Friday, December 02, 2022

#episode4- Significant Actions - Secure Energy Supplies - Big Nations, pub-8800175897090009, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


  • #episode 4 -  

We observe Significant Actions, done by certain respective Nation, or Group of Nations, to secure their energy supplies, due to the Shortage of Gas, High Prices of the Gas and Oil, Food and Fertilizer Shortage, High Inflation, Extreme Global Change, which was the direct impact of the Russian - Ukrainian War Crisis) attaching it to the Geopolitics issues.


JOE BIDEN onNovember23,2021, had announced that the Department of Energy will make available releases of50 million barrels of Oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to lower the prices for Americans.

It is indicated that within the Internal Politics aspect in USA, Joe Bidenwantedto secureits electability fortheMidtermElections as well as the 2024 Elections in theSenate- House of Representatives as well as the Presidential Elections 2024 in the United States.

This Uniliteral action by the USA, had great impact to the Opec Oil Producers Especially Saudi Arabia, whose State's Budget revenue depends on the selling of its respective Oil Production. 

In response Saudi Arabia led Oil Cartel OPEC's announcement on October 5th, 2022, that it was cutting 2 (Two) million barrels per day, which drive up the oil price just a month before Midterm Elections causing JOE BIDEN upset and angry.

The Democrats in Washington was accusing Russia Saudi of aligning itself with Russia. 

Remarks :

So there are 2(two) Significant Actions made by USA, in releasing50million Oil from its Strategy Petroleum Strategic,andresponded by Saudi Arabia,ledcartel OpecOil Produces,whereSaudi cut 2 Million Barrels of Oil per day,whichsuch SignificantActions were both made to Secure both of its Energy Supplies.
However, sincethis Actions was made due to Shortage of the Global Oil causing Increase Price of the Oil. which emergedue theIncreasing Escalation Geo- Politics Tensions between Russia Versus NATO, EU, Western Countries led byUSA withinthe Ukraine Hemisphere. it isreally impactingthe Global Oil Price in Oil Market.

In the Mainstream Media, Joe Biden, emphasized that Saudi Arabia would bear the consequences.



We noticed from the media, that Germany has completed the speedy construction of infrastructure and leasing of The First Floating LNG Terminal which was to receive Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) tsecure its energy supplies over the coming winter months.


The first jetty for arrival of LNG has been completed in Northern Germany Wilhelmshaven, with first delivery set to arrive in Mid-January 2023.


The Jetty will allow the mooring of a special ship - a floating storage and regasification Unit ("FSRU"), which collects the LNG from the LNG Tankers and regasifies it before feeding it to the pipeline on land. 

that prior to the end of 2022, the First FSRU is due to be in operation to regasify LNG, arriving from the LNG Tankers from around the world.

The First FRSU, called the Esperanza is scheduled to arrive with a full load in about a month to be unloaded.

  • GERMANY WORKING FOR RENTING  5 (Five) Floating LNG terminals. 

 The German government is working for renting 5 (Five) Floating LNG Terminals to import Liquid Natural Gas (LNG), so called Floating Storage and Regasification Units (FRSU).   


It is indicated from our research on the Website, including Reuter, that the whole project is currently budgeted: 

at Euro 6.56 billion up from Euro3 billion on the 2022 Budget, which figure was confirmed by the Ministry according to Reuters.


This is to seek alternative to Russian Pipeline Nord Stream, where Germany had relied for years until supplies was stopped due to the Russian and Ukrainian War Crisis.

A pier at Wilhelmshaven has been expanded to provide a mooring place for a Floating LNG Storage Facilities and Regasification Unit (FSRU), which is the central component for Transporting LNG vis sea and transferring to the land.


According to the news, the German government is working to make available:

5 (Five) Floating LNG Terminals in the German Ports, each having capacity of at least 5 (Five) Billion M3 Per Year.               

The Terminal at Wilhelmshaven, and another at Brunsbuttel, are scheduled to be operational early Next Year 2023.   

The 3rd and 4th Floating LNG Terminal to be opened at the Ports of Stade and Lubmin, are expected operational by the end of 2023.

A green Member in of the German Parliament in the Budgetary Committee said the costs and the risks of the LNG projects needs more clarification.  

From our research in the Websites, it indicates there are 60 FSRU existing worldwide, many of them are in a long-term deployment.

  • CHINA and Qatar SIGN LNG LONG TERM CONTRACT worth $60bn  
  • QATAR to send Sinopec 4 (FOUR) million tons of LNG per Year from 2026
  • Agreement made as China Seeks to Bolster Energy Security

In response to the latest situation as impact arising from the Russian-Ukraine Crisis War, where USA Unilaterally releases 50 million barrels out of its Strategic Oil Reserves, Qatar had signed with China a Long-Term LNG Contract, on November 21, 2022 as reportedly REUTERS.

In this event, Qatar's Energy State Owned Petroleum Company, was represented by the Qatar's Energy Minister and Head of Qatar Energy, and Sinopec was represented by Ma Yongsheng, Sinopec's Chairman.  

This Long-Term LNG Supply Contracts is one of the Country's largest in terms of Volume.   



Thursday, December 01, 2022

#episode3 - NATO - Training 10,000 Ukrainian Troops Annually for more th..., pub-8800175897090009, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

NATO was Training the average of 10,000 Ukrainian Troops Annually for more than 8 years since 2014 as cited by Daniel Michaels in the Wall Street Journal dated April 13, 2022.

There is sort of a Window between 2014 and 2022.

  • MAIDAN DEMONSTRATION - 2014 Starting December 2013.

In the year 2014 there was the "Maidan Demonstration" at theMaidan Square (Independence Square)at the city of Kyiv, Ukraine, which erupts into Riots.

The Demonstrations occupied the Parliament Hall in Kyiv, where they demanded for the resignation of the Pro - Russian Ukrainian President.

The Ukraine Pro – Russian President fled outside the Country.


Putin was outrage by such overthrow of the Pro - Russian - Ukrainian President and spontaneously,ordered the Russian Military to invade Crimea, claiming to protect the RussianEthnics, who speaksRussian livingin the Eastern Ukraine in Crimea. Putin also claims the Annexation of Crimea was to protect CrimeaSignificantMilitaryAssets


Crimea Parliament scheduled referendum to join Russia on March 16, 2014.

The result of the Referendum was 97% of the Voters, choose joining Russia.

The Local Interim Government of Ukraine in Kyiv object such Referendum. 


United States and EU did not recognize such Referendum Results and imposed asset freeze and travel bans against numerous of Russian Officials and members of the Crimean Parlaiment who promoted the Referendum. 

Accordingly, there was a Big Differences of perception between Russian and the USA, Western European Countries relating to the Crimea issue.  


It goes back to NATO BUKHAREST SUMMIT APRIL 3RD, 2008NATO's Final Declaration inviting Georgia and Ukraine to join NATO members


Putin was struggling for Ukraine to be a Neutral Zone, since Ukraine is close to the Potential Natural Gas Deposit Well owned by Russia within the Russian Territory.


 By History Russia was supplying its Natural Gas from its Potential Natural Gas Well to German and the West European and East European Countries Via the Nord Stream 1 Pipeline.  

                             NORD STREAM 1 was completed and run-in operation since 2011 - 2012 

  • Germany depends on 40% of its Natural Gas from Russia.
  • Other Western European Countries were also relying on 40% of its Natural Gas from Russia, except Holland, which has its own Natural Gas Resources in Groningen.


NORD STREAM 2 Pipeline NaturalGas was constructed, Company finance 50% - 51%, by a Joint Venture Company consisting ofGazprom(State Oil Gas Company) - Majority 51% and the remaining are owned by Western Oil Gas Private Company, Shell(Joint Venture Holland and British Joint Venture,Enim(French Private Oil Gas Company),Uniper - Wintershall(Germany Oil Gas Private Company,OMV(Austrian Private Oil Gas Company).

  • NATO SUMMIT BUKHAREST April 3rd, year 2008 
Putin emphasizedthat the NATO Expansion from West Europe towards the East Europe,particularly Ukraine, who was invited to be a member of NATO, in the NATO'sSUMMIT BUKHAREST HUNGARY, April 3, 2008, thrua:

NATO's FINAL Declaration : 

was a "Real Direct Threat" to its National Security Interest, since Ukraine is in the Border line of the Russian Potential Natural Gas Well owned by Russia located within the Territory of Russia. 


The Washington Elite Politics rejects and object the Construction NORD STREAM 2 Project from the very start, from the Era of Obama, Trump until Joe Biden Administration. 

U.S. imposed sanctions to the Construction Companies building such NORD STREAM 2 below   the Baltic Sea. 


Each and every Countries, where the Big Oil Gas Private Oil Gas Companies abovementioned, being member of the Joint Venture Company, with GazProm (Russia State Oil Company) as the Majority Shareholders,

are members of

NATO and EU, for which we are all facing a Real Contradictory and Dilemma situation, where High Tension of Geopolitics elements, among the Big Nations are highly involved.

Based on the information we get from Daniel Michaels in the Wall Street Journal dated April 13, 2022., it shows that:

 even though "De Jure" Ukraine is not NATO Member, however "De Jure" NATO (and its Allies led by USA), assist 10,000 Ukrainian Troops Annually for 8 Years since 2014.    


The above Washington Elite Politics Rejection & Imposing Sanctions on the Construction of Nord Stream 2 as described above, strongly indicates that :

the Washington's Elit Politics are considering Russian Potential Natural Gas, which supplies Natural Gas to Western Europe and Eastern Europe are threatening USA Hegemony in the Fossil Fuel Energy in the Western Hemisphere of Western Europe and Eastern Europe.  


Both the USA and Russia are engaged   in Highly Escalated Cold War: 

where USA wanted to avoid Russia being the winner in being the Major Supplier of the Natural Gas to Western Europe and Eastern Europe. 

Whereas on the other side, Russia is claiming and struggling that Ukraine to be a Neutral Zone, since the: 

  • NATO Summit 2008,
  • the "Maidan Square Revolution" in the year 2014 which overthrew Pro-Russian, Ukrainian President, and
  • NATO's (and its Allies led by USA) Ukrainian Training at least 10,000 Troops, annually, for more than years since 2014, as illustrated by: Daniel Michaels in the Wall Street Journal dated April 13, 2022.

 Jakarta December 2, 2022


Thursday, November 24, 2022

#episode2 - Snapshots Relations Among Big Power Nations - USA Elite Po..., pub-8800175897090009, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0  

HEGEMONY USA Versus RUSSIA protecting its National Security Interest - Potential Natural Gas
Scrambling Ukraine to be a Neutral Zone 

The Elite Politics in Washington are striving hard to maintain control on the Hegemony - Fossil Fuels Energy Globally in the Infrustructure Oil Gas from the Upstream to Down Stream, including the Exploration, Exploitation, Production, Refinery, transporting Via Pipeline, Transporting Ocean - Via LNG Tankers, The LNG Receiving Terminals, Storage Facilities.  

On the other side, Soviet Union (USSR) does no longer exist. The remaining Eastern Europe Communist Country is Russia.

Russia has got a Potential Natural Gas Deposit - which by History supplied Western European Countries, which includes Germany who depends on 40% - 50% of its Natural Gas from Russia. 
The other Western Countries are also depending on 40% of their Natural Gas from Russia, except Holland, who has got its own Natural Gas Deposit in Groningen. 

From the completion of NORD STREAM 2completed constructed, financed 50% to 51% by members of the shareholders of this NORD STREAM 2 GAS PIPELINE on September 2021, it is aSolid Evidence as demonstrated from the members of the Joint Company fromtheWestern European Countries were involved and engaged in the construction of thisNORD STREAM 2.

As been described earlier in our previous Episode, the Members of the Joint Venture Company, called"NORD STREAM AG"who owned this NORD STREAM 2 are Gazprom (Oil Gas State Company from Russia) being Majority Shareholders 51%,

Whereas the remaining 49% shareholders were Western European Oil Gas Private Companies namely:

Shell(Joint Venture between Holland Private Oil Gas Company and British Private Oil Gas Company Engie (a French Private Oil Gas Company), Uniper - Wintershall (GermanPrivateOilCompany),OMV (Austrian private oil gas company).

The core activities include exploration, production, transport, storage, processing, marketing of hydrocarbons as well as generation and marketing of heat and electric power.

Members of this Joint Venture Company NORD STREAM AG, are also financing 50% or  51% of the Construction of this Nord Stream 2 Gas Pipeline.

 To  give a clear picture, there are actually:     

2 (TWO) Natural Gas Pipeline :

        1) Nord Stream 1 Completed 1911 - 1912.

                    2)  NORD STREAM 2 Completed on September 2021.


From the very start of the NORD Stream 2 Project, USA objected and rejected this NORD STREAM 2.

U.S. imposed upon the constructionCompanies Constructingthis NORD STREAM 2. Despite of USA imposed sanctions, NORD STREAM 2 had been completed on September 2022. However, NORD STREAM 2 did not operate,sinceGermany did not issue the Certificate for operation to this NORD Stream 2,

Upon USA rejecting and objecting this NORD STREAM 2, it is strongly indicated that the Elite Politics in Washington wants to maintain its Hegemony in the Fossils Fuel Energy Infrastructure in the Western European Hemisphere.

In reality Russia is claiming thattheirNational Security Interests of their Potential Natural Gas Resources is being"Threaten" byUSA/NATO/Western Countries/EU moves on NATO Expansion andEUExpansion fromEuropean Countries tothe Eastern Europe Countries and inviting Ukraine to become member of NATOthru BUKHAREST NATO SUMMIT April 3, 2008.

#episode1 introduction - Perception, pub-8800175897090009, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Friday, November 18, 2022

Saturday, August 13, 2022

Geo Politics : The Answer Why Pelosi visits Taiwan


  • PELOSI follows Mike Pompeo Vision described in front of Hudson Institution.

The reason why Pelosi ex-Chairman Congress visited Taiwan, according to our observation is that she was following the Speach Vision of -Ex-Director of CIA -Mike Pompeo, thorns in Front of the Hudson Institue -Think Thank,
In such occasion, Mike Pompeo emphasized that in order to maintain USA Hegemony in the Global - Fossils Energy-Infrustructure Chain from Upstream to Down Stream, which includes Refinery, export, transportation, onshore thru Pipeline, Via Ocean - Sea - LNG Tankers, Storage Facilities etc.
👉👉👉USA Elite Politics must reject CHINA in collaboration with Russia, in the EURASIA, becoming the Major Control in the Fossils - Fuel Energy competing USA.

                    What he meant by EURASIA is that : 

                       By Russia,  in the Western Europe, as well as Eastern Europe, and

   by the People's Republic of China's in the South China Sea.


The VISION -Strategy for USA - to maintain its Strong Basis, there must be or 3 (Three) Light House, established:

1) In the Middle East - The Light House is Israel

2) In Europe, the Light House is Ukraine

3) In Southeast Asia, the Light House is Taiwan,   

In Taiwan, Mike Pompeo said that USA must recognize Taiwan as an Independent Nation. 

Not long after the above presentation, Pelosi's visited Taiwan on August 2, 2022. 

Mike Pompeo also visited Taiwan, not long after such above presentation.


We understand that USA until this moment is still admitting and recognizing "One China Policy", with the understanding that USA Foreign Policy only recognize The People's Republic of China. 

The controversial visit by Pelosi puts the White House in a very delicate situation of diplomacy with China.

China strongly opposed upon this controversial visit by Pelosi. This was really a sensitive issue, where even before Pelosi's place landed in Taiwan, Chinese Fighter Jets flee close to the median line separating Taiwan and China, according to the news in the TV media.

When President Joe Biden met the People's Republic of China President Xi Jin Ping in BALI G20 SUMMIT 2022,   Joe Biden   emphasized that USA recognize One China Policy.

This is a real good move made by Biden to ease the high tension between USA and China before the BALI G20 Summit meeting,

Saturday, May 23, 2020


One of Writers Blog was requesting Summary 
Dear Agung,
Interesting paper about the Covid infection in Jakarta.
Can you give me a summary, because the paper is so long that I cannot make it to the end of it.
Thank you,

in  his  Indonesian Bahasa BLOG

The Writer  would like to make a Brief Summary  as follows  :

Actually the Writer of this Blog  was trying to convert the Presentation of the Governor of Jakarta in the Indonesian Lawyers Club (ILC) Discussion at TV ONE Channel with the Theme #ILC Lebaran a la Corona held on Tuesday Night 19th Mei 2020 to be come sort of a transcript in order to make a written record which could be shared to the Readers of  the Writers Blog SNAPSHOT ARTIKEL HUKUM BISNIS AgsS - SaCo- Agungss. 

That was the reason that the Transcript of the Presentation of the Governor of Jakarta is so long.

However, before the Writer inserts such Transcript of long Presentation of the Governor of Jakarta, the Writer shall firsly makes a  Brief Analysis of Perception upon the Governor DKI Presentation.

Thus the Content contains 2 Parts :
  1. First Part is The Writer Brief Analysis of Percepction  upon such Governor Presentation 
  2. Second Part was  the Converted  Written Governor of Jakarta Presentation at ILC 19 Mei 2020 Discusion  - from Oral Presentation  to be converted in Writing by the Writer.   

As an Independent Business Lawyer,  the Writer of this Blog is really  concern  upon  the Outbreak and spreading of the Pandemic -19  in the world particular in Jakarta as the Capital City of Indonesia, where the Writer lives.  

There seems to be  several inconsistencies in making statements by several Ministers of Central Government, concerning how the Jakarta Resident must behave to   handle reducing the spreading of the Pandemic COVID -19 in Jakarta,  which is the Epicentrum of Workers from outside of Jakarta, which includes JAGODETABEK (Jakarta Bogor Depok Tanggerang Bekasi), surrounding Jakarta.

Such Inconsistencies in making  Mixed and contradictory Messages to the Jakarta Residents, whereby in one Side Allowing the Jakarta Residents for Relaxation of the Large Scale Social Distance ("PSBB"), but at the same time,  on the other side Prohibits  Relaxation of the PSBB to the Jakarta Residents. 
These  results major confusion and frustration to the Jakarta Residents, how to behave,   especially to the Medical Doctors and Nurses in Jakarta Hospitals, who had for more than 2 (two)Months from March 2020, treating the Covid-19 Patients,  as well as Patients who are under control and monitored, in several appointed Hospitals in Jakarta, where many of them had died and passsed away around 55 Medical Staffs; 
These Medical Staffs cannot meet their families,  to avoid transmiting  Covid 19. 
Some of the Inconsistence Statements is relating to the tradition of the Workers in Jakarta,  going  back to their original village outside of Jakarta,  where  the President,  made  a difference meaning between "Pulang Kampung" (Go Home to their Village)  and "Mudik" (going back to their original place during the Idul Fitri - Lebaran) during  an interview with Najwa Shihab,  on a Television Show, one day before President declared  Large Scale Social Distancing (PSBB). 
The President explained there could be un-employed workers staying  in one small room with several other person in Jakarta, which could be vunerable for transmiting Covid-19. That is why it is more proper for such person to go  back to his original Kampung, in such condition. The Writer see a good point from said President explanation.   

Before the above interview,  many Jakarta Residents who were laid off  by their Employer in their Place of Work, in  reality had  already gone back to their original Village", because they are no longer employed, due to the Pandemic - 19, causing no  money to pay their rental room payments  in Jakarta.
Such movements of Workers going back to their original Village are  usually  named "Mudik lebih dahulu" or "go back to their original Village/Kampung  earlier".    
The requirement of not going MUDIK, made by several  Government  Officers were made through  oral "Suggestion Statements" (ANJURAN)  and not in the form or Rulings. 
However in reality since there are no " Written Rulings Restriction" issued by the Government. prohibing the MUDIK , this had  caused  confusion to the Officers at  the Point of Exit from Jakarta to outside Jakarta,   either in the Train Station, as well as in the "Exit Point of Toll Road", how to handle such non written Suggestions Statements or ANJURAN. 
The above Officers had  no Legal Ground  in form of Written Legal Rulings to do "Enforcement" of such Suggestions Statements.
Later when the Prohibition not allowed  to "Go Mudik" was issued by the Minister of Transportation through a Ministerial Decree, there were exceptions, for certain Essential Workers, such as Energy, Food Logisitic, from Government Institutions, and from Private Sectors,. 

These exceptions creates  certain "Loop Holes" for Verification Validity of  the Documents required to be completed, for instance, for person  who claimed working  in Private Sectors, how can, we check whether such Private Company really exists ? 

  • Do we have to check in detail about the Legality Documents of such Private Company ? 
  • Does the Officers in the Airport have time to check all such Legal Corporation Valid Documents, including whether such passenger really works in such Private Company ? 
  • Thus, any person in the private Sectors, can manipulate their data.  

On the first day it was applied, we could watch Huge Crowd of passengers queeing to complete the adminstratiom verification, without following Social Distancing in   Terminal 2 Soekarno Hatta.

It appears that the Airport Officcers were not prepared handling such Huge Crowd of passengers  

The Photos of such Crowd Passengers Queeing  showed  "no honour of Social Distancing" in Terminal 2 Soeta - Hatta International Airport.                
MOTTO :  WHATEVER INDONESIA or Indonesia ?? Terserah or "Whatever" was shown Viral in the Social  Media  conducted by Doctors who are tired due  of  ignorence from the Government Inconsistancies Statements as Well as from the People who had established "Potential New Clusters" such as shown in Terminal 2 Soeta - Hatta Airport.       
There was also different  statements concerning  the issue that under  age of  45  are allowed to work during the Pandemic-19, whereby the Head of the State Owned Company addressed that workers with the age  below 45 are to start  working on 25 Mei 2020. 

However, one of the other Coordination Ministers within the Cabinetstates there are no such ruling. 
So we can observe that  Several Inconsitencies Statements made by the Ministers within the Central Government,  resulting new huge Tight Gathering of People "not honouring Social Distance" such as shown in Terminal 2 Soeta - Hatta Airport, which can potentialy create New Cluster of Transmiting Covid -19, resulted Protests by the Medicla Doctors by wearing  Outfits showing  : Motto : Whatever Indonesia….or Indonesia ?? Terserah - Whatever.  
This of course is really an "UNHEALTHY  SITUATION". 

This is why the Governor of Jakarta Anies Bawesdan emphasized in his Presentation for the Government to make "INSTROPECTIONS" and to "NOT  Making Mixing Statements" on one side allowing relaxation of Large Scale Social Distancing (PSBB), but on the other side prohibits relaxation of PSBB.

The Governor of Jakarta, says that before the PSBB was approved to be regulated by the Minister of Health on 10 April 2020, the Governor of Jakarta,  in  the middle of March 2020 which was  on 15 March 2020, had already made  policies and persuasions for the Jakarta Residents to Stay at Home, Close the Schools (Learn from Home), close the Public Park

This was named by he Governor of Jakarta as the FIRST PHASE  OF LIMITATION - or CLOSING of Schools, Public Parks, Regulating certain Jakarta Public Transportation to prevent the spreading of the Covid 19 in Jakarta. 

As we all know The President of the Republic of Indonesia,  Mr. Jokowi Widodo, had instructed  that any Lock Down or Large Scale Social Distancing, "can only"  be issued by the Central Goverment.

"The Governor of Jakarta clearly states that it is the Governor of Jakarta,   who is responsible to protect the health safetyness of all Jakarta Residents."   
 The Governor of  DKI said  that he involved the Team from the Faculty of Public Health University of Indonesia (Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia -             "FKMUI TEAM")  chaired by Dr. PanduRiono.

This  FKMUI TEAM develops Graphic Charts showing the activities movements of the Jakarta Residents, either
  1. (i)    Staying at Home or           
  2. (ii)  doing activities movements outside their Homes

This method was used through Smart Hand Phone of the Jakarta Residents  being monitored by the FKMUI TEAM.

The Writer of this Blog,  understands that the data in making the Graphic / charts was also compiling  data from the Medical Doctors team who issued the sickness condition of the Patient declared :  
(i)  positive or (ii)  during under control or (iii)  under monitoring      
The Governor of DKI  divides the Stage of the Spreading of Covid - 19 into First Stage 15 March 2020 where Graphics shows R4 meaning 1 person can transmit to 4 person.

Thus to measure  the transmission of Covid -19, if R is 4,  it means 1 person is potential to transmit to 4 person.

If  it  is below R1 the possibility to transmit to other person is minimal or none.

If it is above R the person has the potential to transmit to other person.

If  it is R3 it means 1 person is potential to transmit to 3 person.

Graphics shown by the Governor of  DKI, which was established by the FKMUI TEAM,  shows :
5th  March 2020 R4,   1st Mei 2020 1,08
4th Mei 2020 (1,8)  5th Mei  2020 (1,8)   Until 17th Mei 2020 1,11
This means that the Reproduction Number in Jakarta is "already stable"  in the month of Mei 2020.
However during the Fasting Month, the number shows increasing, because the Jakarta Residents   shows activitive movements  of Jakarta Residents  in the morning until noon  "staying at home", but in the afternoon they conduct activie movements outside their  houses.

The Graphics shows that 60 % (Sixty Percent) of the Jakarta Residents "Stayed at Home"  during  from 15 March 2020 until 17 Mei 2020.         

The Governor of Jakarta said that the President informed that  the first Jakarta Resident  to be declared Positif was  on 2nd of March 2020. 

The PSBS from the Minister of Health was  applied by the Governor of Jakarta on the 10th of  April 2020.

But since the Governor of Jakarta had requested the Jakarta Residents to Stay at Home, Work From Home,  Learn From Home for Students, and Closed Public Park among other Anchol Beach, Taman Mini, this results the Graphic of the Reproduction Number  "had  gone down  from the Figure R4 to R 1,11.

The Governor Of Jakarta said that not only the Jakarta Residents should be aware of the spreading of  this Covid -19, but also the Government must make "Instropection" and  to be "Consistent" by "not  sending wrong messages" by "mixing" on one side to allow relaxation of the Large Scale Social Distancing,  but at the same time simultaniously,  on the other side prohibits relaxation.of such PSBB.

The Large Scale Social Distansicing was extended by the Governor of Jakarta for 2 (Two) More Weeks from 22 Mei 2020 until 4 June 2020.

The Governor of Jakarta Emphasized : 

These 2 (Two) Weeks or 14 Days Period is "REALLY  VERY  IMPORTANT", because  if  all the Jakarta Residents choose to Stay at Home and not choose  Relaxing by going and making activities movements outside Home,  in order to establish the "NEW  NORMAL" in Jakarta starting from the 5th of  June 2020, where Jakarta  Residents  can go outside of their Home,  but still have to follow the Protocol Procedure from The TASK FORCE  by Social Distancing, Wearing Maskers, Washing Hands.

 Thus,  these  really depends to the Jakarta Residents  to  choose between  these 2 (TWO) Options
  • (i) Staying At Home during the Extension of the PSBB or 
  • (ii) start Relaxing by going out and making movements activities ou of the House.
The Governor of Jakarta,  was also requesting  the Other Government Officers to be "IN HARMONY" with the Governor of Jakarta target to stablelize  or  decrease the Reproduction Number of the Covid 19.
Since Jakarta is the Capital City of  Indonesia, where it is the Central of  Business and  Financial District and the Places of  of the Central Government,  it is REALY VERY IMPORTANT  to reached this target to lower the Curve of Transmition which is already stable  showing the number of R 1,11 on 17th  Mei 2020,


The Governor of Jakarta was also Emphasising that during these 2 (Two) weeks or 14 (Fourteen) Days  Extension of the PSBB (Large Scale Social Distancing) Jakarta Resident is to "Stay at Home", and that  no Jakarta Residents are allowed to go out for Mudik or Going back to their Village, except for the Essential Working Sectors such as Energy, Medical, food, and other certain Essential Sectors which are regulated by the Fast Preventation Task Force Covid 19.


The Governor of Jakarta,  "Emphasized" that relating to this Mudik, it is not enough to issue Anjuran or Suggestion by the Minister level for Jakarta Residents to not going back to their Original Place /Village or City outside of Jakarta, but "MUST BE BASED" on "RULES",  because it will create confusion to the Officers in the Field, since if  that there are no any LEGAL GROUND   for making any enforcement  to  not allowing or allowing  to leave Jakarta. 
The Governor of Jakarta says that The Provincial Jakarta Government,  always Issued Rules concerning these important issues,  so that the Officers in the Field such as in the Airports can simply check by Scanning, since the Jakarta had already established Website
The person who are allowed to travel can down load a  ready form from the Website, the destination to go,  what work sector  is the person going.
There will be a QR Code,  so that the Officers  in the Field can simply Scan for the validity of the Documents.
If its valid they can go;  But if not Valid such person has to return back home.
So there is already "established coordinations" between the Provincial Jakarta Authorities and the Military and Policy Officers,  as regulated by the Jakarta Provincial Government as well to be in consistence with the Health Protocol Covid 19 Rules.     
The Governor of  Jakarta emphasized that :
JAKARTA are also "CLOSED  for this YEAR  from the people who elected to go back to their Original City, as well as People who had taken their  Mudik to come back to Jakarta,  in order to avoid spreading transmiting Covid 19.
This was emphasized by the Governor of Jakarta in his Presentation,  since all the Jakarta Residents had worked hard  for 2 Months by staying at home to prevent spreading  Covid - 19.   

Well, the Writer of this blog feels the above Brief Summary is sufficient  for the Readers Speaking English to get  a glance  brief picture of the Governor of Jakarta's Presentation  on 19th of  Mei 2020 at the Indonesian Lawyers Club (("ILC") Discussion  chaired by Mr. Karni Ilyas from TV ONE Channnel.

Jakarta, 23 March 2020 edited 23 March 2020 at 8.20 AM
Agung Supomo Suleiman  
Independent Writer - Non Particant          

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