta International Airport.                
MOTTO :  WHATEVER INDONESIA or Indonesia ?? Terserah or "Whatever" was shown Viral in the Social  Media  conducted by Doctors who are tired due  of  ignorence from the Government Inconsistancies Statements as Well as from the People who had established "Potential New Clusters" such as shown in Terminal 2 Soeta - Hatta Airport.       
There was also different  statements concerning  the issue that under  age of  45  are allowed to work during the Pandemic-19, whereby the Head of the State Owned Company addressed that workers with the age  below 45 are to start  working on 25 Mei 2020. 

However, one of the other Coordination Ministers within the Cabinetstates there are no such ruling. 
So we can observe that  Several Inconsitencies Statements made by the Ministers within the Central Government,  resulting new huge Tight Gathering of People "not honouring Social Distance" such as shown in Terminal 2 Soeta - Hatta Airport, which can potentialy create New Cluster of Transmiting Covid -19, resulted Protests by the Medicla Doctors by wearing  Outfits showing  : Motto : Whatever Indonesia….or Indonesia ?? Terserah - Whatever.  
This of course is really an "UNHEALTHY  SITUATION". 

This is why the Governor of Jakarta Anies Bawesdan emphasized in his Presentation for the Government to make "INSTROPECTIONS" and to "NOT  Making Mixing Statements" on one side allowing relaxation of Large Scale Social Distancing (PSBB), but on the other side prohibits relaxation of PSBB.

The Governor of Jakarta, says that before the PSBB was approved to be regulated by the Minister of Health on 10 April 2020, the Governor of Jakarta,  in  the middle of March 2020 which was  on 15 March 2020, had already made  policies and persuasions for the Jakarta Residents to Stay at Home, Close the Schools (Learn from Home), close the Public Park

This was named by he Governor of Jakarta as the FIRST PHASE  OF LIMITATION - or CLOSING of Schools, Public Parks, Regulating certain Jakarta Public Transportation to prevent the spreading of the Covid 19 in Jakarta. 

As we all know The President of the Republic of Indonesia,  Mr. Jokowi Widodo, had instructed  that any Lock Down or Large Scale Social Distancing, "can only"  be issued by the Central Goverment.

"The Governor of Jakarta clearly states that it is the Governor of Jakarta,   who is responsible to protect the health safetyness of all Jakarta Residents."   
 The Governor of  DKI said  that he involved the Team from the Faculty of Public Health University of Indonesia (Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia -             "FKMUI TEAM")  chaired by Dr. PanduRiono.

This  FKMUI TEAM develops Graphic Charts showing the activities movements of the Jakarta Residents, either
  1. (i)    Staying at Home or           
  2. (ii)  doing activities movements outside their Homes

This method was used through Smart Hand Phone of the Jakarta Residents  being monitored by the FKMUI TEAM.

The Writer of this Blog,  understands that the data in making the Graphic / charts was also compiling  data from the Medical Doctors team who issued the sickness condition of the Patient declared :  
(i)  positive or (ii)  during under control or (iii)  under monitoring      
The Governor of DKI  divides the Stage of the Spreading of Covid - 19 into First Stage 15 March 2020 where Graphics shows R4 meaning 1 person can transmit to 4 person.

Thus to measure  the transmission of Covid -19, if R is 4,  it means 1 person is potential to transmit to 4 person.

If  it  is below R1 the possibility to transmit to other person is minimal or none.

If it is above R the person has the potential to transmit to other person.

If  it is R3 it means 1 person is potential to transmit to 3 person.

Graphics shown by the Governor of  DKI, which was established by the FKMUI TEAM,  shows :
5th  March 2020 R4,   1st Mei 2020 1,08
4th Mei 2020 (1,8)  5th Mei  2020 (1,8)   Until 17th Mei 2020 1,11
This means that the Reproduction Number in Jakarta is "already stable"  in the month of Mei 2020.
However during the Fasting Month, the number shows increasing, because the Jakarta Residents   shows activitive movements  of Jakarta Residents  in the morning until noon  "staying at home", but in the afternoon they conduct activie movements outside their  houses.

The Graphics shows that 60 % (Sixty Percent) of the Jakarta Residents "Stayed at Home"  during  from 15 March 2020 until 17 Mei 2020.         

The Governor of Jakarta said that the President informed that  the first Jakarta Resident  to be declared Positif was  on 2nd of March 2020. 

The PSBS from the Minister of Health was  applied by the Governor of Jakarta on the 10th of  April 2020.

But since the Governor of Jakarta had requested the Jakarta Residents to Stay at Home, Work From Home,  Learn From Home for Students, and Closed Public Park among other Anchol Beach, Taman Mini, this results the Graphic of the Reproduction Number  "had  gone down  from the Figure R4 to R 1,11.

The Governor Of Jakarta said that not only the Jakarta Residents should be aware of the spreading of  this Covid -19, but also the Government must make "Instropection" and  to be "Consistent" by "not  sending wrong messages" by "mixing" on one side to allow relaxation of the Large Scale Social Distancing,  but at the same time simultaniously,  on the other side prohibits relaxation.of such PSBB.

The Large Scale Social Distansicing was extended by the Governor of Jakarta for 2 (Two) More Weeks from 22 Mei 2020 until 4 June 2020.

The Governor of Jakarta Emphasized : 

These 2 (Two) Weeks or 14 Days Period is "REALLY  VERY  IMPORTANT", because  if  all the Jakarta Residents choose to Stay at Home and not choose  Relaxing by going and making activities movements outside Home,  in order to establish the "NEW  NORMAL" in Jakarta starting from the 5th of  June 2020, where Jakarta  Residents  can go outside of their Home,  but still have to follow the Protocol Procedure from The TASK FORCE  by Social Distancing, Wearing Maskers, Washing Hands.

 Thus,  these  really depends to the Jakarta Residents  to  choose between  these 2 (TWO) Options
  • (i) Staying At Home during the Extension of the PSBB or 
  • (ii) start Relaxing by going out and making movements activities ou of the House.
The Governor of Jakarta,  was also requesting  the Other Government Officers to be "IN HARMONY" with the Governor of Jakarta target to stablelize  or  decrease the Reproduction Number of the Covid 19.
Since Jakarta is the Capital City of  Indonesia, where it is the Central of  Business and  Financial District and the Places of  of the Central Government,  it is REALY VERY IMPORTANT  to reached this target to lower the Curve of Transmition which is already stable  showing the number of R 1,11 on 17th  Mei 2020,


The Governor of Jakarta was also Emphasising that during these 2 (Two) weeks or 14 (Fourteen) Days  Extension of the PSBB (Large Scale Social Distancing) Jakarta Resident is to "Stay at Home", and that  no Jakarta Residents are allowed to go out for Mudik or Going back to their Village, except for the Essential Working Sectors such as Energy, Medical, food, and other certain Essential Sectors which are regulated by the Fast Preventation Task Force Covid 19.


The Governor of Jakarta,  "Emphasized" that relating to this Mudik, it is not enough to issue Anjuran or Suggestion by the Minister level for Jakarta Residents to not going back to their Original Place /Village or City outside of Jakarta, but "MUST BE BASED" on "RULES",  because it will create confusion to the Officers in the Field, since if  that there are no any LEGAL GROUND   for making any enforcement  to  not allowing or allowing  to leave Jakarta. 
The Governor of Jakarta says that The Provincial Jakarta Government,  always Issued Rules concerning these important issues,  so that the Officers in the Field such as in the Airports can simply check by Scanning, since the Jakarta had already established Website
The person who are allowed to travel can down load a  ready form from the Website, the destination to go,  what work sector  is the person going.
There will be a QR Code,  so that the Officers  in the Field can simply Scan for the validity of the Documents.
If its valid they can go;  But if not Valid such person has to return back home.
So there is already "established coordinations" between the Provincial Jakarta Authorities and the Military and Policy Officers,  as regulated by the Jakarta Provincial Government as well to be in consistence with the Health Protocol Covid 19 Rules.     
The Governor of  Jakarta emphasized that :
JAKARTA are also "CLOSED  for this YEAR  from the people who elected to go back to their Original City, as well as People who had taken their  Mudik to come back to Jakarta,  in order to avoid spreading transmiting Covid 19.
This was emphasized by the Governor of Jakarta in his Presentation,  since all the Jakarta Residents had worked hard  for 2 Months by staying at home to prevent spreading  Covid - 19.   

Well, the Writer of this blog feels the above Brief Summary is sufficient  for the Readers Speaking English to get  a glance  brief picture of the Governor of Jakarta's Presentation  on 19th of  Mei 2020 at the Indonesian Lawyers Club (("ILC") Discussion  chaired by Mr. Karni Ilyas from TV ONE Channnel.

Jakarta, 23 March 2020 edited 23 March 2020 at 8.20 AM
Agung Supomo Suleiman  
Independent Writer - Non Particant          

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Combined Experience Company Man - Self - Employed

The Writer of this Blog had experienced more than 18 Years practicing as Independent Business Lawyer - Self-Employed,  since 1st June 1998, after resigning  as the In house Legal Counsel of PT Freeport Indonesia, a Copper Gold Mining Company in Indonesia.

There are several reasons,  he  started working as a Self-Employed Independent Business Lawyer, among  others was his passion to experienced  as an independent business lawyer.   
There are the ups and downs in terms of Cash Flow, and not like comparing if you  work as A Company man, where every end of each month,  you will get a fixed income salary.
  • If you are Self -Employed you feel more freedom in pursuing your life journey, where you can combine  your work with pleasure, since you possessed more flexible in terms of places and time hours.  You do not have to wait until Saturday nor Sunday to spent your time relaxing, since you are you own boss.    However in the terms of Cash - Flow there are  always an uncertainty and acrobatic position, since you are no longer gaining  a fixed income. 


 It is actually a choice of life style that you are pursuing. In life there is the material - physical side, the emotional side as well as the spiritual side  It really depends upon yourself which of this element of life are you trying to weight and balance more. If you like writing your fragmentation or snapshot part your life journey, you can more easily capture the statistic and rhythm of your life mile stone marks. The physical body of every individual will decrease periodically in your life journey  and needs to be managed  to maintain its health and stamina. You are your own doctor where you can detect which food are good for you or whether you need some rest or need exercise to maintain your health stamina. 
The  Writer of this Blog  really enjoyed making experimental positive experienced in his life path by choosing to be more Independent practicing his Legal Professional as an Independent Business Lawyer - self-employed,  when he  reached the age of 46; 
Thanks to the ALLAH the Al Mighty, for His blessings and allowing the writer of this Blog   experiencing a combined life journey,  being a Company Man for 15 Years and an Independent Business Lawyer - Self-Employed Person for more than 18 Years.

On this Year of 2017, with the permit of ALLAH the Al Mighty, the writer of this Blog had  been given the opportunity to live for more than 65 Years in this World, where he felt that  that it is a new Life Journey Phase Stage, where  he has to start learn  how to survive maintaining a good healthy physically, spiritually, mentally and emotionally way life  with his family.

Jakarta, 21 May 2017
Agung Supomo Suleiman   


Saturday, April 15, 2017

Differences Concept Legal Right Title Ownership Mineral Natural Resources Indonesia Versus other Countries

The rather Hot Issues being discussed involving General Mining Companies in Indonesia, are relating to the recent Government Policy and Rulings that General Mining Companies operating in Indonesia are no longer permitted to Export Raw Mining Ore,  but are obliged to processed their Raw Ore Mining Products to become certain Mining Processed Product  as determined by the Government of Indonesia through a Smelter Processing Plant  within the Indonesian Mining Jurisdiction Area.
The Target of this ruling is to create and develop Value Added to the Raw General Mining Products, before it is exported to outside of the Mining Jurisdiction of Indonesia. In order to boost the development of this Smelter Processing Plants in Indonesia, certain  interesting Incentives should be given to the Mining Companies, by the Indonesian Government. Accordingly, in reality,  there must always be a trade off to achieve the goals and target of a certain Government Policy to increase Value Added to the Raw General Mining Ores produced from the General Mining Territory of Indonesia. The financial conditions, weakness and strenghtness of a certain Country will surely influence the leverage of bargaining and negotiating such Host Country who invites Foreign Investors to be involved in extracting, exploring, exploiting and producing Mineral Natural Resources in such Host Country.       
Companies needs significant amount of Monies / Funds for investing in the construction of a certain  Smelter Plant Processor, and for sure there must also be a certain long term agreement,  between the Smelter Processing Plant and the Mining Companies who are ordering such Smelter Companies to process their Mining Raw Mineral Concentrate  Products, to enable the Smelter Companies to get a high commercial  and quick return of their Investment in building this Smelter Processing Plant.  
For example if we talk about PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI), who is conducting General Mining operations in Indonesia, than based on Article 10 paragraph 5 of  PT FI Contract of Work ("PT FI's COW"), it regulates that the Company (PT Freeport Indonesia ("PT FI") acknowledges the Government's Policy  to encourage the domestic processing of all of its natural resources into final products where feasible. The Company further acknowledges the Government desire that a copper smelter and refinery be established in Indonesia and agrees that it will make available copper concentrates derived from the Contract Area for such smelter and refinery so established in Indonesia as provided below.     
.......In the event that during the five period commencing on the signing of this Agreement, a copper smelter and refinery facility to be located in Indonesia has not been established or is not in the process of being constructed by any Person, the, subject to the mutual determination by the Government and the Company as to the economic viability of such smelter and refinery, the Company shall undertake or cause to undertaken the establishment of a copper and smelter refinery  in Indonesia to comply with the Policy of the Government. implementation of this provision,   PT FI through its affiliates PT Smelting Gresik in Surabaya had constructed the Smelter Processing Plant,  whereby Mitshubishi Materials owned 60.5 % and PT FI  owner 25%, Mishubishi Corporation 9.5% and Nippon Mining and Metals Co owned 5% of the Equity/Shares issued by PT Smelting Gresik. Chiyoda had constructed this Smelter Plant Facilities in the amount of USD 500 Million.
The feedstock smelter is shipped from Freport Grassberg which distance around 2,600 Kilometer from the Smelter Facilities which is closed to Petrokimia Gresik, a Government Fertilizer, who used smelter sufuric acid, and this was the prime reason why the Smelter Gresik was build in this Location. The copper smelting and refining complex consists of the smelter itself, which produces copper anodes and process off-gasses high in SO2, the sulfur acid plant, the tankhouse and any other infrastructure within the Site Boundary, including waste water plant, jetty and wharf and material handling facilities.

We observe that Gresik Smelting Facilities processed 40% of PT FI Copper Mining  products output, while the remaining  60%  of PT FI's contrates output are exported,  In implementing this provision of the COW,  Mitsubishi together with PT Freeport Indonesia had developed PT Smelting  Gresik in Gresik Surabaya, in the Year 1997, operated by PT Mitsubishi and PT FI, whereby a certain long term agreement between PT Freeport Indonesia as a General Cooper Mining Company and this Gresik Smelter Processing Plant to process the Cooper Mining Product to produce copper cathode.  PT Smelting Gresik takes in  40 % of PT FI output and export the remaining 60% out-put of PT FI's raw concentrate ore.
In the recent latest progress, PT FI had halted the production of concentrates since February 10, 2017 waiting to receive the Export  Permit  from  the Government of Indonesia to export  ores  and concentrates.We observe that PT FI will only be allowed to Export such Concentrate Ores if  PT FI agree to convert the COW into IUPK (Particular Mining Business Permit). As we understand the Government of Indonesia had issued new regulations, among others the Presidential Decree No.1 Year 2017, whereby these New Regulations permits the continuation of copper concentrate exports for a five (5) Year period through January 2022, subject to certain pre-conditions  to be fulfilled by the Mining Companies operating in Indonesia.

Well, in reality, PT FI as other business Mining Companies, are focusing more on the Profit oriented approaches, whereby the Government of Indonesia, has the more broader and wider task  to Optimize, manage and ensure that the remaining National Resources owned by the People of the Republic of Indonesia are being extracted, explored, exploited and produced for the Most Beneficial Interest to increase and guarantee the Social Welfare of the whole entire people of the Republic of Indonesia.
In other words  each and every step taken by the Government of Indonesia represented by the President as well as the Ministerial level of  the Energy and Mineral Natural Resources Department ("ESDM") are to be taken  for the National Interest of the Republic of Indonesia,  particularly to gain more Added Value of the Mineral National Resources as the National Asset of the Republic of Indonesia.
In this Open, Transparency, Democratic Area, the entire people of Indonesia are controlling, monitoring each and every step and action taken by the Government, the People's Representative in the Parliament (DPR)  in managing, developing, and making policies and rulings on the Mineral Natural Resources, which based on the Basic Principals under the Indonesian Constitution Basic Law, which is Article 33 (3) of the Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 (the 1945 Basic Law Constitution), such  Remaining Mineral National Resources, which are owned by the People of the Republic of Indonesia, must be managed, developed, produced   for the Social Welfare of the Entire People of the Republic of Indonesia.
This concept of Mineral Natural Resources Title Ownership being posses and owned by the People of the Republic of Indonesia, differs from the concept of Legal Title Ownership on the Mineral Natural Resources, adopted by several Western  Countries, whereby Individual or Private company (ies)  are given  the Legal Right Title Ownership on the Mineral National Resources found, extracted  in the location under or below the Surface Land owned by the Individual or Private Company (ies) in such specific country.
This difference Concept of  Mineral Natural Title Ownership, for sure creates differences of policies and rulings taken by the Government and Legislative in approaching,  handling,  managing the exploration, exploitation and producing of the Mineral Natural Resources between Country to Countries. Accordingly, General Mining Investors who are interested to Invest their Mining Business in Indonesia must be fully aware of this Differences Concept, especially in this New Transparent, Openness, Democratic  Era occurring in Indonesia, for which for sure National Interest will also play a significant important role in shaping the trend of Policies and rulings in the Mineral Natural Resources Sectors.

Jakarta, 15 April 2017
Agung Supomo Suleiman
Independent Business Lawyer's View  

Snapshot Artikel Hukum AgsS Law 



Monday, January 16, 2017


Hi Folks, without us being aware, with the Blessings of ALLAH the Creator of this World that we lived in, we are being permitted  to be still alive and can enter the New Year 2017. We really have to be thankful to our Creator ALLAH  that we are allowed to be still alive, which for sure must have some real significant reasons why ALLAH is still permitting us to be still alive in this Beautiful and wonderful world that we lived in. 
  • By being permitted to practice  in the professional life carrier as an Independent Business Lawyer (Self-Employed) by ALLAH, for more than 18 Years, since 1st of June 1998, which formerly was allowed by ALLAH  to experienced blended combinations as Company Man - In-house Legal Counsel for more than 17 Years, in the Law Firm of Adnan Buyung Nasution & Associates (Nasution Lubis Hadiptranto) 5 Years, Vico Indonesia (Huffco Indonesia) 5 Years, PT Freeport Indonesia Company 5 Years,  accumulative,   the Writer of this BLOG,  must  always continuously keeping reminding  himself, to always allocate part of  his  daily 24 Hours time to read the Holy Al Quran, at least  1(one) ayat, a day Insya ALLAH, so that Insya ALLAH with the permit of ALLAH, we are guided by the Creator ALLAH to be on the Right Straight Path as been shown by the Prophets, during their period, as recited in many Surah of the Holy Book Al Quran  
  • Yes as a Moslem believer (meaning surrender and worshiping only to ALLAH, the Only One Creator of this Live), we must force ourselves to seek Enlightenment from  the Creator of this Universe, by reading the Holy Book, particularly as a Independent Business Lawyer, where we are dealing with different of interpretation in implementing the Agreements involving Business Aspects between the parties involved in such Contractual Business Transactions 
    We have to always remember to put faith in our Heart (Qolbu), by filling our Qolbu with the Holy Words of ALLAH recited in the Holy Al Quran, which    was sent down by ALLAH  to ALLAH's Messengers called the Prophets or Rasul of ALLAH continuously; 
  • Praised be to ALLAH that, the Writer of this Blog  was permitted by ALLAH to practice his profession  as a Business Lawyer for more than 35 Years since the year around 1979, and the Writer of this Blog, keeps on focusing in practicing his Professional Carrier as an Independent Business Lawyer. With the Blessings of ALLAH, he is permitted to practice his Professional, by serving Clients in the Business Circles related to Natural Resources, which includes Copper, Oil, Gas, Mining Minerals, Iron, Gold, Coal, Iron, Limestone, Bentonite,  and recently assisting Client involved in the Drilling of Production Wells of Geothermal and Injection Wells.    
  • His motto in running his Professional Carrier,  is striving to develop  in Believing and  maintaining faith to ALLAH as the Creator of this World. You can imagine the Temperature Heat Decree being tapped and captured in  the Geothermal Production Wells can reach 270 Degree, which can boost turbine to generate electricity.  The potential magma from the earth can boiled the water which was sent down to the earth by the Creator of this World from the sky through the mechanism being vaporized by the Sun of the Sea Water and collected as Clouds, and poured down  to the earth, and  become hot steam  to be used for energy in many ways. 
  • If you are practicing as a Professional, are you practicing it in accordance with the guidance and enlightenment from the Holy Books ?   Do we practiced our Professional by suffering or disadvantaging or making loss to others ?   Those are some of the tough Questions that we have to answer to the Creator  of this live and the Creator of us human beings.  Of course for sure this "faith" issue is the element of "Faith" or we called it "Iman" in the Holy Book of Al Quran, where with the permit of ALLAH, if we seek the Truth Guidance from ALLAH, based on Allah's words we can be guided by ALLAH to build and develop our Faith in believing ALLAH as the Creator of this World  where we lived in until when the times comes to an end to each of us.       
 Jakarta, 16 th January 2017
Agung Supomo Suleiman
Independent Business Lawyers  

Saturday, September 10, 2016


Well Folks,  it has been over more than 18 Years since 1st June 1998, when Indonesia was hit by the Economic Crisis, that the Writer of this Blog as an Independent Business Lawyer had jumped - up from the "Certainty World" to the "Uncertain World", being self-employed which is really challenging and exiting,  because during his  18 Years Life Journey as a Self-Employed - Independent Business Lawyer  using Brand Name AgsS Law - or sometimes SACO Law the abbreviation of  Suleiman Agung & Co,   you are not sure what will happen to you in the life journey ahead of your professional carrier,  from year to year life journey.
At one time you are busy and buried  with your work load, but at another point of time,  you may be  wandering as to whether there will be another Business Project which requires your professional Legal Services relating to the Legal Aspects surrounding such Business.

 At one time the Writer of this Blog  as an Independent Business Lawyer by the permit, blessing and merciful of ALLAH,  had been appointed as one of the member of a Survey Team to conduct research and for collecting the necessary  construction business information in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to explore Doing Construction Business work in that part of the Middle East Countries. The main significant purpose of the research was among others  gathering all the necessary data and business information on Doing Construction Business in United Arab Emirates. The research was done for around 14 Days, where as the result of such Research, we managed to gather significant Information and resulted making the Booklet called Doing Construction Business in United Arab Emirates.The work was solely done to enable the Indonesian Construction to pursue business in UAE.
During the time the research was conducted, the Active Construction Crane in the World was 25% (Twenty Five Percent) occurring in that Part of the World, which for sure would attract all Constructions Companies to get  part of the Construction Project in UAE. We also gathered information that 1 (one) Ton out of the 8 (eight) Ton of Gold Worldwide being sold in the Market Place was happening in Dubai during that period of time. Amazing isn't. We had met the Abu Dabhi Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the UAE Ministry of Public Works, Ministry of Labour and Social Affair, The Department of Economic Development of Dubai as well as privates institutions of investors, consultants including several reputable companies such as Isthitmar, United Eastern Group, Bloke Stone Investment Consultants Co LLC-Abu Dabhi, Bin Laden, MCM and other investors and consultants and architect including the Indonesian Engineers and Architecs who are working in the multi national Company in Dubai. We really gather significant information and data from all those Officials and Investors, which enable the Survey Team to assist the Indonesian Government particularly The Ministry of Public Works to produce the relevant booklet to be used as an  initial guidance by the Indonesian Construction Companies to conduct their business in UAE.          
That was part of the experience that the Writer was involved in getting the significant data relating to the Construction Business in United Arab Emirates, where the writer was being one of the Editor of such Booklet to be used by Indonesian Companies such as Construction Companies, Architect who are interesting to explore doing construction business ventures in that Part of the World, where the Indonesian Government had really  encouraged the Indonesian construction to enter the market with diligent and good preparation to enable them to venture and pursue construction business opportunities abroad particularly in UAE. The understanding of the political, economic, social, legal and cultures systems and related significant business practices are of important step for those Indonesian Companies who are interested to penetrate their business construction abroad.
Well, the above Life experience, which  the Writer was engaged and involved,  really contributed in expanding and developing  our mind to be more active in our efforts to contribute to the development and growth of the Business Players in this  Country to be able to participate locally and internationally. In ending this writing, the Writer wanted to dedicate this Writing to one of the Survey Team member who had passed away, namely Pak Wahyu Prapto Yuwono, which in the above photo was on the very left side, where we all pray to ALLAH the Al Mighty,   asking  that his  contribution and dedication as member of the Survey Team in enabling the Booklet Doing Business In United Arab Emirates, will be accepted and regarded by ALLAH as his good deeds to the Construction Business Society in Indonesia as well as in UAE, Aamiin YRA

Jakarta, 10 September 2016
Agung Supomo Suleiman     

Tuesday, September 06, 2016


We are facing New Alternatives IT Era System Networks for Lawyers, where we observe  that Individually, the Lawyer has only small overhead, since the size of each individual Lawyers is not big at the ground land Level, however, as Networks of Lawyers,  which are linked to each other by a certain IT office, acting as the Pooling Internet Connected Level, they could develop a "More Broader  Network of Individual Independent Business Lawyers" who has gained In-depth Experiences in their respective specialist Expertise. This trend is really globally occurring,  as we can observe :
NETWORK OF Independent Business Lawyers :

Attorney Happiness and Freelance Practice
The Rise of Freelance Lawyer
After experiencing a rather long, lengthy and bumpy road, at the present moment,  the writer of this Blog, is practicing  Solo Independent Business Lawyer   under the Brand Name AgsS Law - SACo  . 
He seeks and tries to balance live between practicing as a Professional Independent Business Lawyer, who serves and provides Professional Legal Services to Business Clients in a responsibility manner, in a more "Flexi Time" and
"Flexi Place",
in the sense, that he can control and  master the "time and place to work", without exploiting nor sacrificing himself nor other Lawyers times,  to work lengthy long hours in a 1(one) centralized Cubical Office, from early Morning until late night, which frequently, resulted sacrificing their time with their families  as well as sparing time to read the Holy Book from the Creator as Life Guidance in this temporary World.
Well life is a matter of Choices,  how to manage our Professional Work and time. By welcoming the New IT Era progress and development, there will be many alternatives ways and manner to practice our Professional carrier path,  more freely in terms of managing our time and place to work, by Interconnecting between several Individual Professional Expertise in a Larger Network  through  IT Office, which does not require renting or owning a Conventional Centralized Office at the Ground Land level, but more closer Inter Connected Networks through IT Network, among the Expertise. In Indonesia you can also find Ahli Hukum
This trend can also be seen in other field of business,  among others in the Alternative Hotel such as  AirBnb for members who wants to venture as Host for Guest, or  Uber as alternative mode transportation, where Individual members can apply and register as Members, having  their Own Vehicle (either renting/leasing or Owning), by which in Indonesia you may find Grab Car and Grab Motor Cycles, and many Online Shops; We may also find,  where you can also register your self either as a Party who needs a certain Work, or as the Worker who will register as the Services Provider of a certain type of Services.  
In this Internet IT  Pooling System, we may observe that this can be a Place for competing each other, among members registered in such One Polling Internet Base Office, resulting  competition in Lowering fees  offered for doing similar required Services.
Biding among Professional Services provider, is done, by Competing with Lowest Fee to Customers,  in order to get a Work. At the end of the day, the Customers or Clients, shall decide which of the Professional are really giving good Quality Services they need and require. The indicator of their Level of  Performances can be seen and shown in the Rating and Review,  made available by the Provider Intermediary - to be filled by the Customers and Professionals who are all listed - registered in such Pooling Interconnected Website Office.As an Independent Business Lawyer, the writer of this Blog, have been Rated and Review by the User within Ahli Hukum Website as shown  in

Well, I think the above are my early assessment and observation on the  NEW ALTERNATIVES  IT  ERA SYSTEM  NETWORK  FOR LAWYERS. So please be prepared to adjust ourselves in this speedy  IT Global Network Connections 

Jakarta, 9 September 2016
Agung Supomo Suleiman
Independent Business Lawyer                   

Tsunami DeDolarization - Bricks - Asean Plus 3 Countries

We noticed from the Media Platform on the Internet that :  1. FAILURE OF SVB - SCHOCKED GLOBAL FINANCIAL MARKET  In March 2023, the failure ...